
Chaotic good Human Male Gunslinger (buccaneer) 2/Sorcerer 3
Physical Features: Age 21, Height 178, Weight 84
Experience: 15000
Religion: varies

Hit Points: 42
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30ft

Abilitis: Str 16, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18
AC: 19
Touch AC 14
Flat-Footed AC: 15
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5

BAB/CM/CMD: +3/+6/20
Attack (melee): MW hand axe +7 (1D6+3) (X3)
Attack (melee): Club +6 (1D6+3) (X2) range: 10ft
Attack (melee): Claws x 2 +6/+6 (1d4+3 x 2) (20/x2?)
Attack (melee): Tide water cutlass+1 +7 (1d6+4 19-20/x2)
Attack (ranged): Pistol +6 (1d8) (x4) range: 20ft (paper ammo x 20)

Acrobatics* +8 (2)
Appraise +2 (0)
Bluff* +8 (1)
Climb +7 (1)
Craft (carpentry) +9 (2)
Craft (alchemy) +11 (1)
Craft (gunsmith) +10 (2)
Diplomacy +4 (0)
Disguise +4 (0)
Escape Artist +3 (0)
Handle Animal +8 (1)
Heal +9 (3)
Indimitate +8 (1)
Knowlege; Engineering +7 (1)
Knowlege; Local +8 (2)
Knowlege; Arcana +11 (5)
Perception +10 (5)
Profession (Surgeon) +6 (1)
Profession; Sailor +6 (1)
Sleight of hand 7 (1)
Spellcraft 7 (1)
Stealth +3 (0)
Survival +6 (1)
Swim +8 (2)
Use magic device 9 (2)

Feats: Two-Weapon fighting, Two-Weapon defence, Dodge, prodigy (craft; gunsmith & craft; alchemy)

Ship’s Surgeon; +1 craft; carpentry & heal skill as class skill
Reactionary (+2 trait bonus on initiative checks), Artisan (+2 trait bonus on a single Craft skill (Alchemy))
Vain (Whenever you fail an opposed Charisma-based check, you take a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks for the next 24 hours)
Addiction to grog(?)
Languages: Common, locan language, Draconic, Elven ----
Abilities and qualities:Bonus feat, Skilled, Deeds, Grit, Gunsmith, Liquid courage, All simple and martial weapons proficiencies as well as irearm proficiencies and light armour proficiency, Eschew Materials, cantrips, bloodline power; Claws, Bloodline power: dragon resistance (resist acid 5 and nat armor +1) ----


lev 0
light, spark, mending, message, detect magic
lev 1
Feather fall, jump, mage armor (bloodline bonus spell), identify

Equipment: [77/153/230]

Wand of mirror image 23 charges
Money: 112gp, 1sp
Travelers Outfit
Studded leather
Healers kit
Alchemist's lab (portable)
Gunslingers kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Beltpouch, Flint & Steel, Iron pot, Messkit; Plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife and a spoon (wood),Powder Horn, Rope, Torches (10), Trail rations (5 days), Water skin, parts for masterwork pistol.

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