
Calmert Bae Stats

Calmert Bae

Male Orc0 Hunter(Feral Hunter) 5 / Brawler(Wild Child) 1
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid(Human)
Player mosillan

Init +3 (+3 dex)
Senses Perception +11, Darkvision 60'

AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19; (+3 dex, +7 armor, +2 shield)(-1 rage, +2 NA, +2 defl.)
HP 55/60 (5d8(8,6,7,7,4) + 1d10(4) + 12 con + 6 feat + 6 fc)(+6 bear focus)(+6 rage)
Fort +6/7 (con +2, class +5, resistance +0)
Refl +7/8 (dex +3, class +5, resistance +0)
Will +5/6 (wis +3, class +2, resistance +0, +1 trait)
Special Defences:

Speed 30ft, with armor 20ft, PA and DA included, -1 negative level. Remember Light Sensitivity!

Hopeknife+91d4+10(19-20/x2)only in extreme conditions
Mw Longsword+91d8+10(19-20/x2)S
2handed Agrimmosh+92d6+17(x3)B
+1 Flaming Scimitar+91d6+11+1d6(18-20/x2)S
Mw Greataxe+81d12+15(x3)S


Shortspear+41d6+10(x3)P range:20'
mw composite +3 shortbow+51d6+7(x3)P range:70'
Alchemist's fire etc+5xdn(x2)Touch Remember PBS

Special Offences:

Known Spells (Druid/Ranger) (CL 4/5, Concentration +8)
2nd (2+1/day) (DC 15) - Barkskin, Lesser Restoration, Summon Nature`s ally II, Beastspeak
1st (4+1/day) (DC 14)- Cure Light wounds, Longstrider, Resist Energy, Faerie Fire, Summon Nature`s ally I
Cantrips (DC 13)- Create Water, Know Direction, Purify Food and Drink, Guidance, Detect Magic, Detect Poison

Str 22 (21+1) Dex 16 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 12
Base Atk 4; CMB 11/12 (+4bab, +6str, +2morale); CMD 24/25 (+4bab, +6str, +3dex, +2morale)

Skills acp: -5; total skill ranks: 3*(6+2+2)+(4+2+2) -2 on skill that don't have ranks, -1 negative level

Traits Trunau Native1, Strong Arm, Supple Wrist2, Meticulous3
Languages Common, Orc, Giant
RSQ Heart of the Wilderness4
SQ Feral Focus, nature training, orisons, wild empathy, Track, Precise Companion, teamwork feat, Wild Shape, Woodland stride, Brawler's cunning, martial flexibility, martial training, unarmed strike, Animal Companion(1 level)

On person: mw Longspear[4], Hopeknife(Mw Dagger)[1], 3x Shortspear[3], Battleaxe[6], +1 Buckler, Shortbow[2], 20x Arrows[3], Explorer's Outfit[8](-)
In backpack: Hunter's Kit[28], Grappling hook[4], Shield Sconce[0.5][1], 2x Alchemist's Fire[1], 3x Acid[1], 2xLiquied Ice[1] Crowbar[5], Antitoxin[1], Cambfire bead
Potions/Oils: magic weapon, 2x pass without trace
Miscs: 23gp
Ioun Stones:
Encumbrance 69 lb. without backpack (133/266/400), M lb. with backpack (153/306/460)

Wondrous Items


Things to buy



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page last modified on 2015-10-20 13:24