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Keshef Al-Kafir

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Male Human Inquisitor of Pharasma 7
N Medium
Player Zathow (4197-4)
Xp 20
Faction The Exchange
Prestige/Fame 35/37

Init +6 (Dex +4, Wis +2)
Senses Perception +8

AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 19; (+7 armor, +4 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflection)
hp 61 (7d8+14con+7fc)
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +10

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Adamantine Morningstar +7, 1d8+1
Ranged +1 Seeking Composite Longbow {+1} +11, 1d8+2

Spells known
3rd (DC 15, 1/day) - Dispel Magic, Speak with Dead
2nd (DC 14, 4/day) - Zone of Truth, Align Weapon, Lesser Restoration, See Invisibility
1st (DC 13, 5/day) — Persuasive Goad, Detect Undead, True Strike, Wrath, Divine Favor
Cantrips/Orisons (at will) — Stabilize, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Light, Read Magic, Create Water

Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 21
Feats: Point-blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Shake it Off (Teamwork), Weapon Focus (Longbow), Enfilading Fire (Teamwork), Bullseye Shot

  • Appraise +6 (1)
  • Bluff +5 (1)
  • Craft (traps) +7 (3)
  • Diplomacy +11 (7)
  • Disguise +5 (1)
  • Heal +9 (3)
  • Intimidate +10 (5)
  • Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (1)
  • Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5 (1)
  • Knowledge (Local) +4 (3)
  • Knowledge (Nature) +5 (1)
  • Knowledge (Planes) +5 (1)
  • Knowledge (Religion) +8 (4)
  • Perception +13 (7)
  • Profession (Midwife) +7 (1)
  • Sense Motive +10 (3)
  • Spellcraft +11 (7)
  • Stealth +8 (1)
  • Survival +7 (1)

Traits Antiquities Smuggler, Anatomist
Languages Common, Osiriani
SQ Domain: Death
Bleeding Touch (sp) 6/day: As a melee touch attack, you can cause a living creature to take 1d6 points of damage per round. This effect persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1) or until stopped with a DC 15 Heal check or any spell or effect that heals damage. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Judgment 3/day
Monster Lore: Add Wis modifier to knowledge checks when identifying foes.
Stern Gaze: Morale bonus to sense motive and intimidate checks (½ Inquisitor lvl, minimum 1)
Cunning Initiative: Adds Wisdom modifier to initiative
Detect Alignment: Use Detect Good/Evil/Law/Chaos at will
Track: Adds ½ level to survival when following or identifying tracks
Solo Tactics: Adjacent allies are treated as though they had the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor. The allies do not gain the benefits from these feats.
Bane: At 5th level, an inquisitor can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability as a swift action. She must select one creature type when she uses this ability (and a subtype if the creature type selected is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the type can be changed as a swift action. This ability only functions while the inquisitor wields the weapon. If dropped or taken, the weapon resumes granting this ability if it is returned to the inquisitor before the duration expires. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the inquisitor’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Discern Lies: At 5th level, an inquisitor can discern lies, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.

On person +1 Deathless Breastplate (30lbs), +1 Seeking Composite Longbow {+1} (3lbs), Adamantine Morningstar (6lbs), Wooden holy symbol of Pharasma, Spell Component Pouch (2lbs), Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom '2, Cloak of Resistance +2, Ring of Protection +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1
In backpack Pathfinder's Kit: (Bedroll, Clay mug, Dagger, 2 fishhooks, flint & steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week's worth of trail rations, a whetstone) (22lbs), 50 feet of silk rope (5lbs), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50), Arrows (27), Silver Weapon Blanch
Wealth 395gp
Encumbrance x41 lb. without backpack, x68 lb. with backpack (x43 lb. light/x44-86 lb. medium/x87-130 lb. heavy)


Keshef syntyi monilapsiseen pappisperheeseen Sothiksessa. Hän seurasi isänsä jäljissä Pharasman oppiin, mutta piti sekä muiden koululaisten että opettajien suhtautumista Pharasman opetuksiin elämästä ja kuolemasta riittämättömänä ja pinnallisina. Kuolema ja elämä olivat ja olisivat ihmisille ainoa olomuoto, minkä vuoksi Keshef ei suuntautunut papiksi, vaan riitauduttuaan viimeistä kertaa koulussaan lähti nuorena omilleen syrjäisemmille seuduille harjoittamaan taitojaan.

Keshef päätyi lopulta Tumenin raunioiden laitamille jossa syrjäinen, harras Pharasmaa palvova yhteisö toivotti tämän tervetulleeksi. Paikallinen pappi opasti Keshefiä taikuudessa ja avoin maasto oli omiaan jousiammunnan harjoittamiseen. Vastalahjaksi Keshef vieraili toimitti kyläläisille eksoottisia esineitä Sothiksessa, jossa hän salakuljetti "löytämiään" muinaisia esineitä pois Osirionista. Eräs kauppakumppani sattui kuulumaan Tiennäyttäjiin, ja ennen pitkää Keshef huomasi ettei aio viettää koko ikäänsä maaseudulla Osirionin syrjäkylillä, joten hän pakkasi tavaransa ja laivasi itsensä Absalomiin ja liittyi Tiennäyttäjiin.

Keshef on keskimittainen, kalju ja kasvoiltaan paljas mies jolla on pistävän mustat silmät. Hän hymyilee tuskin koskaan. Pharasman hartaana seuraajana hänen huumorintajunsa on musta kuin yöllinen sarkofagi. Keshef kantaa mukanaan piikikästä nuijaa ja pitkäjousta, ja hänen kaulallaan roikkuu avoimesti Pharasman pyhä symboli.


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