Campsite near the beach on opening middle of jungle, guarded with traps and guards.

Defender (traps and barricades) - Ishirou (The Tian) with Eugene
Entertainment (moral boosting) - Aerys (The Poet)
Guard (the watchmen of the night) - PC:s, Ishirou in sync with Eugene from Defender
Hunter (Drinks and food for everyone) - Jask (The Prisoner) and Sasha (The Merry Lady)
Medic (tender of wounds and sleep) - Gelik (The Gnome)

Crazy captain and lover:
Captain Alizandru Kovack, professional sailor who got mad and probaply run Jenivere to a shote to habit Smuggler's Shiv with..
Ieana A bookish mystical Varisian scholar

Queen Bellanger and her ruffians

Accumulated Lootz

  • Jenivere
    • Captains room
      • 4 x Potion of Cure Light wounds (on PCs)
      • Potion of Cure moderate wounds (on PCs)
      • 4 x Potion of lesser restoration (on PCs) Down to one
      • Potion of remove disease (on PCs)
      • Potion of Water breathing (on PCs)
      • Potion of Water walking (on PCs)
      • Bottle of fine brandy (Krondike, half empty already)
      • Darkwood model of Jenivere in a bottle (not appraised yet) (Krondike)
      • Small coffer of coins (350gp, Krondike)
    • Larder
      • 24 days worth of food Eaten already
    • Supply room
      • Alton Dever's MW shortshord (Eugene?)
      • Alton Dever's MW studded leather armor (someone?)
      • Tools and construction equipment and supplies
  • Queen Ballinger
    • Hellknight plate (Queen)
    • MW Greatsword (Queen)
    • Chainmail (with Hellknight tabbard) (General)
    • Heavy Steelshield (With Hellknight insignia) (general)
    • Composite longbow (str +1) (someone?)
    • Journal Ballinger's Journal
    • Small chest containing an assorment of coins
      • 28 gp, 7 sp, 13 cp
    • Dried food for 9 days (1 person) Shared
    • Smoked meat for 12 days (1 person) Shared
    • Barrel of salt Used for preserving food, some still left of course
    • Masterwork Padded Armor
    • Masterwork Quarterstaff
    • Masterwork Scythe
    • Oil of Purify Food and Drink
    • Potion of Cure Light Wounds (on PCs)
    • Potion of Remove Sickness (on PCs)
    • Potion of Virtue (on PCs)
    • Scroll of Expeditious Retreat (on PCs)
    • Scroll of Magic Weapon (on PCs)
    • Scroll of Stone Fist (on PCs)
    • 20 x Artisan's Tools (5 lb)
    • Bag of Common Spice (1 lb)
    • Bag of Wheat (rotten) (1 lb)
    • Barrel of Ale (240 lb) Gone :)
    • Bottle of Spiced Wine (4 lb) Gone :)
    • 5 x Box of 20 Arrowheads (1 lb)
    • Explorer's Outfit (8 lb)
    • Flask of Oil (1 lb)
    • Hemp Rope (50') (10 lb) (on PCs)
    • Merchant's Scale (1 lb)
    • Piton (1/2 lb)
    • Portable Ram (20 lb)
    • 9 x Pouch of Tobacco (1 lb)
    • Rope Ladder (50') (25 lb) (at Boat landing)
    • 2 x Sewing Needle ()
    • Small Cask of Molasses (8 lb)
  • Tattooed Lady's wreck
    • Masterwork Warhammer with symbol of Torag (Bertram)
    • Bag of 10 Pitons
    • Sickle
    • 10 x Tiny Wooden Box
  • Flying lizard nest
    • Lizard egg for Sasha

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