Unstrapped 2: kehitysversio 001

Zaramir Arzen

Male Duergar Cave Druid 12
LE Medium Humanoid
---- Init 1
Senses Perception +23, Sense Motive +20

AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 23; (+10 armor, +3 shueld, +1 Dex, +1 deflection)
Fort 10, Ref 6, Will 17
Special Defenses

Speed 20
Special Attacks

Spells known
6th (3/day) 5th (4/day) 4th (5/day) 3rd (6/day) 2nd (6/day) 1st (6/day) — spells
Cantrips/Orisons (at will) — spells

Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 26, Cha 4
Base Atk 9; CMB 12; CMD 23
FeatsHeavy Armor Profiency, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Aug,emt Summoning, Nature Spell, Leadership, Blind-Fight, Superior Summoning
Skills Acrobatics +4 (1), Climb +7 (1), Disable Device +3 (1), Fly +9 (5), Handle Animal +7 (7), Heal +12 (1), Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +21 (12), Knowledge (Geography) +16 (12), Knowledge(nature) +19 (12), Knowledge(planes) +9 (5), Perception +23 (12), Ride +5 (1), Sense Motive +20 (12), Spellcraft +19 (12), Stealth +13 (12), Survival +25 (12), Swim +7 (1)
Traits Oppressive Exceptations, Deep Guardian, Nature-born Leader
Languages Common, Undercommon, Dwarfen, Druidic, Auron, Terran, Aquan, Ignan
SQ Cave Sense, Wild Empathy, Tunnelrunner, Lightfoot, Resist Subterranean Corruption, Touch of Darkness, Eyes of Drakness, Darkvision 120ft, Duergar Immunities, Stability

On person
In backpack
Encumbrance x lb. without backpack, x lb. with backpack (x lb. light/x lb. medium/x lb. heavy)


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