Pathfinder Society 2 -hahmot

Gerard Rautavala

Fighter 3
Player Eldrik (192674-2001)
XP 28 Fame 26

Ancestry Rock Dwarf, Background Hermit
Speed 20, Perception +9••
Alignment Neutral Good
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon

Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14
Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8

AC 21 (+6 armor, +5 prof)
HP 46
Fort +9••, Ref +7••, Will +9••
Special Defenses +2 trip/shove/prone, +3 ref vs damage, bravery

Melee +1 Guisarme +12 (reach, trip) 1d10+4 S
Melee Warhammer +11 (shove) 1d8+4 B
Ranged Javelin +7 (thrown, 30ft) 1d6+4 P
Special Attacks Attack of opportunity

Cantrips 2/day + prestidigitation — detect magic, ray of frost, read aura, shield
Spell Attack +7, DC 17


  • Arcana +8
  • Athletics +11 ••
  • Crafting +7
  • Lore (Cave) +7
  • Lore (Warfare) +7
  • Medicine +7
  • Nature +7
  • Occultism +7
  • Society +7
  • Survival +7

Ancestry Abilities Darkvision, Unburdened Iron
Class Feats Sudden Charge, Wizard dedication
General Feats Shield block, Adopted Ancestry
Skill Feats Dubious Knowledge, Assurance (Athletics 17)
Class Features Attack of opportunity, Bravery
Pathfindering Envoy's Alliance (24), Spells•• Swords•

Bulk x/9
Worn Full plate, belt pouch, bandolier, clothing, hat of the magi
Weapons +1 Guisarme, Warhammer, Clan dagger, Javelin (3) +sheats
Backpack (xB) bedroll, belt pouch, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks’ rations, soap, 5 torches, waterskin, grappling hook, mug, oil, Basic Crafter's Book, crowbar, writing set, spellbook

Played Scenarios

  1. #1-01: The Absalom Initiation
  2. #1-02: The Mosquito Witch
  3. #1-03: Escaping the Grave (GM)
  4. #1-00: Origin of the Open Road (Valeros)
  5. #1-04: Bandits of immenwood
  6. #1-07: Flooded King's Court
  7. #1-08: Revolution on the Riverside

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