Unstrapped 2: kehitysversio 001

Taresh Mel


Male Varisian Human (Varisia) Transmuter 8/Unchained Rogue 2
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Player Naal (144782-1)
Xp 29
Faction Silver Crusade; Prestige/Fame see scenario list

Init +2; Senses Perception +22

AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12; (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 90 (8d6+2d8 +30 Con +6 favored, +10 feat)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +9
Special Defenses evasion, +1 insight to AC and saving throws while flat-footed or during a surprise round, +1 insight on saving throws against spells, SLA, and effects of creatures with fire subtype and against spells with the fire descriptor

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 adamantine rapier +8 (1d6+3/18-20)
Melee club +7 (1d6+3)
Melee +2 bite +9 (1d6+4)
Melee +2 claw +9 (1d4+4)
Melee +2 gore +9 (1d6+4)
Ranged mwk composite shortbow +8; 70 feet (1d6+2/x3)
Special Attacks battleshaping 8/day, change shape (8 rounds/day, beast shape II or elemental shape I), finesse training, sneak attack +2d6
Spell-Like Abilities
  Limited—gust of wind (#12)
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 10th; concentration +15)
  4th—dimension door, rainbow pattern (WDC 19), ride the waves, 1 open
  3rd—dispel magic, displacement, slow (WDC 18), water breathing, 1 open
  2nd—cat's grace, command undead (WDC 17), darkvision, mirror image, 1 open
  1st—disguise self, liberating command, long arm, protection from evil, shield, touch of the sea, 1 open
  0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, open/close, read magic
  Opposing Schools Enchantment, Evocation

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14+2, Int 18+2, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 19 (+1 vs disarm, +1 vs sunder)
Feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Alertness, Cut Your Losses, Friendly Switch, Improved Familiar, Nimble Moves, Piercing Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration), Toughness, Weapon Finesse
  Acrobatics        + 8 ( 3 ranks +3 class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Appraise          + 5 (   ranks +3 class +5 Int)
  Bluff             + 8 ( 5 ranks +3 class +0 Cha)
  Climb             + 6 ( 1 rank  +3 class +2 Str -0 armor)
  Craft (jewelry)   + 9 ( 1 rank  +3 class +5 Int)
  Diplomacy         + 9 ( 6 ranks +3 class +0 Cha)
  Disable Device    +18 (10 ranks +3 class +2 Dex -0 armor +1 spec +2 circ)
  Disguise          + 4 ( 1 rank  +3 class +0 Cha)
  Escape Artist     + 9 ( 4 ranks +3 class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Fly               + 6 ( 1 rank  +3 class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Handle Animal     --- (   ranks no class +0 Cha)
  Heal              + 0 (   ranks no class +0 Wis)
  Intimidate        + 0 (   ranks +3 class +0 Cha)
  K (arcana)        +12 ( 4 ranks +3 class +5 Int)
  K (dungeoneering) +10 ( 2 rank  +3 class +5 Int)
  K (engineering)   +10 ( 2 ranks +3 class +5 Int)
  K (geography)     +10 ( 2 ranks +3 class +5 Int)
  K (history)       +10 ( 1 rank  +3 class +5 Int +1 spec)
  K (local)         + 9 ( 1 rank  +3 class +5 Int)
  K (nature)        + 9 ( 1 rank  +3 class +5 Int)
  K (nobility)      + 9 ( 1 rank  +3 class +5 Int)
  K (planes)        +12 ( 4 ranks +3 class +5 Int)
  K (religion)      +10 ( 2 rank  +3 class +5 Int)
  Linguistics       +15 ( 7 ranks +3 class +5 Int)
  Perception        +22 (10 ranks +3 class +0 Wis +4 feat +5 comp)
  Perform (comedy)  + 4 ( 1 rank  +3 class +0 Cha)
  Perform (dance)   + 5 ( 2 ranks +3 class +0 Cha)
  Prof.             --- (   ranks +3 class +0 Wis)
  Ride              + 2 (   ranks no class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Sense Motive      + 6 ( 1 rank  +3 class +0 Wis +2 feat)
  Sleight of Hand   --- (   ranks +3 class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Spellcraft        +15 ( 7 ranks +3 class +5 Int)
  Stealth           + 7 ( 2 ranks +3 class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Survival          + 0 (   ranks no class +0 Wis)
  Swim              + 6 ( 1 rank  +3 class +2 Str -0 armor)
  Use Magic Device  +13 (10 ranks +3 class +0 Cha)
Special Skill Bonuses +1 to find traps, +1 on all Charisma-based skills against nobility while on the Isle of Kortos (boostable), +1 on Knowledge checks attempted while in Grand Lodge, +2 circumstance on Diplomacy and Intimidate against natives of the Plane of Air, +2 +1 circumstance to Diplomacy checks with humanoids from Katheer, +2 circumstance on Diplomacy with orcs of the Burning Sun tribe (+1 circumstance on Intimidate aagainst all other orcs)
Traits magical knack (+2 transmuter CL), muscle of the society (+2 to carry Strength, +2 trait to break doors and lift porticullises)
Languages Aklo, Auran, Draconic, Gnome, Ignan, Infernal, Kelish, Osiriani, Polyglot, Taldane (common), Tengu, Tien, Varisian
SQ arcane bond (familiar; Daosvaria), physical enhancement (+2 Con), rogue talents (trap spotter), skilled, trapfinding +1

On person (weapons, armor, magic items)
On person (other gear)
Spellbooks Cantrips acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, ghost sound, haunted fey aspect, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue, Level 1 air bubble, ant haul, color spray, comprehend languages, disguise self, endure elements, enlarge person, erase, expeditious retreat, feather fall, gravity bow, grease, heightened awareness, keep watch, Kreighton's perusal, liberating command +20, long arm, mage armor, magic aura, magic missile, magic weapon, monkey fish, mount, Petulengro's validation, protection from evil, reduce person, shield, silent image, touch of gracelessness, touch of the sea, true strike, vanish, Level 2 acid arrow, adhesive blood, alter self, Aram Zey's focus, arcane lock, bear's endurance, bestow insight (+4), blindness/deafness, boneshaker (8d6), bull's strength, carry companion, cat's grace, command undead, communal mount, communal protection from evil, create pit, darkvision, disguise other, eagle's splendor, false life, fog cloud, fox's cunning, glitterdust, invisibility, lipstitch, locate object, make whole, merge with familiar, minor image, mirror image (1d4+3), raven's flight, resist energy, retrieve item, scare, see invisibility, sense vitals (+3d6), share language, slipstream, spider climb, stone call, stricken heart, suppress charms & compulsions, web. Level 3 burrow, clairaudience/voyance, communal darkvision, communal protection from arrows, communal share language, communal resist energy, communal spider climb, disable construct, dispel magic, displacement, fireball, fly (60/40 ft., +9), force anchor, gaseous form, gentle repose, greater magic weapon, haste, monstrous physique I, necrostasis, nondetection, pierce disguise, protection from energy, shrink item, slow, spiked pit, tiny hut, tongues, water breathing, Level 4 arcane eye, beast shape II, bestow curse, conjure deadfall, conjuration foil, dimension door, dimensional anchor, enervation, enchantment foil, eyes of the void, monstrous physique II, phantasmal killer, rainbow pattern, remove curse, ride the waves, secure shelter, stone shape, stoneskin, telekinetic maneuver, undeath inversion
Wealth See ITS bottom line
Encumbrance 72 lbs., 45.5 lbs. more in the mwk backpack (116 lb. light/233 lb. medium/ 350 lb. heavy). I'll leave the fishing kit at home this time to get to light load.

Battleshaping (Su) Swift action to gain a natural attack for 1 round, either +1 bite (1d6), +1 claw (1d4), or +1 gore (1d6).
Change Shape (Sp) 8 rounds per day, as beast shape II or elemental body I. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Note One skill rank in UMD overlaps with the headband, and has no effect.

Daosvaria is a precious little cutie. She also has stats.
Wyrmling nightmare dragon
CN Tiny dragon (extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 120 ft., blindsense 60 ft., sees four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light; Perception +14
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +5 familiar, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 45 (effective HD 10, hp equal to half of master's)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8
Defensive Abilities improved evasion; Immune paralysis, sleep
Speed 60 ft., Fly 100 ft. (average)
Melee bite +7 (1d4), 2 claws +7 (1d3)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (5 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (15 ft. cone, 2d6 acid, RDC 18 half, every 1d4 rounds)
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +5; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft (jewelry) +4, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +12, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +6, Fly +12, Knowledge arcana +7, Knowledge dungeoneering +5, Knowledge engineering +6, Knowledge geography +5, Knowledge geography +5, Knowledge history +4, Knowledge local +4, Knowledge nature +4, Knowledge nobility +4, Knowledge planes +7, Knowledge religion +5, Linguistics +10, Perception +14, Perform comedy +2, Perform dance +3, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +8, Swim +6, Use Magic Device +14
Languages Common, Varisian, Gnome, Draconic, Kelish, Ignan, Osiriani, Infernal, Aklo, Tien, Auran, Polyglot, Tengu
SQ alertness, deliver touch spells, empathic link, share spells, speak with master

N. Scenario                                XP Prestige
01 #05-04 The Lost Heir                     1 +1   = 1
02 #First Steps 1: In Service to Lore       1 +0   = 1
03 #05-08 The Confirmation                  1 +2- 2= 1 wand of cure light wounds 2 PP
04 #06-00 Legacy of the Stonelords          1 +2- 2= 1 wand of mage armor 2 PP
05 #07-10 The Consortium Compact            1 +1   = 2
07 #06-10 The Wounded Wisp                  1 +2   = 4
06 #07-19 The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts    1 +2   = 6 me good with pregen bookkeeping
08 #07-00 The Sky Key Solution              1 +2   = 8
09 #08-02 Ward Asunder                      1 +2   =10
10 #08-16 House of Harmonious Wisdom        1 +2   =13 scenario bonus PP
11 #08-00 The Cosmic Captive                1 +2- 1=14 scenario special spell 1 PP
12 #08-12 ToW3: Caught in the Eclipse       1 +2   =16
13 #09-02 A Case of Missing Persons         1 +2- 2=16 potion of remove blindness 2 PP
14 #09-03 On Border of War                  1 +2   =18 second PP was from #7 boon!
15 #09-05 Call of the Copper Gate (GM)      1 +2   =20
16 Welcome to Pathfinder Boon               0 +0   =20 elixir of renewal
17 #09-09 Beyond the Halfling Path (GM)     1 +2   =22
18 #08-07 From the Tome of Righteous Repose 1 +1- 2=21 potion of cure serious wounds 2 PP
19 #06-98 Serpents Rise                     1 +0   =21
20 #09-19 Clash in Kaimuko Wood             1 +0-16= 5 raise dead
21 #09-24 Beneath the Unbroken Waves (GM)   1 +2   = 7
22 #10-02 Bones of Biting Ants (GM)         1 +2   = 9
23 #10-04 Reaver's Roar                     1 +2   =11
24 #00-27 Our Lady in Silver (GM)           1 +2   =13
25 #10-21 Slaver's End                      1 +2   =15
26 RSP 2019 Boon #6                         0 +0   =15
27 Ropecon 2016 Boon #14                    0 +0   =15
28 Ropecon 2016 Boon #13                    0 +0   =15
29 #10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm (GM)        1 +2   =17
30 #07-09 The Blakros Connection            1 +2   =19
31 #02-26 The Mantis's Prey                 1 +2   =21
32 #10-17 On Sevenfinger's Sails            1 +2- 6=17 All aboard the Voracious
33 #38 No Plunder, No Pay                   1 +2   =19
Fame 49

Starting money   0 150150.00 
Club   0  3 150.00 
Dagger12 0  1 148.00 
Dagger12 0  1 146.00 
Whetstone10.02 020  145.98 
Spellbook10 0  3 145.98 
Light crossbow135 07 17.5110.98 
Backpack12 03 2108.98 
Bedroll10.1 0  5 108.88 
Belt pouch11 0  0.5 107.88 
Flint and Steel11 0   106.88 
Ink18 0   98.88 
Ink pen10.1 0   98.78 
Pot, common10.8 0  4 97.98 
Mess kit10.2 0  1 97.78 
Soap10.01 0  0.5 97.77 
Spell component pouch15 0  2 92.77 
Waterskin11 0  4 91.77 
Torch40.01 04  91.73 
Torch20.01 02  91.710 
Torch40.01 03 0.0491.67 
Trail rations50.5 05  89.17 
Potion of cure light wounds150 01  39.17 
Blanket10.5 0  3 38.67 
Caltrops11 05  37.67 
Chalk10.01 0   37.66 
Fishing kit10.5 0  3 37.16 
Iron spike20.1 0  2 37.06 
Lamp10.1 0  1 36.96 
Oil20.2 0  2 36.76 
Marbles10.1 05  36.66 
Scroll case11 04 0.535.66 
Paper31.2 0   34.46 
Rope 50 ft.11 03 133.46 
Sack20.2 0  1 33.26 
Explorer's outfit10 0  8 33.26 
Bolt100.1 010  32.26 
Bolt100.1 07 0.531.26 
Acid310 01 1 1.26 
1 # 5-04 gp gained 434   435.26 
1 # 5-04 dayjob 0   435.26 
Scroll of mage armor125 12  410.26 
Potion of cure light wounds150 12  360.26 
Potion of cure light wounds150 12  310.26 
Oil of bless weapon150 118  260.26 
Scroll of shield125 14  235.26 
Alchemical silver dagger122 1  1 213.26 
Alchemist's fire120 12  193.26 
Scroll of obscuring mist125 1   168.26 
Scroll of charm person125 13 25143.26 
Scroll case11 14 0.5142.26 
Scroll of protection from evil125 1   117.26 
Scroll of magic weapon125 18  92.26 
Scroll of alarm125 13 2567.26 
Scroll case11 14 0.566.26 
Alchemical silver bolt102.1 17 10.545.26 
2 First Steps P1 gp gained 288   333.26 
2 First Steps P1 day job 1   334.26 
SCRIBE color spray, erase, feather fall, reduce person460 2  274.26 
Potion of cure light wounds150 25  224.26 
Potion of cure light wounds150 2   174.26 
Scroll of mage armor125 24  149.26 
Scroll of mage armor125 225  124.26 
Cold iron dagger14 2  1 120.26 
Flash powder150 2  1 70.26 
Alchemist's fire220 22  30.26 
Trail rations100.5 21 1 25.26 
3 # 5-08 gp gained 430   455.26 
3 # 5-08 day job 50   505.26 
3 sell stuff 53.04 3  558.3 
Wand of crafter's fortune (# 1, CL 1st, 10 charges)1150 30  408.30 
Wand of cure light wounds (2 PP, CL 1st, 50 charges)10 325 Daos408.3024 left
Alchemist's fire320 31 1 348.30 
Sunrod42 32 1 340.30 
Sunrod12 323  338.30 
Potion of cure light wounds150 312  288.30 
Potion of cure light wounds150 318  238.30 
Masterwork backpack150 3  4 188.30 
Bandolier10.5 3   187.80 
Bandolier10.5 3   187.30 
Sealing wax11 3  1 186.30 
Average lock140 3  1 146.30 
Waterproof bag10.5 3  0.5 145.80 
Grappling hook11 3  4 144.80 
Grooming kit11 3  2 143.80 
Shaving kit115 3  0.5 128.80 
Journal110 3  1 118.8 
Tankard10.02 320  118.78 
Silk rope 50 ft.110 3  5 108.78 
String 50 ft.10.01 3  0.5 108.77 
Wayfinder10 3  1 108.77 
Scroll of comprehend languages125 34  83.77 
Scroll of air bubble125 323  58.77 
4 # 6-00 gp gained 500   558.77 
4 # 6-00 dayjob 5   563.77 
4 sell stuff 1.5 4  565.27 
Scroll box15 4  1 560.27 
SCRIBE disguise self, magic missile, Kreighton's perusal, Petulengro's validation460 4  500.27 
Scroll of Kreighton's perusal125 4   475.27 
Scroll of shield125 47  450.27 
Scroll of comprehend languages125 48  425.27 
Scroll of detect secret doors125 47  400.27 
Spring-loaded wrist sheath15 4  1 395.27 
Spring-loaded wrist sheath15 4  1 390.27 
Masterwork thieves' tools1100 4  2 290.27 
Wand of burning hands (# 3, CL 3rd, 04 charges)1180 43  110.273 left
Wand of mage armor (2 PP, CL 1st, 50 charges)10 417 Daos110.2715 left
5 # 7-10 gp gained 470   580.27 
5 # 7-10 dayjob 50   630.27 
SCRIBE endure elements, silent image, true strike345 5  585.27 
Scroll of shield125 58  560.27 
SCENARIO bribery11 5  559.27 
7 # 6-10 gp gained 470   1029.27 
7 # 6-10 dayjob 50   1079.27 
6 # 7-19 gp gained 1295   2374.27 
6 # 7-19 dayjob (pregen Kyra) 0   2374.27 
Potion of bull's strength1300 711  2074.27 
Scroll of darkvision1150 718  1924.27 
Scroll of darkvision1150 718  1774.27 
Scroll of shield125 78  1749.27 
Scroll of shield125 718  1724.27 
Masterwork composite short bow [+2 Str]1525 7  2 1199.27 
Arrow200.05 720  1198.27 
Arrow200.05 73 0.15 1197.27 
Adamantine weapon bleach1100 7  0.5 1097.27 
Adamantine weapon bleach1100 7  0.5 997.27 
7 sell stuff 28.5 7  1025.77 
8 # 7-00 gp gained 1250   2275.77 
8 # 7-00 dayjob 75   2350.77 
Potion of invisibility1300 812  2050.77 
Alexandrite gem1750 8   1300.77 
Scroll of magic weapon125 811  1275.77 
Scroll of magic weapon125 8   1250.77 
Cloak of resistance +1 (upgraded at #19)11000 8 IMP250.77 
Scroll of comprehend languages125 89  225.77 
Scroll of comprehend languages125 811  200.77 
9 # 8-02 gp gained 1300   1500.77 
9 # 8-02 dayjob 50   1550.77 
Scroll of comprehend languages125 9   1525.77 
Holy water325 10  1 1450.77 
10 # 8-16 gp gained 1750   3200.77 
10 # 8-16 dayjob 50   3250.77 
Wand of comprehend languages (# 10, CL 1st, 06 charges)190 105  3160.77 
Scroll of touch of the sea125 11   3135.77 
Scroll of touch of the sea125 11   3110.77 
Potion sponge12 11   3108.77 
Potion sponge12 11   3106.77 
Potion of air bubble150 1123  3056.77 
Potion of air bubble150 1132  3006.77 
SCENARIO unique spell, 1 PP10 11  3006.77 
Potion of protection from evil150 11   2956.77 
Potion of fly1750 1132  2206.77 
Scroll of magic weapon125 1123 12.52181.77 
11 # 8-00 gp gained 1250   3431.77 
11 # 8-00 dayjob 50   3481.77 
Scroll of magic weapon125 1223 12.53456.77 
SCRIBE magic weapon115 12  3441.77 
Scroll of tongues1375 1212  3066.77 
Scroll of tongues1375 1223  2691.77 
SCENARIO gp for inn (Aching Anchor)13 12  2688.77 
SCENARIO translator1250 12  2438.77 
12 # 8-12 gp gained 1312   3750.77 
12 # 8-12 dayjob 20   3770.77 
Pathfinder pouch11000 12  1 2770.77 
Sun Shogun talisman of freedom (# 10)1900 12  1 1870.77 
SCRIBE blindness/deafness, cat's grace, lipstitch, locate object, mirror image, resist energy, retrieve item, see invisibility, web9540 12  1330.77 
SCRIBE air bubble, heightened awareness230 12  1300.77 
Rapier120 1213 101280.77 
Sap11 12  2 1279.77 
SCRIBE gravity bow, keep watch, long arm, magic aura460 12  1219.77 
SCRIBE communal mount, false life2120 12  1099.77 
13 # 9-02 gp gained 1282   2381.77 
13 # 9-02 dayjob 75   2456.77 
SCRIBE protection from evil115 13  2441.77 
SCRIBE bear's endurance, disguise other, minor image3180 13  2261.77 
Scroll box15 13  1 2256.77 
Masterwork cold iron rapier1340 13  2 1916.77 
13 sell stuff 10 13  1926.77 
SCRIBE bull's strength160 13  1866.77 
Potion of remove blindness/deafness (2 PP)10 13   1866.77 
14 # 9-03 gp gained 1721   3587.77 
14 # 9-03 dayjob 15   3602.77 
15 # 9-05 gp gained 2233   5835.77 
15 # 9-05 no dayjob [GM]     5835.77 
Headband of vast Intelligence +2 (Use Magic Device)14000 15  1 1835.77 
SCRIBE darkvision, suppress charms and compulsions2120 15  1715.77 
16 Welcome to Pathfinder     1715.77 
17 # 9-09 gp gained 3207   4922.77 
17 # 9-09 no dayjob [GM]     4922.77 
Oil of bless weapon150 17   4872.77 
Scroll of sanctify corpse125 17   4847.77 
Scroll of sanctify corpse125 17   4822.77 
SCRIBE Aram Zey's focus, glitterdust2120 17  4702.77 
FOCUS miniature shovel worth 10 gp110 17   4692.77 
SCRIBE adhesive blood160 17  4632.77 
SCRIBE touch of the sea115 17  4617.77 
Eyes of the eagle12500 17   2117.77 
18 # 8-07 gp gained 3230   5347.77 
18 # 8-07 dayjob 50   5397.77 
19 # 6-98 gp gained 2400   7797.77 
19 # 6-98 no dayjob (Rataji is a drooling lunatic)     7797.77 
Spellbook115 19  3 7782.77 
SCRIBE liberating command115 19  7767.77 
SCRIBE communal protection from evil, sense vitals, share language3180 19  7587.77 
SCRIBE communal darkvision, communal protection from arrows, fly, greater magic weapon, slow5675 19  6912.77 
Wand of cure moderate wounds (# 5, CL 5th, 05 charges)1450 194 Daos6462.774 left
Oil of align weapon (lawful)1300 1920  6162.77 
Oil of align weapon (lawful)1300 19   5862.77 
Wand of bless (#17, CL 1st, 10 charges)1150 198 Daos5712.776 left
Potion of cure serious wounds (2 PP)10 1925  5712.77 
Scroll of darkvision1150 1932  5562.77 
Cloak of resistance +213000 19 IMP2562.77 
Oil of align weapon (good)1300 19   2262.77 
SCRIBE spiked pit1135 19  2127.77 
+1 flaming arrow3166 19   1629.77 
20 # 9-19 gp gained 2716   4345.77 
20 # 9-19 dayjob 50   4395.77 
restoration21280 20  1835.77 
SCRIBE displacement, gaseous form2270 20  1565.77 
Snapleaf1750 2025  815.77 
SCRIBE ant haul115 20  800.77 
Disguise kit (OOOOOOOOOO)150 20  8 750.77 
21 # 9-24 gp gained 3925   4675.77 
21 # 9-24 no dayjob [GM] 0   4675.77 
22 # 10-02 gp gained 3249   7924.77 
22 # 10-02 no dayjob [GM] 0   7924.77 
Wand of magic missile (#15, CL 5th, 16 charges)11200 227  6724.775 left
SCRIBE acid arrow, boneshaker, carry companion, fox's cunning, stricken heart5300 22  6424.77 
SCRIBE burrow, disable construct, tiny hut3405 22  6019.77 
Lesser reach metamagic rod13000 22  5 3019.77 
Scroll of lesser restoration (boon #8-07)10 2323  3019.77 
Scroll of lesser restoration (boon #8-07)10 2332  3019.77 
23 #10-04 gp gained 4425   7444.77 
23 #10-04 dayjob 5   7449.77 
SCRIBE make whole160 23  7389.77 
Buffering cap12000 23  1 5389.77 
+1 adamantine rapier15020 23  2 369.77 
23 sell stuff 25 23  394.77 
Scroll of shield125 2332  369.77 
Scroll of shield125 23   344.77 
24 #00-27 gp gained 3673   4017.77 
Wand of cure serious wounds (# 18, CL 5th, 05 charges)11125 244 Daos2892.774 left
SCRIBE dispel magic, pierce disguise2270 24  2622.77 
Scroll of pierce disguise1375 24   2247.77 
Wand of protection from evil (# 18, CL 1st, 07 charges)1105 246  2142.776 left
25 #10-21 gp gained 5367   7509.77 
25 #dayjob 5   7514.77 
SCRIBE dimension door, remove curse, secure shelter3720 25  6794.77 
Diamond dust6001 25   6194.77250 gp left
Snapleaf1750 2531  5444.77 
SCRIBE ride the waves, stone shape2240 25  4964.77 
29 #10-00 gp gained 6500   11464.77 
SCRIBE nondetection1135 29  11329.77 
SCRIBE enchantment foil1240 29  11089.77 
SCRIBE touch of gracelessness115 29  11074.77 
Spellbook115 29  3 11059.77 
30 #7-09 gp gained 5482   16541.77 
30 #7-09 dayjob 10   16551.77 
Cloak of resistance +315000 30  1 11551.77 
First aid gloves14500 305 1Daos7051.775 left
Bead of newt prevention11000 30   6051.77 
SCRIBE eyes of the void1240 30  5811.77 
Cloak of resistance +1 for Daosvaria11000 30  1Daos4811.77 
Sun Shogun talisman of freedom (# 10)1900 30  1Daos3911.77 
Potion of invisibility1300 30  Daos3611.77 
SCRIBE enervation1240 30  3371.77 
31 #2-26 gp gained 6229   9600.77 
31 #2-26 dayjob 50   9650.77 
Snapleaf1750 31   8900.77 
Traveler's anytool1250 31  2 8650.77 
Scroll of restoration1800 31    7850.77 
Scroll of restoration1800 31    7050.77 
SCRIBE necrostasis1135 31  6915.77 
SCRIBE undeath inversion1240 31  6675.77 
SCRIBE force anchor160 31  6615.77 
Scroll of fox's cunning1150 3132  6465.77 
Scroll of fox's cunning1150 31   6315.77 
Potion of invisibility1300 3133  6015.77 
Scroll of bull's strength1150 3132  5865.77 
Scroll of bull's strength1150 3133  5715.77 
Scroll of suppress charms and compulsions1150 3132  5565.77 
Scroll of darkvision1150 3132  5415.77 
Scroll of enchantment foil1700 3132  4715.77 
Scroll of heal11650 31   3065.77 
Scroll of daylight (#10-02)10 31   3065.77 
Potion of lesser restoration1300 32   2765.77 
Potion of lesser restoration1300 32   2465.77 
Scroll of fly1375 3232  2090.77 
Scroll of see invisibility1150 32   1940.77 
32 #10-17 gp gained (no dayjob) 8011   9951.77 
SCRIBE arcane eye, bestow curse, conjure deadfall, dimensional anchor, monstrous physique II, phantasmal killer, rainbow pattern7240 32  8271.77 
SCRIBE communal share language, communal spider climb, fireball, gentle repose, monstrous physique I, shrink item, tongues7135 32  7326.77 
SCRIBE alter self, arcane lock, command undead, eagle's splendor, fog cloud, merge with familiar, scare, spider climb, stone call960 32  6786.77 
Scroll of fly1375 3233  6411.77 
Antitoxin150 32   6361.77 
Antiplague150 32   6311.77 
Antiplague150 32   6261.77 
Forger's kit1200 32  6 6061.77 
Gold dust125 32   6036.77 
Correct scribing mistake: force anchor is level 3 spell175 32  5961.77 
33 #38 gp gained 7749   13710.77 
33 #38 dayjob 20   13730.77 

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