

Kunnian linnakkeen vyöryttäminen jatkui. Toisessa kerroksessa pidätettiin andoranilainen diplomaatti Micheri Bedard ja löydettiin salattu Arodenin pyhättö. Tornia vyöryttäessä lyötiin myös leegioarkontti. Tornin huipulla Oppian Nevilindor heitti Gwalurin alas mutta lopulta kaatui ja otettiin vangiksi.

Agentit hallinnoivat Kantariaa kunnes Narikopolukset pääsivät palaamaan. Tänä aikana suuressa rituaalissa Kunnian linnakkeen pihamaalla mestattiin vangit ja pyhitettiin katedraali uudelleen Asmodeukselle.

Arkkiherttua Narikopolus oli perin kiitollinen ja toimitti saapuessaan käskykirjeen arkkiparoni Fexiltä palata Isoaariin.


Rovan 13.-23. päivä, 4715 AR.


  • Oppian Nevilindor, Kantarian vallankumousneuvoston puheenjohtaja
  • Micheri Bedard, andoranilainen diplomaatti
  • Linton Demeer, alkemisti ja kaappiugothol
  • Cimri Staelish, puukkojunkkari, palkollinen
  • Zaggar, suurhiisi, palkollinen
  • Zara Orcelani, hornanritari, kostonhimoinen
  • Loredana Viorica, Pikku Hämärmetsän majatalon emäntä


  • 4 000 xp/lärvi
  • 298 gp
  • +1 longsword
  • +2 longsword
  • mwk rapier
  • +1 heavy steel shield
  • honor's panoply
  • cloak of resistance +1
  • figurine of wondrous power (silver raven)
  • 4 kpl antitoxin
  • potion of cure moderate wounds
  • scroll of blessing of fervor
  • hopeinen Iomedaen pyhä symboli
  • kultainen Iomedaen pyhä symboli (arvo 100 gp)
  • kokoelma karttoja, joista arkkiparoni Fex tarjoaa 500 kultarahaa

Honor's Panoply

This immaculate set of +1 full plate adorned with gilt flourishes and imagery of lions, and embossed red accents. When worn, the armor grants its wearer a +2 sacred bonus on all saves against spells with the evil descriptor or cast by evil creatures.

Once per day as a swift action, the wearer of honor’s panoply can call upon Iomedae for protection. For the next 5 minutes, the armor glows with an aura of golden light, and any hostile creature within 20 feet of the wearer must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or take a –2 penalty to its Armor Class and on attack rolls and saving throws for the duration, or until it hits the wearer with an attack. The wearer can dismiss this effect before the duration expires as a swift action on his turn to heal itself of 3d8+5 points of damage in a burst of healing energy.

A creature with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat and at least 5 ranks in the Craft (armor) skill can perform a ritual to corrupt honor’s panoply, shifting its dedication to an evil deity. This ritual takes 6 days to complete, costs 2,000 gp in incense and materials, and requires a successful DC 19 Craft (armor) check. If the magic warhammer Sinderbos is used during the ritual, the cost of the ritual is reduced by 1,000 gp and requires only a successful DC 10 Craft (armor) check to complete. Once performed, the ritual transforms the armor into infamy’s panoply; the armor turns black, the lions become animals sacred to the evil deity to which the armor is dedicated, and the red accents turn the crimson of fresh blood. The ritual also inverts the armor’s effects: the save bonus is now profane and applies to spells with the good descriptor or cast by good creatures, and the armor now emanates a palpable aura of horror, causing non-allies to be shaken on a failed save. Dismissing this effect now grants the wearer fast healing 2 for 1 minute.


Jou hei, millainen ostohintaraja on näillä Razelagon alihankkimilla tuotteilla? Mietin että hankkisin +1 planar rapierin, jonka erotus olisi 6000 egorian kiiltävää. -muspelheim

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