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Kingdoms / Sivuhahmot


  • Oleg and Svetlana, our hosts at Oleg's (the local trading post). They have endured much in recent times, having been forced to pay tribute to bandits, suffering theft regardless of the tribute and constant threath of violence. After our arrival bandits trouble them no more, and Restov has even send some security to trading post. Poor Oleg's nerves are a bit frayed, but he should recover.
  • Kesten Garess, the chief of Oleg's new security detachment. Has been merciless to bandits, even to "redeemed" ones (poor Kerbit). Has had some issues with former companions and is promising a bounty of mastercrafted weapons for live delivery of one of them (see events & quests).
  • Jhod Kavken, a priest of Erastil who has promised to give divine aid for free if we can find a lost temple of Erastil somewhere in the woods.



  • Kerbit, insignificant bandit who betrayed his mates in hope of freedom. We granted it, but he got too close to Oleg's and was hanged by Kesten.
  • Haps (?), leader of first bandit wave, killed by Turalyon
  • The lady with two axes, leader of largish bandit camp, killed by Gavril
  • Tuskgutter, a pig with bad attitude. Met his end at the hands of Dragan. We haven't yet gotten the head cheese promised (Hopefully it doesn't matter the head was a bit rancid when delivered).
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Page last modified on 2015-10-04 19:39