Pathfinder Society / Yrion Tappura

CN elf criminal alchemist 1
Perception +1 (t)
Languages Common, Elven, Dragonic
Str 12; Dex 16; Con 10; Int 18; Wis 10; Cha 14

AC 15; TAC 13; Fort +2 (E); Ref +5 (e); Will +1 (T)
HP 14

Speed 30 ft
Melee Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d8+1 S) finesse, forceful
Ranged Blowgun +5 (1 P) agile, nonlethal
Ranged Dart +5 (1d4 +1 P), agile, thrown

Formulas 1st - alchemist fire, giant centipede venom, minor elixir of life, tanglefoot bag,

Skills Acrobatics +4 (sig, T), Arcana +5 (sig, T), Crafting +5 (sig, T), Deception +3 (T), Underworld Lore +5 (T), Medicine +1 (sig, T), Thievery +4 (T)
Skill Feats Experienced Smuggler, Alchemical Crafting

Ancestry Feats Weapon Familiarity
Class Feats Smoke Bomb
Class FeaturesAdvanced Alchemy, Quick Alchemy, Formula Book, Studied Resonance


Worn backpack, belt pouch, studded leather armor
Ready elven curved blade, darts (5), blowgun (10 needles), alchemy stuff
Stowed chalk (10), bedroll, flint and steel, rope (hempen) + grappling hook, rations (1 day), torch (10), waterskin, writing set
Coins 62 sp 3 cp
Bulk 4

Resonance 5

CN elf criminal alchemist 5
Perception +6 (e)
Languages Common, Elven, Dragonic
Str 14; Dex 18; Con 12; Int 19; Wis 10; Cha 14

AC 20; TAC 18; Fort +7 (E); Ref +10 (e); Will +5 (T)
HP 47

Speed 30 ft
Melee Elven Curved Blade +9 (1d8+2 S) finesse, forceful
Ranged Blowgun +9 (1 P) agile, nonlethal
Ranged Dart +9 (1d4 +2 P), agile, thrown

Formulas 1st - alchemist fire, giant centipede venom, minor elixir of life, tanglefoot bag,
2nd - sleep poison, black adder poison, inflitrator's elixir
3rd - graveroot, greater darkvision elixir,
4th - lesser elixir of life
5th - lesser quicksliver mutagen, hunting spider venom

Skills Acrobatics +9 (sig, T), Arcana +9 (sig, T), Crafting +10 (sig, E), Deception +7 (T), Underworld Lore +9 (T), Medicine +5 (sig, T), Thievery +9 (T)
Skill Feats Experienced Smuggler, Alchemical Crafting, Close Match

Ancestry Feats Weapon Familiarity, Weapon Elegance
Class Feats Smoke Bomb, Quick Bomber, Enduring Alchemy
General Feats Alertness
Class FeaturesAdvanced Alchemy, Quick Alchemy, Formula Book, Studied Resonance, Empower Bomb +2,


Worn backpack, belt pouch, studded leather armor
Ready elven curved blade, darts (5), blowgun (10 needles), alchemy stuff
Stowed chalk (10), bedroll, flint and steel, rope (hempen) + grappling hook, rations (1 day), torch (10), waterskin, writing set
Coins 62 sp 3 cp
Bulk 4

Resonance 9

Page last modified on 2018-08-14 01:24