Way Of The Wicked / Meldar Sedrox

Meldar Sedrox, Hänen Helvetillisen Korkeutensa Asmodeuksen Ylipappi Talingardessa

Asmodeuksen aika on nyt. Ryömikää.

Male Human Antipaladin 11 (Lord of darknesss) Assassin 9
Lawful evil male humanoid (human)
Player FranKc

Init +7
Senses Perception +14, Darkvision 60', can see in deeper darkness

AC 39 (44), touch 16 (21), flat-footed 36 (41); (+14 armor, +4 shield spell, +3 dex, +2 deflection (+7 smite), +5 natural, +1 insight); Special: Haste +1, Litany of defence +5
hp 252
Fort 28, Ref 27, Will 24
Special Defenses +4 saves against poison, +4 profane bonus on saving throws against fire effects, +7 deflection on smite, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge (tarvitsee effektiivisen rogue level 13:n jotta voi sneakata/flankata)

Speed 30ft, 40ft w. longstrider
Melee Helbrand (+4 unholy good outsider bane bastard sword) +30/+25/+20/15 1d10+12 (17-20)
Melee Helbrand power attack +25/+20/+15/+10 1d10+22
Melee Helbrand two handed +30/+25/+20/+15 1d10+16
Melee Helbrand two handed power attack +30/+20/+15/+10 1d10+31
Melee Helbrand smite +37/+32/+27/+22 1d10+27 (+42 if really good)
Melee Helbrand two handed smite +37/+32/+27/+22 1d10+31 (+46 if really good)
Melee Helbrand smite power attack +32/+27/+22/+17 1d10+37 (+52 if really good)
Melee Helbrand two handed smite power attack +37/+27/+22/+17 1d10+46 (+61 if really good)
Ranged +1 adaptive composite longbow +25/+20/+15/+10 1d8+8
Ranged +1 adaptive composite longbow smite +32/+27/+22/+17 1d8+23 (+38 if really good)
Ranged Oathbow +25/+20/+15/+10 1d8+4
Ranged Oathbow smite +32/+27/+22/+17 1d8+18 (+32 if really good)
Ranged Oathbow oath +28/+23/+18/+13 1d8+2d6+7 (crit x4)
Ranged Oathbow smite oath +35/+30/+25/+20 1d8+2d6+22 (+37 if really good, crit x4)
Special Attacks sneak attack +7d6
Special Attacks smite good 5/day
Special Attacks Helbrand +2/+2 +2d6 against good outsiders
Special Attacks Helbrand +2d6 against good alinged enemies
Special Attacks +1 to dmg when flanking
Special Attacks Death attack: DC 26 fort: save or die/paralyze, True Death, Quiet death, Swift death
Special Attacks Fiendish boon: +2 enchant to weapon 2/day (flaming, flaming burst, axiomatic, unholy, keen, cruel)

Spells prepared (CL 8)
1st (4/day) — spells Protection from good, Litany of sloth, Litany of weakness, Death knell
2nd (3/day) — spells Litany of defense, Litany of defense, Litany of defense
3rd (2/day) — spells Burst of speed, Blade of dark triumph, Corruption resistance

Str 20 (26), Dex 16 (22), Con 16 (22), Int 18 (24), Wis 8 (14), Cha 18 (24)
Base Atk 17; CMB 24; CMD 44 (49 with smite)
Feats Power attack, Cornugon smash, Weapon focus (longsword), Dazzling display, Shatter Defences, Leadership, Furious focus, Helbrand familiarity (story), Quickdraw, Imp. critical, Violent display, Deific obedience

Skills (278sp) (antipaladin 22, assasin 36, human 20, campaing bonus 40, int 80, iron circlet know: nobility 20; headband: planes 20 & fly 20 & history 20)
Acrobatics +25 (10)
Bluff +31 (20)
Climb +11 (1)
Diplomacy +31 (20)
Disable Device +29 (14)
Disguise +10 (3)
Escape Artist +12 (2)
Fly +27 (20)
Handle animal +12 (1)
Intimidate +31 (+35 with aura) (20)
Knowledge arcana +11 (1)
Knowledge history +28 (20)
Knowledge nobility +31 (20)
Knowledge planes +28 (20)
Knowledge religion +21 (10)
Linguistics +13 (2)
Perception +14 (3)
Profession torturer +24 (18)
Ride +17 (7)
Sense Motive +18 (13)
Sleight of hand +25/+34 (15)
Spellcraft +12 (1)
Stealth +23 (13)
Swim +11 (1)
Use magic device +31 (20)
ACP -3

Traits Murderer (aka Dirty Fighter)
Called: You feel Asmodeus watching over your battles to spread His might. Once per day upon rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll, you may reroll the die and take the second result instead.
Drawback: Paranoid: you can trust in only in Asmodeus. If another character attempts to aid another action, DC is 15 instead of 10.
Languages Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Elven, Dwarven, Iraen, Celestial, Draconic, Aboleth
SQ Aura of Obedience: +4 morale bonus on Intimidate checks made against living creatures within 10 feet. In addition, if he demoralizes a living creature within 10 feet, and exceeds the DC by 10 or more, he may issue one command to the target, as per the spell. The target can resist this effect with successful Will save, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the lord of darkness' level + the lord of darkness' Charisma modifier. A creature cannot be commanded in this way more than once per day.
Touch of tyranny: 6d6 dmg 9/day
Channel negative energy 5d6
Cruelty: Command, Shaken, Frightened DC 22
Aura of Despair (Su): At 8th level, enemies within 10 feet of an antipaladin take a –2 penalty on all saving throws. This penalty does not stack with the penalty from aura of cowardice.
Deeper darkness 1/day
Delayed blast fireball 1/day, CL20, DC 24

On person Traveller's outfit, Helbrand, Wytchbrand, water flask, +1 adaptive composite longbow, Oathbow, n arrows, Belt of physical perfection +6, Cloak of Radivar Astrox, +5 mithral fullplate, +2 heavy steel arrow deflecting shield, phylactery of negative channeling (ei käytössä), ring of inner fortitude (greater), boots of elvenkind, amulet of natural armor +5, headband of mental superiority +4, iron circlet: (hat of disguise/headband of vast intelligence +2), ring of evasion, ring of maniacal devices, ring of mind shielding dusty rose prism ioun stone, luckstone
In backpackrope, bedroll, mess kit, flint & flintstone, cheap holy text of Mitra, fake ID, scholar's kit, trail rations (5)
Wealth pennies
Encumbrance x lb. without backpack, x lb. with backpack (116 lb. light/233 lb. medium/350 lb. heavy)

Notes Meldar Sedrox on enimmäkseen vaitonainen ja mukava mies. Hänen puhuessaan heikompitahtoisen mieleen ei tulisi kuuna päivänä keskeyttää. Ne jotka Meldarin kanssa viettävät enemmän aikaa huomaavat, ettei hän varsinaisesti kerro itsestään tai taustoistaan mitään. Kardinaali Thornea hän pitää suuressa arvossa ja on selvästi toiminut tämän alaisuudessa pitkään.
Vaikka Meldar päälipuolin onkin mukava ja seurallinen, suorastaan luonnollinen johtaja, on miehellä kääntöpuolensa. Voisi epäillä, ettei hänellä ole lainkaan empatian tajua. Hänen maailmankuvaansa liian risteävästi sijoittuvat yksilöt päätyvät herkästi kidutuspenkkiin, tyrmään ja kuolleiksi. Eikä välttämättä tässä järjestyksessä. Elämällä ei tunnu olevan juuri mitään arvoa Meldarin vaa'assa. Onkin yleinen arvailun aihe, perustuuko hänen seuraajiensa määrä kunnioitukseen, pelkoon vai näiden sekoitukseen.
Nykyisen solmunsa jäsenistä Meldar on surmannut yhden ja rääkännyt toista kidutuspenkissä usean päivän ajan. Pitää tätä täysin loogisena toimintana. Käskyt on saatu, niitä noudatetaan, Asmodeus ei heikkoja suvaitse.

Page last modified on 2015-02-12 18:27