Mekanismin wiki

Pathfinder Society / Kiplip

Male Grippli Kineticist 7
Neutral Good Small Humanoid (Grippli)
Player Swyrlyn

Init +6 (+5 dex, +1 competence)
Senses Perception +12, Darkvision, Tremorsense 30 ft

AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 20; (+5 dex, +5 armor + 1 size, +2 shield, +1 deflection, +1 natural)
HP 80 87 with con bonus (66 with 3 burn) (7d8 + 28/35 con + 7 fcb + 7 toughness)
Fort +12 (con +5, class +5, resistance +2)
Refl +12 (dex +5, class +5, resistance +2)
Will +7 (wis +2, class +2, resistance +2, +1 trait)
Special Defences: DR 3/6 with burn Adamantine - max DR 7 - max burn 8/day

Speed 30ft, with armor 30ft, Climb speed 20/30
1-handed Melee Dagger +5 1d4-1 (19-20/x2)
Kinetic Blade Earth Blast +11/+14 with overflow 4d6+7 (B/S/P/x2)

Ranged Earth Blast +10 3d6+7 (B/S/P-30ft/x2)
Ranged+Elemental Overflow Earth Blast +14 4d6+13 (B/S/P-30ft/x2)
Ranged+Elemental Overflow+Point-Blank Shot Earth Blast +15 4d6+14 (B/S/P-30ft/x2)
Ranged+Elemental Overflow Metal Blast +14 8d6+17 (B/S/P-30ft/x2)

Infusions:(CL 7, Concentration +12)
*Extended Range Element(s) universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1

Your kinetic blast can strike any target within 120 feet.

* Kinetic Blade: Element(s) universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1

You form a weapon using your kinetic abilities. You create a nonreach, light or one-handed weapon in your hand formed of pure energy or elemental matter. (If you're a telekineticist, you instead transfer the power of your kinetic blast to any object held in one hand.) The kinetic blade's shape is purely cosmetic and doesn't affect the damage dice, critical threat range, or critical multiplier of the kinetic blade, nor does it grant the kinetic blade any weapon special features. The object held by a telekineticist for this form infusion doesn't prevent her from using gather power.

You can use this form infusion once as part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action in order to make melee attacks with your kinetic blade. Since it's part of another action (and isn't an action itself), using this wild talent doesn't provoke any additional attacks of opportunity. The kinetic blade deals your kinetic blast damage on each hit (applying any modifiers to your kinetic blast's damage as normal, but not your Strength modifier). The blade disappears at the end of your turn. The weapon deals the same damage type that your kinetic blast deals, and it interacts with Armor Class and spell resistance as normal for a blast of its type. Even if a telekineticist uses this power on a magic weapon or another unusual object, the attack doesn't use any of the magic weapon's bonuses or effects and simply deals the telekineticist's blast damage. The kinetic blade doesn't add the damage bonus from elemental overflow.

*Entangling Infusion: (DC 18 reflex)

Element(s) earth or water; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2 Associated Blasts blizzard, cold, earth, ice, magma, metal, mud, sandstorm Saving Throw Reflex negates

Your kinetic blast surrounds your foes in elemental matter.

Whenever a blast with this infusion deals damage to a foe, that foe becomes entangled for 1 minute. The foe can remove this condition as a standard action with a successful Escape Artist or Strength check (with the same DC as for saves against your kinetic blast) or by dealing an amount of damage to the entangling matter equal to double your kineticist level (the matter has hardness 0).

If the foe was already entangled by this infusion and fails its save against a second instance of this infusion, the increased amount of elemental matter fuses to the ground, causing the foe to be rooted in place as though anchored to an immobile object.


The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.


Element(s) earth or water; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2 Associated Blasts earth, ice, metal Saving Throw none

You extend a long, sharp spike of elemental matter along a line, impaling multiple foes. Make a single attack roll against each creature or object in a 30-foot line, starting with the closest target. If the result is a critical threat, roll to confirm against only the first target you hit. Calculate damage against each target you hit, starting from the closest. If your attack hits a target but fails to deal physical damage to that target, the spike fails to penetrate and the infused blast doesn't continue. A blast with the impale infusion can penetrate solid barriers, but it must deal enough damage to destroy the barrier in order to continue through. Infused earth and metal blasts always deal piercing damage.

Utility Wild Talents:
* Basic Geokinesis

Element(s) earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0

You can move up to 5 pounds per kineticist level of rocks, loose earth, sand, clay, and other similar materials up to 15 feet as a move action. You can search earthen and stone areas from a distance as if using the sift cantrip.

* Kinetic Cover

Element aether, earth, water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0

You call up elemental matter to defend yourself and your allies from attacks. As a standard action, you can select one face of a square within 30 feet of you and move elemental matter to block that face, providing total cover from that direction. The face you select must be supported by the ground, and the kinetic cover cannot support more than 5 pounds of weight. Water, ice, and telekinetic force are translucent, but earth, metal, mud, and the like are opaque and block line of sight. A creature who strikes the cover can easily destroy it. Regardless of its composition, the cover has hardness 0, AC 5, and 2 hit points per kineticist level you possess. You can have a number of kinetic covers in existence equal to your Constitution modifier + 1/2 your kineticist level.

*Earth Climb

Element(s) earth; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0

You use your connection to earth to meld slightly into stone and earthen surfaces, granting you a climb speed equal to your base land speed when climbing such surfaces.


Element(s) earth; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 0

You can take a move action to gain tremorsense 30 feet for 1 round on any earth or stone surface that you touch. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 1 round per kineticist level you possess. While benefiting from this tremorsense, your earth blasts and composite blasts that include earth components don't suffer a miss chance from concealment or total concealment against creatures you detect with your tremorsense.

Str 8 , Dex 20 (18 + 2 size), Con 21 (19 + 2 size), Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +3; CMD 19

  • 1: Point-Blank Shot
  • 3: Precise Shot
  • 5: Weapon finesse
  • 7: Toughness

Skills acp: ; total skill ranks: 35

  • Acrobaticsc (1) +9
  • Appraise
  • Bluff
  • Climbc (2) +20 Climb speed 20
  • Craft Alchemyc
  • Diplomacyc (7) +10 / +12 to gather information and happens in half of the normal time
  • Disable device'
  • Disguise
  • Escape artist
  • Fly
  • Handle animal
  • Healc (1) +6
  • Intimidatec +0
  • Knowledge(arcana) (1) +2
  • Knowledge(dungeoneering)c (4) +8
  • Knowledge(engineering) (1) +2
  • Knowledge(geography) (1) +2
  • Knowledge(history) (1) +2
  • Knowledge(local)c (1) +5
  • Knowledge(nature) (1) +2
  • Knowledge(nobility) (1) +2
  • Knowledge(planes) (1) +2
  • Knowledge(religion) (1) +2
  • Linguistics (1) +2
  • Perceptionc (7) +12
  • Perform
  • Profession Minerc (1) +6
  • Ride
  • Sense motive
  • Sleight of hand
  • Spellcraft
  • Stealthc (1) +13 (+4 size)
  • Survival
  • Swim
  • Use magic devicec (1) +2

Traits: Affable, Indomitable Faith
Languages: Common, Grippli, Draconic, Terran
RSQ Princely, Jumper, Darkvision

* Burn (Ex): At 1st level, a kineticist can overexert herself to channel more power than normal, pushing past the limit of what is safe for her body by accepting burn. Some of her wild talents allow her to accept burn in exchange for a greater effect, while others require her to accept a certain amount of burn to use that talent at all. For each point of burn she accepts, a kineticist takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per character level. This damage can't be healed by any means other than getting a full night's rest, which removes all burn and associated nonlethal damage. Nonlethal damage from burn can't be reduced or redirected, and a kineticist incapable of taking nonlethal damage can't accept burn. A kineticist can accept only 1 point of burn per round. This limit rises to 2 points of burn at 6th level, and rises by 1 additional point every 3 levels thereafter. A kineticist can't choose to accept burn if it would put her total number of points of burn higher than 3 + her Constitution modifier (though she can be forced to accept more burn from a source outside her control). A kineticist who has accepted burn never benefits from abilities that allow her to ignore or alter the effects she receives from nonlethal damage.

*Kinetic Blast (Sp):

As a standard action, the kineticist can unleash a kinetic blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn't have hands). All damage from a kinetic blast is treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Kinetic blasts count as a type of weapon for the purpose of feats such as Weapon Focus. The kineticist is never considered to be wielding or gripping the kinetic blast (regardless of effects from form infusions; see Infusion), and she can't use Vital Strike feats with kinetic blasts. Even the weakest kinetic blast involves a sizable mass of elemental matter or energy, so kinetic blasts always deal full damage to swarms of any size (though only area blasts deal extra damage to swarms). A readied kinetic blast can be used to counterspell any spell of equal or lower level that shares its descriptor. A kinetic blast that deals energy damage of any type (including force) has the corresponding descriptor.

* Gather Power (Su): If she has both hands free (or all of her prehensile appendages free, for unusual kineticists), a kineticist can gather energy or elemental matter as a move action. Gathering power creates an extremely loud, visible display in a 20-foot radius centered on the kineticist, as the energy or matter swirls around her. Gathering power in this way allows the kineticist to reduce the total burn cost of a blast wild talent she uses in the same round by 1 point. The kineticist can instead gather power for 1 full round in order to reduce the total burn cost of a blast wild talent used on her next turn by 2 points (to a minimum of 0 points). If she does so, she can also gather power as a move action during her next turn to reduce the burn cost by a total of 3 points. If the kineticist takes damage during or after gathering power and before using the kinetic blast that releases it, she must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 10 + damage taken + effective spell level of her kinetic blast) or lose the energy in a wild surge that forces her to accept a number of points of burn equal to the number of points by which her gathered power would have reduced the burn cost. This ability can never reduce the burn cost of a wild talent below 0 points.

*Elemental Defense (Su): At 2nd level, a kineticist gains her element’s defense wild talent.

Flesh of Stone: Element earth; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0

Your skin hardens like stone, dampening the impact of most attacks. You gain DR 1/adamantine. This DR increases by 1 for every 2 kineticist levels you possess beyond 2nd. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase the DR by 1 until the next time your burn is removed, to a maximum DR equal to your kineticist level. Whenever you accept burn while using an earth wild talent, the energy surging through you causes your damage reduction to change from DR/adamantine to DR/— for 1 round. You can dismiss and restore this effect as an immediate action

* Elemental Overflow (Ex)

At 3rd level, a kineticist's body surges with energy from her chosen element whenever she accepts burn, causing her to glow with a nimbus of fire, weep water from her pores, or experience some other thematic effect. In addition, she receives a bonus on her attack rolls with kinetic blasts equal to the total number of points of burn she currently has, to a maximum bonus of +1 for every 3 kineticist levels she possesses. She also receives a bonus on damage rolls with her kinetic blast equal to double the bonus on attack rolls. The kineticist can suppress the visual effects of elemental overflow by concentrating for 1 full round, but doing so suppresses all of this ability's other benefits, as well. The next time the kineticist uses any wild talent, the visual effects and benefits return instantly.

As a kineticist's body becomes more and more suffused with her element, she begins to gain more powerful benefits.

Starting at 6th level, whenever she has at least 3 points of burn, the kineticist gains a +2 size bonus to two physical ability scores of her choice. She also gains a chance to ignore the effects of a critical hit or sneak attack equal to 5% × her current number of points of burn. At 11th level, whenever the kineticist has at least 5 points of burn, these bonuses increase to a +4 size bonus to one physical ability score of her choice and a +2 size bonus to each of her other two physical ability scores.

At 16th level, whenever the kineticist has at least 7 points of burn, these bonuses increase to a +6 size bonus to one physical ability score of her choice, a +4 size bonus to a second physical ability score of her choice, and a +2 size bonus to the remaining physical ability score.

*Infusion Specialization (Ex)

At 5th level, whenever a kineticist uses one or more infusions with a blast, she reduces the combined burn cost of the infusions by 1. This can't reduce the total cost of the infusions used below 0.

She reduces the burn cost by 1 additional point at 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th levels.

*Metakinesis (Su)

At 5th level, a kineticist gains the ability to alter her kinetic blasts as if with metamagic feats by accepting burn. By accepting 1 point of burn, she can empower her kinetic blast (as if using Empower Spell). At 9th level, by accepting 2 points of burn, she can maximize her kinetic blast as if using Maximize Spell. At 13th level, by accepting 3 points of burn, she can quicken her kinetic blast as if using Quicken Spell.

At 17th level, by accepting 4 points of burn, the kineticist can use her kinetic blast twice with the same standard action, or swift action if she also uses metakinesis to quicken the blast.

When she uses a double kinetic blast, all modifications, such as metakinesis and infusions, apply to both of the blasts, but the kineticist needs to pay the burn cost only once.

She reduces the burn cost by 1 additional point at 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th levels.

*Internal Buffer (Su)

At 6th level, a kineticist's study of her body and the elemental forces that course through it allow her to form an internal buffer to store extra energy.

The buffer starts empty and doesn't replenish each day, but the kineticist can accept 1 point of burn to add 1 point to the buffer as a full-round action, to a maximum of 1 point total. This maximum increases to 2 points at 11th level and to 3 points at 16th level. Once the kineticist adds points to her buffer, they remain indefinitely until she spends them.

When she would otherwise accept burn, a kineticist can spend 1 point from her buffer to avoid accepting 1 point of burn. She cannot spend more than 1 point from her buffer in this way for a single wild talent. Points spent from the internal buffer don't activate elemental overflow or add to its effects. Similarly, this buffer can be used to exceed the limit on the number of points of burn the kineticist can accept in a single turn.

*Expanded Element: Earth - Composite blast -> Metal Blast

On person: Wayfinder
In backpack:
Potions/Oils: Potion of Invisibility, Potion of CMW
Wands: Miscs:
Ioun Stones: Cracked pale green prism, cracked dusty rose prism
Encumbrance lb. without backpack (//), lb. with backpack

Wondrous Items

  • Head
  • Headband
  • Face/Eyes
  • Neck Amulet of Natural Armor +1
  • Shoulders Cloak of Resistance +2
  • Chest
  • Body
  • Armor +1 Mithral Chain Shirt, +1 Mithral Buckler
  • Belt Belt of Mighty Constitution +2
  • Wrist
  • Hand
  • Ring Ring of Protection +1
  • Ring
  • Feet


  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

Things to buy


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Page last modified on 2017-08-03 13:51

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