Unstrapped 2: kehitysversio 001

Pathfinder Society 2 -hahmot


Knowledge and learning is my goal.

Witch 6 /
Player Swyrlyn (112455-2006)
XP 28

Ancestry Lorekeeper Shisk Background Student of Magic
Speed 25, Perception +11•
Alignment Neutral
Languages Common, Mwangi, Shisk, Draconic, Sylvan, Undercommon, Elven

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14
Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 10

AC 22; (+1 armor, +3 Dex, 2+6 trained)
HP 56 (Ancestry 8 , Wizard 6x6=36, Con 6x2=12)
Fort +12••, Ref +11•, Will +13••
Special Defenses

Melee Unarmed +11 1d6+0 B (Agile, Finesse, Non-lethal, Unarmed)
Ranged Special Attacks

Arcane Spells (Witch)
3rd (3/day) — Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Slow
2nd (3/day) — Sudden Bolt ◆◆
1st (3/day) — Fear ◆◆, Magic Missilex2 ◆-◆◆◆
Cantrips (lvl 3) — Read Aura ◆◆, Electric Arc ◆◆, Ray of Frost ◆◆, Shield ◆, Produce Flame ◆◆
Spell Attack +11•• , DC 21••
---- Witch Focus Spells Focus pool: 2
* Discern Secrets (Patron)

  • Phase Familiar (Witch)
  • Life Boost (Basic lesson)


  • Acrobatics(Dex)t +7 - Witch Class skill
  • Arcana(Int)t +9 - Witch Patron Skill
  • Athletics(Str)
  • Crafting(Int)t +9 - Witch Class skill
  • Deception(Cha)
  • Diplomacy(Cha)t +5 - Witch Class skill
  • Intimidation(Cha)
  • Mountain Lore(Int)t +9 - Lorekeeper Shisk
  • Medicine(Wis)t +7 - Witch Class skill
  • Nature(Wis) t +7 - Lorekeeper Shisk
  • Occultism(Int)e +11 - Background
  • Religion(Wis)t +7 - Witch Class skill
  • Society(Int)t +9 - Witch Class skill
  • Stealth(Dex)
  • Survival(Wis)t +7 - Witch Class skill
  • Thievery(Dex)


  • Lorekeeper Shisk: You grew up surrounded by knowledge and secrets. You become trained in one Lore skill and one other Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skill of your choice. At 5th level, you become expert in the chosen skills.

Ancestry Feats:

  • Shisk Lore (1): You hoard knowledge like a dragon hoards gold. You gain the trained proficiency rank in three Lore skills of your choice. You also become trained in Shisk Lore.

Witch Feats:

  • Basic Lesson: Lesson of Life (2): Your patron grants you a special lesson, revealing a hidden facet of its nature. Choose a basic lesson. You gain its associated hex, and your familiar learns the associated spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Lesson of Life: You gain the life boost hex, and your familiar learns spirit link. General Feats:

  • Canny Acumen: Fortitude (level 3)

Skill Feats:

  • 1: Recognize Spell (Background):
  • 2: Additional Lore: Your knowledge has expanded to encompass a new field. Choose an additional Lore skill subcategory. You become trained in it. At 3rd, 7th, and 15th levels, you gain an additional skill increase you can apply only to the chosen Lore subcategory.''

Class Features:

  • 1: Ancestry (Shisk) and background (Student of Magic, initial proficiencies, patron (Rune), familiar (jerboa - Zakia), witch spellcasting, hexes
  • 2: Skill feat, witch feat

Bulk Limit: 9 || Worn + Weapons = 6 || All =
Worn Bandolier with Healer's Tools (1)
Weapons Dagger(L), Club (1)), Sling(L) (10 bullets), Javelin (L)
Stowed Crowbar (L), Grappling Hook(L)
At the LodgeAdventurer’s Pack (2)[backpack (containing the other goods), bedroll, two belt pouches, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks’ rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin](2),


  • Javelin 1sp

Bandolier, 1sp Adventurer's Pack, 7sp, 2 Healer's Tools, 5gp, 1 Dagger, 2sp, L Sling, L Sling Bullets, 1cp, L Crowbar 5sp Grappling hook 1sp

  • Pelatut pelit:
    • 1: AP #151: The Show Must Go On 2.0
    • 2: Intro #2: United in Purpose 2.1
    • 3: AP #169: Kindled Magic 3.1
    • 4: #2-06 The Crashing Wave 3.2
    • 5: AP #170: Spoken on the Song Wind 4.2
    • 6: #4-05: The Arclord Who Never Was 5.0
    • 7: AP #171: Hurricane's Howl 6.0
    • 8: #3-98: Expedition Into Pallid Peril 6.1

Spell List arcane Patron Skill Arcana Hex Cantrip discern secrets Granted Spell magic weapon

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