
Tauri Persei

Bi-non-binary Shakatla Bountyhunter Solarian 2/ Vanguard 2
Lawful Good Medium Humanoid(Shakalta)
Player mosillan
Homeworld ??

Init +2
Senses normal, limited telepahty; Perception +8

EAC 17; KAC 19 (+1 enhancement when >0 EP, +1/+2 shield))
SP 44 | HP 34 | RP 5
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +5
Special Defenses

Speed 25 ft.
Melee Entropic Strike +7 (1d3+3 B) Operative, magical vs EAC

at will - Dancing Lights, Energy Ray(electricity or fire only)

Str 11, Dex 14, Con 18 (16), Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; AC vs CMB 26

Skills acp -1; Total skill ranks: 2x 6Vanguard + 2x 4Solarian - 4x 1Int) = 13

Languages Common, ??, Azlant
RSQ Aura of Light, Bonded Souls, Dual-Classed, Energy Body, Shakalta Telepathy, Psychic Shunt, Shakalta Magic, Skill Synergy, Star Sustenance
SQ Entropic pool, entropic strike, first vanguard aspect (aspect insight), Skill adept, solar manifestation(Solar Shield), stellar mode, stellar revelation (black hole, supernova), Mitigate, vanguard discipline, Stellar revelation(Stellar Rush)

Worn gear Aoen Guard Battle Dress (Trooper) (3B), 3x Serum of Healing mk1 (LB, 150c), Comm-unit Personal (LB, 7c), Stattiesine +2,
Encumbrance bulk w/o backpack, x bulk. w/backpack ( bulk. light/ bulk medium/ bulk heavy)

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page last modified on 2020-05-13 17:30