Unstrapped 2: kehitysversio 001

Itse olen tehnyt niin, että jokainen loitsu, feat, skill yms. on omalla rivillään ja jokaisella on linkki d20pfsrd:n vastaavaan asiaan, esimerkiksi:

1st (3/day) — Acid Arrow, Comprehend Languages
Feats Power Attack, Dodge
Skills Appraise +4 (1), Craft (alchemy) +4 (1),
Tällä tavoin asiat ovat edes jonkinlaisessa järjestyksessä muokkausruudussa, ja linkit eivät huku sotkuun.


Sandru Vhiski

Enimity boon(Remus): You gain +4 bonus to initiative.

Olet kehittynyt pitkälle, kun lähdimme liikkeelle, mutta et olekaan nähnyt minua viime aikoina tositoimissa

Male Human Rogue(Swashbuckler) 11 / Fighter 1
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid

Init +6
Senses Perception +15

AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 21; (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +2 Shield, +1 def, +1 dodge, +1nat)
with 2H-grip 22, touch 14, flat-footed 19; (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 96(11d8+1d10+11+11+10)
Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +8; +3 vs. fear(morale)
Special Defenses Improved Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Mobility, Offensive Defense(+5)

Speed 30 ft
Melee +1 Scimittar +16/+11 1d6+6, 18-20, S
Melee, PA +1 Scimittar +13/+8 1d6+12, PA, 18-20, S
2H-grip, PA +1 Scimittar +12/+7 1d6+17, PA, 18-20, S
Ranged mwk composite(+3) Longbow +13 1d8+3, x3, P
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +6d6, Cleave, Shadow Strike

Str 20(18), Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +9/+4; CMB +14; CMD 28
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus:Scimittar, Dodge, Mobility, Great Fortitude, Cleave, Shadow Strike, Extra Rogue Talent
Skills Acrobatics +21(+18) (12)(skill mastery), Appraise +15 (12), Bluff +17 (12)(skill mastery), Climb +8 (1), Craft(carpentry) +10 (7), Diplomacy +17 (12)(skill mastery), Disable Device +18(with tools) (12), Handle Animal +6 (1), Knowledge(history) +4 (1), Linguistics +4 (1), Perception +15 (12), Profession (Merchant) +15 (12), Ride +5 (1), Sense Motive +5 (2), Stealth +5 (1), Swim +8 (1), Survival +4 (1), Use Magic Device +6 (1)
Languages Common, Varisian, Tian
SQ daring(+3), martial training(scimittar), rogue talents(2xcombat trick, weapon training, offensive defense, Improved Evasion, skill mastery(acrobatics, bluff, diplomacy))

On person +1 mithral Breastplate, +1 buckler, +1 Scimittar, Ring of Protection +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Belt of Giant Strength +1, mwk composite(+3) Longbow, 20xarrows, belt pouch, 2xBottle of Brandy(worth 50 gp each), everburning torch, masterwork thieves` tools, trail rations, wineskin, +2 cloak of Resistance
In backpack Adventurer's Kit

Save-selvennökset Fort:(+2goodsave+0,5+11*0,33+1ability+2cloak+2feat)=+12, Ref:(+2goodsave+0,33+11*0,5+2ability+2cloak)=+11, Will:(+12*0,33+2cloak+2feat)=+8

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