Unstrapped 2: kehitysversio 001


CN Biped Eidolon 4 (3 HD)
Summoner Labrys

Init +1
Senses Perception +6, Darkvision 60ft

hp 19(3d10+3*1
AC 17, touch:11 , Flat:16 ; (+6 from natural, +1 from dex)
with Mage Armor 21, touch:11 , Flat:20
as above+Shield AC 25, touch:11, Flat:24
Fort+4, Ref+2 , Will+3
Special defenses Evasion

Speed 30 ft
Melee mwk C.I Falchion +7 2d4+9, 18-20, S, PA, reach 10ft AND bite +1 1d6+2 AND gore +1 1d6+2

Str 19, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 7 , Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +3 ; CMB +7 ; CMD 18
Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency:Falchion, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +7 (3), Climb +8 (1), Perception +6 (3), Sense Motive +5 (2), Stealth +5 (1), Swim +8 (1)
Languages Taldane, Tian, Celestial, Draconic, Aklo, Infernal
Evolutions (4 points) Limbs(legs)(base), Limbs(Arms)(base), Claws(Legs)(base), Improved Natural Armor(1), Ability Increase:Str(2), Reach:weapon(Falchion)(1), Bite(1), Gore(2)
SQ Link, Share Spells

On person x lbs mwk C.I Falchion, mwk Al.S Falchion, 5xAcid Flask, Courtier`s Outfit+jewels, Oil of Bless Weapon
In Backpack x lbs Encumbrance x lb. without armor, x lb. with armor (helvetisti light/ihan vitusti medium/vielä enemmän. heavy)\\

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