Starfinder Society -hahmot


The world is heading towards doom!

Male Shimreen Precog 2
Alignment N Medium Humanoid (Shimreen)
Player Swyrlyn, (<112455-709>)
Xp 3
Faction Dataphiles
Homeworld Shimrinsara

Init +4 (+4 Dex)
Senses Perception +4

KAC 16, EAC 15, AC vs CMB 24 (+1 EAC/+2 KAC armor, +4 Dex)
SP|HP|RP 10|14|5
Fort +0 (+0 Con, +0 Precog), Ref +7 (+4 Dex, +3 Precog), Will -1 (-1 Wis, +0 Precog)
Defensive Abilities

  • Safeguard: By carefully analyzing the battlefield and making minute, dexterous moves, you can protect yourself from harm. As a reaction when you take damage, you can use a paradox to reduce the amount of damage taken by an amount equal to the paradox, up to a maximum reduction of 5.
  • Resist: Electricity 5

Speed 30 ft. (30 race)
Melee Shifting Limb +1 1d3 P
Ranged Called Laser Rifle, Azimuth (Fire, 120 ft, burn 1d6)
Offensive Abilities

Spells:(CL 2)
1st (2+1/day)(DC 15) Death's Door, Overheat, Comprehend Languages
Orisons (6) Climate Adaptation, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Stumble, Injury Echo

Str 10, Dex 18 (16+2) , Con 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +1
Skills acp 0; Total skill ranks: 2x (6Precog + 4 int) = 20

  • Acrobatics(Dex)c (1) +4
  • Athletics(Str)c
  • Bluff(Cha)c
  • Computers(Int)
  • Culture(Int)c
  • Diplomacy(Cha)c
  • Disguise(Cha)c
  • Engineering(Int)c
  • Intimidate(Cha)c
  • Life Science(Int)c
  • Medicine(Int)c
  • Mysticism(Wis)c
  • Perception(Wis)c
  • Physical Science(Int)
  • Piloting(Dex)c
  • Profession miner(Wis)c
  • Sense Motive(Wis)c
  • Sleight of Hand(Dex)
  • Stealth(Dex)
  • Survival(Wis)c

Languages Common, Akitonian, Aklo, Abyssal, Infernal, Brethedan, Castrovelian, also called Lashunta

  • 1: Skill Synergy: Benefit: Choose two skills. These skills become class skills for you. If one or both were already class skills, you gain a +2 insight bonus to those skill checks instead. (Computers and Engineering)

Class Features Precog:

  • Anchor, focal paradox, paradox, Temporal anomaly

Anchor (Doomed Future):

  • 1:st level - You are cursed with visions of a terrible future. Whether it’s the distant awakening of a Great Old One, a post-apocalyptic realm where automatons have conquered the stars, a magical cataclysm triggered by well-intentioned experiments, or a future where the Swarm encompasses all known worlds, a seemingly inevitable future is inseparably linked with your consciousness. Though you can see only glimpses of this doomed future, you struggle to avoid it, hoping your actions will eventually change the terrifying visions you receive.

Racial abilities

  • Amplify, Electricity resistance, Radiant, Shift Limb

Theme (Xenoarchaeologist):

  • Theme Knowledge (1st) You have trained yourself to have few presuppositions about the foreign devices you uncover. Reduce the DC to identify rare, ancient, or alien tech by 5. Engineering is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Engineering checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation.

Reputations Acquisitives , Tier ; Dataphiles , Tier ; Exo-Guardians , Tier ; Second Seekers , Tier ; Wayfinders , Tier

Combat gear V
Other gear Battery, Rounds, Hygiene Kit, Professional Clothing, Industrial Backpack ,4x Mk 1 Serum of Healing, Engineering kit, Hacking kit, Navigators tools, Professional tools, Trapsmiths tools, Rider’s kit, Field rations for 1 week (1), R2E (ready to eat) x 10
Augmentations Synaptic Accelerators (Technology), MK 1 (Dex +2)
Encumbrance 10 bulk w/o backpack, 12 bulk. w/backpack 5( bulk. light/ bulk medium/ bulk heavy)

Played Scenarios

  • 1: Starfinder One-Shot: The Great Grav-Train Robbery
  • 2: #4-13 Hard Reset
  • 3: Intro #1: The First Test
  • 4: #5-01: Starfinder Society Intro: Year of Redemption’s Rise
  • 5: One Shot #4 Before the Storm
  • 6: #5-06: Tarnished Legacy: Historia's Holdout
  • 7: #5-02: Road to Reconciliation
  • 8: #5-08: Tarnished Legacy: Star Sugar Superstar!!!

Skills to Identify Creatures:

Creature TypeSkill
AberrationLife Science
Construct (magical)Mysticism
Construct (technological)Engineering
HumanoidLife Science
Magical beastMysticism
Monstrous humanoidLife Science
OozeLife Science
PlantLife Science
VerminLife Science


Proficiencies Armor Light armor Weapons Basic melee weapons, small arms, and one of the following: advanced melee weapons, longarms, or sniper rifles

  • The types of tool kits are: engineering kit (Engineering checks without one take a –2 penalty), navigator’s tools (grants a +4 bonus to Survival checks when orienteering), professional’s tools (provides a +4 bonus to Profession checks for one profession), rider’s kit (provides a +4 bonus to Survival checks to ride

creatures), and trapsmith’s tools (provides a +4 bonus to Engineering or Mysticism checks to arm or disarm traps). = 20*5 = 100

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