NR / Renraku Arcology Shutdown

Renraku Arcology: Shutdown

Renraku Arcologyn sulkeutuminen on yksi Seattlen historian merkittävimpiä tapahtumia, joka on vaikuttanut aikanaan koko kaupunkiin ja Renraku Computer Systemsin kautta koko maailmaan. Kaksi pelikertaa on vain raapaisu pintaa, mutta antaa kuitenkin kuvaa siitä millaista arkologiassa oli tuona outona ja synkkänä aikana.

AAA-korporaatio Renraku Computer Systemsin Seattle SCIRE on yksi kuudennen maailman suurimmista ja kunnianhimoisimmista rakennushankkeista. Mainospuheiden mukaan tarvittaessa täysin omavarainen, uusinta teknologiaa ja parasta viihdettä sisällään pitävä arkologia on käytännössä kaupunki kaupungin sisällä.

Yhtiö aloitti valtavan arkologiaporjektinsa vuonna 2040. Massiivinen korporaattiutopia kärsi lukuisista rakennusvaiheen ongelmista alkaen United Canadian and American Statesin hallituksen kanssa käydystä ekstraterritorioon liittyvästä kädenväännöstä, jatkuen rakennusvaiheen haasteisiin ja -- projektin viivästyessä ja paisuessa – yhtiön sisäisiin budjettikisitoihin. Projekti saatiin kokonaisuudessaan valmiiksi juuri ja juuri ennen vuoden 2059 loppua ja alatasojen julkiset alueet avattiin yleisölle sopivasti ennen jouluostoksia. Tässä vaiheessa ensimmäiset asukkaat ovat asuneet arkologiassa ja toistakymmentä vuotta.


Genre ja tunnelma

Kuten arvata saattaa, Renraku Shutdown käsittelee tilannetta, jossa hahmot joutuvat kohtaamaan odottamattomia haasteita turvallisen ympäristön muuttuessa suljetuksi, vähemmän turvalliseksi ympäristöksi. Skenaarion pääpaino on tunnelmalla. Merkittäviä teemoja ovat utopian muuttuminen dystopiaksi, Iso Veli joka valvoo, teknologian vaarat ja normaalien ihmisten sankaruus.

Maailma pohjaa Shadorunin 3. edition maailmaan, mutta ei välttämättä seuraa tarkasti kaikki kirjojen teknologiasia tai aikajanallisia yksityiskohtia.

Kolme sessiota, kaksi ryhmää

Renraku Shutdown pelataa kahdella ryhmällä perjantaina ja launtaina. Henkiin jääneet hahmot pelaavat yhdessä sunnuntaina kolmannen session. Pelit aloitetaan neljän ja kuuden välillä, vähän ryhmästä riippuen ja lopetetaan viimeistään yhdeltä.


Skenaarion hahmot ovat suhteellisen normaaleja Kuudennen Maailman metaihmisiä. Pelaajat voivat joko kehittää hahmonsa itse tai sitten ottaa valmiin hahmon pelinjohtajalta. Hahmoissa tärkeää ei ole statistiikka, vaan luonne, ihmisuteet, toiveet ja pelot.

Tapahtumat alkavat 19. joulukuuta vuonna 2059. Arkologia on valmistunut muutama kuukausi sitten ja julkiset kerrokset on avattu suurelle yleisölle. Jouluostokset ovat täydessä vauhdissa ja arkologian lukuiset viihdekeskukset ovat uusinta uutta kaupunkilomailun saralla.

Hahmot voivat olla joko Renraku Computer Systemsin työntekijöitä tai muualta SCIRE:een tulleita vierailijoita, lomailijoita tai shoppailijoita. Megakorporaatio on niin laaja, että työntekijät voivat olla lähes miltä tahansa kuviteltavissa olevalta elämän osa-alueelta aina jätteidenhallintaosaston siivoojasta lasten- ja nuorten tuoteiden markkinointipäällikköön. Kukaan hahmoista ei ole kuitenkaan asunut arkologiassa kovin pitkään.

Hahmoilla voi olla hyödyllisiä kykyjä ja kokemusta konfliktitilanteista, mutta korkeasti koulutettujen turvallisuusalan henkilöiden tai Varjoissa liikkuvien toimijoiden tekeminen ilman pelinjohtajan konsultoimista ei ole suotavaa.


Koska skenaarion pääpaino on tunnelmalla, emme käytä Shadowrunin 4. edition melko raskasta systeemiä vaan sopivasti soveltaen Over The Edgen varsin kevyttä järjestelmää. Siitä löytyy varsin hyvä lyhennelmä Mikin Murder Dreamsin sivuilta.

Welcome to Renraku's Seattle SCIRE

Alla oleva teksti on Renrakun työntekijöille tehty esittelypaketti arkologiasta. Sitä ei tarvitse lukea kokonaan, ei välttämättä ollenkaan ja sitä ei missään nimessä tarvitse osata. Sen tarkoitus on antaa fiilistä siitä, millaisessa paikassa hahmot elävät tai ovat vierailemassa. Myös muut, kuin Renrakun työntekijöitä pelaavat pelaajat voivat lukea haluamansa määrän materiaalia ja käyttää sitä pelissä. Seattle SCIRE on vuosikymmenen mittavin rakennnusprojekti ja kaikki Seattlessa käyneet ovat kuuleet siitä kertomuksia ja anekdootteja.

Renraku Arcology (SCIRE)

Population: 92,000

Human 87%
Elf 6%
Dwarf 4%
Ork 1%
Troll 1%
Other 1%

Corporate Affiliation: 99%

780 meters by 650 meters (base), 969 meters high

Floors: 320
Elevators: 401
SkyPads: 30

(6th floor, 31st floor, 220th floor and roof)

Hospitals and Clinics: 36
Regional Telecom Grid Access:

NA/UCAS-SEA (Green-4/6/8/6/6/6)

Local Grid Access:

NA/UCAS-SEA/REN (Green–5/8/10/8/10/10)

A Message from the President

On behalf of Renraku America and more than 90,000 of your new neighbors, allow me to welcome you to the Seattle SCIRE (Self-Contained Industrial-Residential Environment). The word scire is Latin for “to know.” We chose that name to sig- nify the main purpose of this complex—advancing human knowledge, both scientific and social. The SCIRE isn’t simply a place to work or live; it is a complete, independent communi- ty like nothing else the world has seen before. It is a place to learn and grow, and become a part of something greater than yourself. It is a diverse, rewarding and wonderful place—and I should know, because I live here too. Though SCIRE is the building’s official designation, most people usually refer to it simply as “the arcology;” we’re hop- ing that you’ll call it “home.” Welcome to our world, and thank you for helping us make it the best world it can be.

--Dr. Sherman Huang President and Divisional Manager, Renraku America

Welcome Home


This document is designed to give you a general feel for how the arcology works, where things are and how you can get more information about whatever parts of the complex interest you. There’s a lot more to the arcology than we can cover in this introduction, of course, but this should provide a starting point from which you can explore your new home. We’ll start off with an overview of the building’s main areas, functions and systems in order to make your first days in the arcology as smooth as possible.

Residential Zones

I thought the corporate housing offered by my previous employer was wonderful, but when I came to Renraku, I learned what luxury really was. Everything I could possibly need is literally minutes away, and I don’t have to worry about traffic or bad weather in order to get where I’m going. My daughters attend schools as fine as any in Seattle, and the view from outside our suite is like nothing I’ve ever imagined — we can look down on some of Seattle’s tallest buildings! It’s spectacular. Living here is so comfortable and convenient, and the people are all so friendly. I never want to leave.

--Kristin Walser, from her 141st floor home

We’ll start our tour in the arcology’s residential zones, where more than 90,000 Renraku employees and family mem- bers make their homes. Most residential zones consist of “blocks” of eighteen or twenty consecutive stories, with each floor housing an average of 600 residents. Spacious residential suites, which can be fully customized to meet each inhabitant’s needs, comprise about half of each residential floor. The aver- age suite is more than 200 square meters in size, though a wide range of sizes and floor plans are available to suit everyone from single employees to large families. Though some suites adjoin one another, our sophisticated HUSH™ sound- proofing system makes each residence a quiet, independent haven for those times when privacy is your main concern.

Each residential suite is outfitted with state-of-the-art tech- nological appliances and conveniences: autocooker, a basic Matrix-wired trideo unit with complete subscriber service options, complete Renraku Home Entertainment Modules, and holo-FX wall-screens that open a window to the world through a wide range of soothing landscapes.

Distributed throughout each floor are numerous shopping complexes, each of which includes a diverse array of stores, restaurants and businesses that provide residents with every- thing they need. Fresh produce and seafood are available daily, much of it produced right here in the arcology, and the diverse products of Renraku’s worldwide factories all find their way to your doorstep.

The arcology’s school system, recently voted one of Seattle’s best by Pacific Parents magazine, is also located on the residential floors. From pre-kindergarten through the twelfth grade, students can learn and grow in a technologically advanced environment designed especially for them. Live teach- ers are supplemented with trideo and simsense lessons, field trips throughout the arcology and beyond, and one of the world’s largest research databases. Students who are ill can attend class via their home telecom systems, and homework and tests can be graded instantly by arcology computer systems.

Watch for the opening of Renraku University in 2062, a four-year and post-graduate college located entirely within the arcology. With world-class professors already joining the facul- ty, the university promises to be an educational blessing for Renraku employees and their families.

Each residential floor is bordered by an “indoor park,” a wide stretch of natural grass and trees; the same massive win- dows that let in the sunlight also provide a spectacular view of downtown Seattle or, on the building’s western and southern sides, Elliott Bay. Each residential floor also includes two large entertainment complexes, designed to provide recreational diversions of every sort. Children will enjoy the zoos, game arcades and motion-simulator rides, while adults will find a wide variety of nightclubs for their own entertainment. And of course, the spectacular FunZone™ amusement park is located in the arcology’s Grand Mall, just a quick elevator ride away!

Centrally located clinics on each residential floor are well equipped to handle any minor injuries, with sophisticated diag- nostic equipment and well-stocked pharmacies. More serious medical conditions are referred to one of the arcology’s fifteen fully-staffed hospitals; one is located within each group of res- idential floors to ensure swift access to their services. Everything our residents need is right at their fingertips.

Commerciel and Industrial Zones

The arcology provides a great working environment, with all the amenities I could ask for. Working in Renraku’s North American center of operations means I always have access to the tools and information I need to do my job. Best of all, home is just an elevator ride away; I can spend plenty of time with my family without feeling like I’m neglecting my job.

--Scott Richardson, from his office on the 227th floor

As impressive as the residential areas are, they comprise only a portion of the Seattle SCIRE. The arcology is a complete working environment, combining the corporate headquarters of Renraku North America with some of the company’s most advanced manufacturing facilities. The following is just a small sampling of the products that emerge from the SCIRE plants:

Computer hardware, from the wrist-sized Personal Secretary™ to the massive ASC2000 series of commercial mainframes. Computer components of all sizes and types are manufactured in “clean rooms” on the arcology’s upper floors, then shipped to various plants throughout the building where they are assembled and tested. Then it’s on to the basement where they’re packaged and shipped worldwide, or distributed within the arcology.

Computer software is designed in offices and design labs throughout the arcology, in close collaboration with other Renraku development sites around the world. In fact, the SCIRE PLTG hosts multiple “virtual lab” domains for the Renraku Worldwide PLTG. After thorough testing by our software experts—and by volunteer testers in the SCIRE community— the final product is duplicated and packaged in a gigantic fac- tory in the arcology’s basement. From trideo games to our market-leading Breakthrough™ business suite, We Make Programs For People Like You!™

Consumer electronics use many of the same components that our computers do, but are manufactured in separate plants throughout the arcology. From massive trideo screens on Floor 22 to portable simsense rigs a hundred floors above, all man- ner of products, tools and “gadgets” are manufactured right here at the SCIRE.

Cyberware, a growing part of Renraku’s technological family, is researched in the arcology’s cutting-edge laborato- ries and manufactured in our own plants. Thinking about get- ting a new PureFlow™ datajack? You can stop by one of our clean, comfortable cyberclinics and have one installed that just came off the assembly lines! That’s right—the top-rated PureFlow™ series was designed and manufactured entirely within the arcology.

These and countless other fine products are designed, developed, manufactured, packaged or shipped within the arcology, and most of them are available to residents—often at substantial discounts! Each type of manufacturing is done on a specially designed floor or group of floors, so it’s impossible to generalize about how they’re organized. One thing remains constant, however: like all other Renraku facilities, the factories within the arcology are designed to be as advanced, efficient and safe as any in the world.

Support Zones

These zones include the thousands of “invisible hands” that keep life in the arcology easy and comfortable. The arcol- ogy is completely self-sufficient, able to produce all the food, energy and fresh water our residents need. Agriculture, power production, waste processing, ventilation and more are all assigned dedicated areas within the arcology, ensuring that all the necessities of life are taken care of for you.

Sophisticated circulation systems on each floor continuously draw fresh air in from outside the arcology and deliver it throughout the floor. The system constantly adjusts the air flow and temperature depending on the movement of the arcolo- gy’s inhabitants, delivering extra ventilation to more crowded areas and providing cool breezes or warm gusts as necessary. The system even measures the prevailing winds outside each floor and adjusts the intake valves accordingly, in order to min- imize external pollutants. Waste gases are likewise vented and blown away from the arcology.

If outside pollutants reach unacceptable levels, the ventilation system automatically seals the intake valves and starts recirculating the air within the arcology. Residents will never notice the difference, because the complex contains enough live plants to ensure a continuous supply of fresh oxygen for an indefinite length of time.

Every drop of water used in the arcology is collected, tested, purified, tested again and purified again, all in massive tanks deep beneath the arcology. The arcology reuses more than 90 percent of its water, with the difference being replen- ished through the collection of natural rainwater that is similar- ly treated for purity. Even the byproducts removed during the water purification process don’t go to waste; they are collect- ed, separated and used in hydroponic farming, chemical research and other arcology projects.

Three ultra-advanced, ultra-safe Stein-Henneman fusion reactors handle the arcology’s power requirements. Each month, one of the three reactors is taken off-line for mainte- nance and strict safety testing, while the other two supply more than enough energy for the entire arcology. The SCIRE and all of its inhabitants can function perfectly with no connection to Seattle’s regional power grid, making power outages yet anoth- er problem that our residents no longer have to worry about.

The Matrix

As amazing as the arcology was physically, I expected the Matrix to be about the same here as it was everywhere else. Was I ever surprised! I was staggered by the beauty and reso- lution of the arcology’s systems, as well as the obvious talent of the interface programmers. It’s incredibly easy to work here. Whatever I need is at my virtual fingertips, and the system response is always nanofast. The SCIRE is just as amazing in the virtual world as it is in the real one.

--Deacon Cham, from his software lab on the 202nd floor

In addition to producing millions of nuyen in physical goods, the Seattle SCIRE also serves as Renraku Computer Systems’ main North American data hub. It provides data warehousing, overflow processing capability and emergency backup capability for all of Renraku America’s host systems throughout the continent, and is a primary disaster recovery site for Renraku’s international headquarters in Chiba, Japan.

The SCIRE itself is home to multiple hosts, which comprise the SCIRE Private LTG. In addition to being connected to and providing services for the Seattle LTG, the SCIRE PLTG is con- sidered the backbone of the Renraku Worldwide LTG.

Many smaller corporations also rely on the SCIRE hosts’ tremendous processing power and storage capabilities to per- form tasks that their own computer systems are simply not equipped to handle. In fact, some companies do all their data processing through the SCIRE, meaning that they don’t need to expend the overhead required to maintain their own comput- er systems. The arcology’s state-of-the-art Matrix Resources division offers Matrix hosting, programming assistance, data conversion, secure storage and system analysis. Its customers range from small businesses like Holdstock Software and First Pacific Bank to clients as large as the Seattle Metroplex gov- ernment, which chose Renraku to create and maintain SeaSource™, the city’s public database.

But it’s not “all work and no play” in the SCIRE host by any means. The system’s datastores contain an unrivaled English and Japanese library of trideo classics, converted flatscreen films, interactive stories, simsense recordings and much more—enough to entertain you for more than four years of continuous viewing, available right in your own residence!

Those of you who spend a lot of time in the Matrix will find the arcology’s systems a pleasure to work in, and others will find our fascinating electronic world worth a visit. The medieval Japanese imagery of the arcology’s Matrix has long been renowned for its beauty, but our expert system architects are currently implementing a redesigned interface that promises to be even more spectacular. Combining “RetroDeco” designs from the 2030s with cutting-edge technological imagery, the new approach promises to usher in the ’60s with style.

Of course, substance is just as important as style—we’re not called Renraku Computer Systems for nothing! The arcology’s Matrix has enough computing power for everyone in the building to access the Seattle LTG simultaneously with no noticeable loss of performance, and offers more than fifty petapulses (that’s fifty billion megapulses) per second of full-time, direct-access Matrix bandwidth. In addition, all Matrix work in the arcology is monitored by the Arcology Expert Program, a brilliantly designed system created to make your work easier. Whether you’re involved in complex programming or just want to review some sales figures, the AEP will have the tools you need at your side before you ask for them — and som times even before you know you need them!


I have a lot of friends and relatives throughout the Seattle area, so it’s important for me to be able to get around. Within the arcology, it seems like there’s an elevator bank around every corner, and if I need to leave, I’ve got a monorail stop practically at my doorstep. I can take a shuttle helicopter for quick business flights around town, and there’s even a bus sta- tion in the basement if I choose to travel that way. I’ve got a Rolls Royce Prairie Cat in the garage, but I almost never need to use it. Why fight traffic when I can travel in such style?

Jeff Bruford, from outside Skypad 6

As you’ve probably already noticed, the arcology is quite large; in fact, it’s the ninth largest building in the world. It needs to be big, in order to comfortably accommodate a per- manent population of almost a hundred thousand people! To put that in perspective, that’s about 15 percent of the popula- tion of downtown Seattle—in one-tenth of one percent of the city’s surface area! The arcology seems so roomy because of its vast size and the efficiency of its design. Getting around in such a huge building might seem like an all-day affair, but the bril- liant architecture of the arcology’s transportation systems makes in-building travel a breeze.

More than 400 elevators are operating in the arcology— that’s one elevator every thirty-five meters. Some large build- ings attempt to speed up travel by restricting certain elevators to certain floors, but that just means that fewer elevators go where you need to go. Renraku’s exclusive Heightened IntEleGence™ system provides a superior solution. You enter your destination floor before boarding the elevator, and the Heightened IntEleGence™ expert system computer calculates the most efficient, time-saving way for you and your fellow passengers to get where you’re going. The next elevator arrives already programmed with your destination, and you’re off! For those in less of a rush, there are numerous escalators throughout the arcology, as well as abundant stairwells for those who prefer to travel under their own power.

Horizontal travel within the arcology is just as easy. Automated pedestrian walkways connect the busiest areas of each floor, and quiet, clean magnetic PeopleCarrier™ trams make regular circuits around the outside of many floors as well. Combined with the arcology’s super-efficient layout, these transports make sure you’re only minutes away from wherever your day may take you. As self-sufficient as the arcology is, there may still be times when you’ll need access to the outside world. We’ve made the necessary transportation arrangements for you, and they’re just as convenient, luxurious and safe as the rest of the arcology. Twelve helicopter landing pads at the mall level and a dozen more on the upper floors offer efficient shuttle travel throughout Seattle via Renraku Local Airlines, with hourly airport service.

The third-floor monorail station offers convenient access to major downtown landmarks, and our very own bus terminal offers even more clean and safe travel options. For those who wish to take matters into their own hands, five stories of under- ground parking provide easy access to Intercity Highway 5, as well as a secure, weatherproof place to keep your car (with reduced monthly rates for arcology residents). The Seattle pub- lic ferry system terminal on Pier 66 is only a few blocks away, and taxis are always readily available. In short, it’s always easy to reach your destination, whether inside the arcology or out.

A Few Words About Security

I expected life in the arcology to be different in some ways, but I didn’t realize how much less there is to worry about here until we moved in. Outside, I had to worry about crime, traffic, pollution, and a million smaller things—for myself and my children. I had to worry about just getting them to and from school safely! I spent so much time and energy stewing over those things that I didn’t have enough for my loved ones. But now Renraku takes care of all that for me. I know we’re safe in here no matter what happens outside, and so I can concentrate on the things that really matter — my job and my family.

--Kate Kuramoto, from the 117th floor shopping mall

The safety of our residents and employees is our number one concern. A recent survey by the e-magazine Workspace placed Renraku’s Seattle arcology in the top 2 percent of all global workplaces in personal safety, making the Seattle SCIRE the largest building ever to earn the Workspace Exceptional Safety Seal. A major factor in the award was the careful design of our factories, offices and residential areas, all of which are built to avoid accidents and decrease the severity of those few that do happen. It also helps that a major hospital is never more than a quick elevator ride away. Of course, not all safety problems result from accidents. It’s a sad but unmistakable fact of modern life that crime is more prevalent than ever before. In the streets of Seattle, despite the best efforts of police, robbery, burglary, assault and even mur- der are all too common. Even in the finest neighborhoods, it’s impossible to keep out all potentially dangerous individuals.

Here in the arcology, however, those urban troubles are literally a world away. Every entrance to the building is careful- ly guarded by graduates of Renraku’s renowned Seoul Security Academy, who keep a vigilant eye on all visitors in order to safeguard our residents. Non-pedestrian entrances, such as the monorail and bus stations and the parking garage, are similar- ly well-guarded, and numerous Safe Zone™ booths provide impregnable places of refuge in the unlikely event that an inci- dent does take place. Simply step inside one of these booths and press the PANICBUTTON™ to seal yourself off from any troublemakers while simultaneously alerting building security.

Renraku surveillance cameras and security personnel constantly monitor all public and common areas, ensuring contin- uous protection in every hallway, plaza, store and park.

Access above the sixth floor is carefully controlled by live guards and automated systems, including Renraku’s exclusive HearSay™ voice-recognition identification system. In addition to the security on the residential and business floors, the ele- vators also serve as part of the arcology’s protective systems. Everyone traveling above the sixth floor must be identified as an arcology employee or resident, or an authorized and pre- registered guest of one, before the elevators will leave the public areas.

We’ve even taken steps to protect against the unlikely pos- sibility of terrorist activities. The building’s exterior glass is armored and mirrored on all floors, and surveillance outside is as complete as it is inside. In case of emergency, elite members of the famed Red Samurai brigade are stationed at the arcology to ensure a prompt, safe response to trouble of any kind.

Building fires are extremely unlikely, thanks to the fire- proof materials used in the arcology’s construction, but that doesn’t mean our safety engineers ignored the possibility. Renraku’s world-renowned SnuffIt™ extinguisher system easi- ly deals with small fires. In the unlikely event of a larger fire, emergency lighting and our trained security staff will ensure a swift and safe evacuation of all affected areas. Once all resi- dents are safely away, the area wil be sealed off while power- ful vacuum pumps swiftly remove all air from it. Without oxy- gen, fire quickly dies, and the threat will be eliminated with a minimum of property damage. In short, the arcology’s extraordinary security and your cooperation make the Seattle SCIRE one of the safest places in the world to live. Is it any wonder that some of our residents never leave?

Just the beginning

Construction began on the arcology in 2040 and will be completed later this year, in October 2059. A three-day gala will be held to celebrate our grand opening, including a formal ribbon-cutting ceremony with Governor Schultz and an in- depth arcology tour, broadcast on the Renraku Channel. Join us!

While the completion of the arcology is a major accom- plishment, there’s always room for improvement at Renraku! Our future plans for the arcology include an Elliott Bay expan- sion, an enlargement of the exciting FunZone™ amusement park, and the installation of a revolutionary robotic cleaning and service system!

We hope we’ve given you an overview of how you can live, work and play with more efficiency, safety and fun in the arcology than anywhere else—but the real excitement comes when you begin to explore your new home on your own.


Your new neighbors will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns, and the Residents’ Bureau is always available to provide answers for you. The ArcSource™ arcology database is also a good source of data on day-to-day activities, and contains a complete directory of all the depar™ents, offices, divisions and services available at the SCIRE. But the best way to learn more about the arcology is to simply walk around, explore it and see what you find ... it may surprise you!

ArcSource™0ARCMatrix Resources0606
Business Directory0737Renraku Computer Systems, General Info0411
FunZone™0818Residents’ Bureau0272
Human Services0363Security0911
Medical Emergencies0999Transportation0525
Maintenance Services0484  

Page last modified on 2012-05-03 17:12