Iron Circlet
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 1,800 gp; Weight –
This circlet of wrought iron alters itself to comfortably fit any wearer. It allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with a disguise self spell. As part of the disguise, the circlet can be changed to appear as any sort of hat, headgear, or hairstyle the wearer desires.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 900 gp

Black Jewel
The jewel transforms the circlet into a headband of vast intelligence, alluring charisma or inspired wisdom +2 (whichever is most appropriate for each PC). The circlets retain all of its previous properties as well.

The Eye of Vigilance (the First Eye of Vetra-Kali)
Aura strong divination (evil); CL 15th
Slot none; Weight –
This jewel at first appears to be nothing more than an exquisite emerald worth at least 20,000 gp. Only if the jewel is steeped in the blood of a sentient creature does it reveal its true nature. The Eye of Vigilance was the magical focus used to create the Horn of Abaddon in the first place and so it is connected to every square inch of the structure. The bearer of this jewel may scry the Horn of Abaddon just as if he possessed a crystal ball. The Eye is also a critical component of the ritual to destroy the Silver Seal and return Vetra-Kali to the prime material plane.
If all three of the Eyes of Vetra-Kali are united in the statue of Vetra- Kali in the Sanctum, then the Eye of Vigilance functions as a crystal ball with true seeing again limited to the confines of the Horn itself.

The Eye of Hatred (the Second Eye of Vetra-Kali)
Aura strong divination (evil); CL 15th
Slot none; Weight –
This jewel at first appears to be nothing more than an exquisite emerald worth at least 20,000 gp. Only if the jewel is steeped in the blood of a sentient creature does it reveal its true nature. The Eye of Hatred was the magical focus used to dedicate the Horn of Abaddon to the Four Horsemen. It is thus sensitive to any outside interference. The Eye of Hatred pulses whenever any divine magic of Mitran origin is used within the Horn of Abaddon. The Eye is also a critical component of the ritual to destroy the Silver Seal and return Vetra-Kali to the prime material plane.
If all three of the Eyes of Vetra-Kali are united in the statue of Vetra- Kali in the Sanctum, then the Eye of Hatred not only pulses when such magic is used but immediately directs the Eye of Vigilance to show that magic being used.

The Withering Eye (the Third Eye of Vetra-Kali)
Aura strong evocation (evil); CL 15th
Slot none; Weight –
This jewel at first appears to be nothing more than an exquisite emerald worth at least 20,000 gp. Only if the jewel is steeped in the blood of a sentient creature does it reveal its true nature. The Withering Eye was the magical focus used to first summon Vetra-Kali from the lower planes to the prime material. It is thus attuned to Vetra-Kali and a powerful channel for daemonic energy. The Withering Eye when placed in the statue of Vetra-Kali descrecates (as the spell except it affects both undead and daemons) the entire Horn of Abaddon. The DC to resist negative channeled energy within this area gains a +6 profane bonus. Every undead or daemonic creature gains a +2 profane bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. An undead or daemonic creature created within or summoned into such an area gains +2 hit points per HD. Furthermore, anyone who casts animate dead within this area may create as many as double the normal amount of undead. The Eye is also a critical component of the ritual to destroy the Silver Seal and return Vetra-Kali to the prime material plane. If all three of the Eyes of Vetra-Kali are united in the statue of Vetra-Kali in the Sanctum, then the Withering Eye not only desecrates the Horn but also grants all daemons within fast healing 1.

The Tears of Achlys
Type disease, contact, inhaled or injury; Save Fortitude DC 16
Onset variable but at least 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con damage; Cure None. The Tears of Achlys can only be cured by casting remove disease on the victim.
Note The Tears has an INT of 3 and can do less damage (perhaps even seeming to be cured) to better infect more victims.

Helbrand is an intelligent +4 unholy good outsider bane bastard sword (LE, Int: 12, Wis: 16, Cha: 14, Ego: 19; telepathy; darkvision 60’; purpose: defeat the servants of Mitra and return Asmodeus to dominance in Talingarde; 1/day: dimensional anchor, greater infernal healing; CL 18th).

Cloak of Radivar Astrox
CL 15th
Slot shoulders; Weight 1 lb.
This simple black cloak with some red ornaments doesn't really catch the people's eye but at the back of a capable antipaladin and assassin it brings up it's true potential.
Cloak grants +4 resistance bonus to saves. If you are an antipaladin your smite good ability is considered 4 levels higher. If you have sneak attack ability your sneak attack is increased by +2d6 and finally it grants +2 deflection bonus to AC.

Robes of the green dragon
CL 10th
Slot Body; Weight 1 lb.
These light green robes are adorned with darker green dragons that majestically circle the robe all around.
The robes grants the wearer constant water breathing, 1/day spell like ability - charm person, both of these with the wearer's sorcerer level when considering bloodline powers. The robes also actually increase your sorcerer levels for bloodline powers by 4 levels. As well your dragon form transformations last twice longer and your dragon bite is considered one more size higher for damage dices.

Amulet of the Eternal Life
CL 10th
Slot amulet; Weight –
The amulet looks very much of a simple trinket. Small dark even obsidian stone that hangs of a thin silver chain.
The Amulet was a great wizard's attempt on eternal life. Ultimately the attempt was a failure but this useful amulet was at least created in the process.
The Amulet grants the wearer constant false life that can be reseted 1/hour as a free action. The wearer automatically stabilizes and the wearer's constitution is considered 10 higher before actually dying. As an extra benefit all the time you spent wearing this amulet is increased on your ultimate lifespan. The maximum benefit though is only doubling the natural time between your venerable and death ages.

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