Minor covenant (the Esteemed Order of Techmancers)

Aspirants are a religious covenant whose reputation was greatly tarnished by the Eserhaus Heresy. They obsess over the divinity of the God-Machine. The Aspirants wish to reform the Techmancers into a religious order in direct competition with the Church. Techmancery should be used to awe the common people into worshipping the God-Machine. Many Aspirants joined the heretics, later becoming the core of Ascensionists. This seriously undermined the power and prestige of the covenant. As a result, the Aspirants are maintaining a low profile under the watchful eye of Ordo Rimore.

Most members join the covenant owing to intense personal experiences during the Ritual of the Conduit. They drift to the covenant right after the ritual, or join it later on. Converts are occasionally made of others, though it is rare. The Aspirants are mostly composed of Ordo Voluptas. They are fascinated by Miracle Generators and other means of inspiring religious awe. Some maintain unofficial connections with the Ascensionists. The communication is mostly relatively harmless philosophical and religious debate.

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