This leather covered journal has seen better days. It obviously wasn't a cheap one originally and the entries in it span for a number of years.

First entry from 34 years ago, written in fine handwriting
Here begins my official journal as the new Paralictor of Eleder. Had I've been appointed as a Paralictor to some reasonable location I would have been happy but to be sent to the ass end of nowhere to see to colonial rabble I find untollerable. But I go where I'm ordered. Fortunately I was allowed to bring my daughter along. We are currently sailing towards Eleder and hope to reach the cesspool of a "city" with three weeks.

Next entry is two weeks later
By the nine hells! Our ship got caught in a storm and now we're shipwrecked on this island. Fortunately many of our men got safe to the island. We've established a base camp near the beach and set up some shelter. I count 18 knights and a dozen crewmembers from the ship made it here. I am happy that my daughter made it as well. We'll look for more in the morning.

Following entries have no date to them
A week has passed I believe, hard to keep track of the days. Our food and water is running low. Iäve sent foraging parties to collect food and water. The heat during the day is unbearable and the men get exhausted easily wearing their armour. I've allowed them to relax on the dresscode. Arathia seem to like it though, but I fear her attire is distracting the men, I will have to have a talk with her.

We've relocated the campsite to a hill on the northern edge of the island. We've also dug a well to provide us with fresh water. Forraging has paid off and we have a steady food source as well. It has come with a cost. We've lost ten good men since coming to the island. Some to disease, others to poisonous animals and a few to traps, it seems we might not be alone. Also I had to sentence two sailors to death for trying to violate Arathia. She was shocked but was otherwise unharmed. I will have to start teaching her to defend herself.

We've been attacked by someone three nights in a row. I've decided to head out to meet this threat. I will leave three of my knights and the remaining sailors to the camp. I will return once the threat has been eliminated. I will also leave my journal here.

At this point the handwriting changes to much simpler and cruder

It's been many nights since papa left. The attacks have stopped though so I think he will come back soon. The other are nice to me though. I miss my papa.

I think my papa is dead. Since he called me his little princess means I'm in charge now. I will be a good queen, I swear it.

Treachery! Some of the men refused to follow my orders. I ordered the knights to lob their heads off. I giggled as they rolled down the hill.

I has been many moons that I last saw my papa. But the kingdom is thriwing! I even have a crown and a throne now. I also killed my first savage today. Of course Alduin chopped his legs off first so he couldn't run but it was still me that killed him. The kingdom is safe.

I need to find a prince, so he can become a King and we can rule together and get our own princes and princess'. We shall have to start searching some of the ships to find him.

No more! I shall no longer look for a king or any man! We met a lovely survivor some days ago. He was lovely and a fancied him. One day we went for a walk, and as soon as we got far enough from the castle, he violated me! I shall hunt him down and hang his head on a spike!

Entries continue like this for page after page, becoming slowly more and more erratic.

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