Janive; Female Half-elf Ranger (Missing)
Morosine; Male Human Kid
Gorvio; Male Human
Mathalen; Female Human
Ermolos; Ermolos Kontos, si
Fiosa; Female Halfling (Captured)
Arael; Male Elf Cleric (Deceased)
Rissardo; Male Half-elf
Amaya; Female Elf
Tarvi; Male Thiefling Warrior?
Lichtor Richemar Almansor; Commander of citaderp, Leader of the Rack
Edmund; Male Human, Owner of The Elixirium, Boss of William
Draper; Male Human, Foster father of Taomray
Ailyn Gontasavos; Pathfinder Female Human,
Robahl Nonon; Director of Opera, plays Asmodeus
Delour Aulamaza; Singer, Chorus, Narrator
Thesing Umbero Ulvauno; Handerthan
Calseinica Nymmis; Petite Beauty
Millech The Hump; Male Human, Design etc.

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