NR / HongKong

NR Hongkong

Uudelleenjärjestelty DoA4 varten.

Hong Kong Chapter Opening

Kontakteja (Whampoa)


Peikko, Wampoa, portieeri ja pomo

Lost Noble

VR-loungessa viihtyvä entinen korporaatti ja infobroker

Wei Kim

Korealainen kääpiö, droneteknikko

Phai Tau

Vanha, ribolet kyllästetty infokauppia


Kai Tak Night Market (Kowloon City)

vanhan lentokentän kiitoradalle öisin muodostuva laittomien tavaroiden kauppapaikka.

The Whampoa (Kowloon City)

Entinen, laivaan muotoon tehty ostoskeskus. Nykyisin Wampoan hakkerikommuunin ja Whampoa Data Havenin tukikohta.

Mahdollisesti relevantteja tyyppejä

Cpt. Konstantin Arsov

Ihminen Evo NavTechin Hong Kong Marine Authorityn kapteeni, Tolo Vorin tsaari?

Kristl Eri

Ihminen, eteläisestä venäjästä Evo NavTechin headhunter, Vorin jäsen


Ihminen, venäläinen Evon autokuski

Dewei Teng

Örkki, venäjän kiinalainen
Hong Kong Police Forcen etsivä, joka on ollut vähän liian kiinnostunut Vorin tekemisestä.

Yuang Lung

Ihminen, hotellin diileri



Aikajana, 2070

"Vittu mikä muurahaiskeko! Mä en tuu tänne enää ikinä."

-- Blair 21/07/2070

1. elokuuta
31. heinäkuuta
Yöllä tehdään harhautuskeikka. Dantel kaapataan.
30. heinäkuuta
Hotelli Svyatoslavissa
29. heinäkuuta
Meleg vapautetaan vankikuljetuksesta. China Ferry Terminalissa räjähtää. Paluu hotellille.
26. heinäkuuta
Meleg saa viestin vankilaan. Pallo lähtee pyörimään.
24. heinäkuuta
Tapaaminen Ma'fanin kanssa.
Slav hannaa. Dantel juoksee.
21. heinäkuuta
Gatewayn sijainti selviää. -> Keikalle!!!
Oopiumia ja tappohommia.
19. heinäkuuta
Vastauksia Melegiltä. Illalla Whampoalle.
18. heinäkuuta
Autojen Surffailua.
17. heinäkuuta
Tietoja Tain Chenistä.
16. heinäkuuta
Tietoa Melegistä.
15. heinäkuuta
Vori tuo tietoja. Päättelyä ja ostosmatkailua. Dantel matkailee muissa maailmoissa.
11. heinäkuuta
Sisään Deweille. Kassakaappi ikkunasta. Vesihiihtämään ja illalliselle Kristlin kanssa..
10. heinäkuuta
Keikalle. Tylsää vahtimista. Bisneskamera hankitaan.
9. heinäkuuta
Kostamista ja toipumista
8. heinäkuuta
Kolmikko tapaa kapteeni Konstantin Arsovin.

Bilettämään kaupungille. Blair saa turpaan.

6. heinäkuuta
Blair, Dantel ja Slav lähtee Hongkongiin

Melegin aikajana

Blair, Dantel ja Slav seikkailevat - Melegiä etsimässä

Back Bulletin tiimin kohde: Tain Chen

Ihminen, n. 30 v

Melegin tiimi
Black Bullet
NA-ihminen, etsivä, pomo Tykes
Anglo-ihminen, naama/hakkeri
Smoking Ice
Anglo-ihminen, raskas lihas

7. huhtikuuta
Tain Chen saapuu kaupunkiin lentokoneella
10. huhtikuuta
Black Bulletin tiimi saapuu kaupunkkiin. Smoking Ice jää kiinni tullissa ja vangitaan.
12. huhtikuuta
BB:n tiimi käy Kai Tak Night Marketilla
18. huhtikuuta
Pääsevät Tain Chen jäljille, mutta päätyvät tappelemaan Ten Thousand Lionsin kanssa ennen isompaa edistystä.
25. huhtikuuta
BB:n tiimi jäljittää Tain Chenin uudestaan, tällä kertaa Meng T'angiin - Tain Chenin oikea nimi
28. huhtikuuta
BB saa Tain Chenin kiinni, kun tämä sössii ja koittaa paeta pää sauhuten.
29. huhtikuuta
BB:n tiimi jää kiinni. Tykesiä ei koskaan löydetä.
1. toukokuuta
Tain Chen alkaa vetää kamaa Low Town Yen-Yenissä.
28. toukokuuta
Menettää Triadin suojeluksen, kun alkaa olla selvää, että velkoja ei voi enää maksaa.
5. kesäkuuta
Häädetään kämpästään ja muuttaa Kowloon Bay Typhoon Shelteriin. Auttaa spoofailussa yms. saadakseen rahaa kamaan.
17. kesäkuuta
Ei palaa enään Low Town Yen-Yenistä.

Vanhoja muistiinpanoja


Melegin mahdolliset tuomiot



Lao Hu


Tain Chen

Ihminen, n. 30 v

Melegin tiimi

Smoking Ice

Anglo-ihminen, razor boy


Anglo-ihminen, naama/hakkeri

Black Bullet

NA-ihminen, etsivä

Muita muistiinpanoja

"VORTEX", Marco Brigg, henkivartija (Slav)

"LIGHTNING", Steve Cameron, henkivartija (Blair)

Xiang Networks -- naimisissa EVOn kanssa

Wuxian -- naimisissa 10000 Lions

Renraku -- ei triadiyhteyksiä

Taistelut Kai Tak Night Market ja Wampoa

Whampoa Data Haven

MCT Hong Kong just called a press conference. This is coming in real time, but the feed’s a bit patchy since the HK grid is such a mess. --Sunshine

//Fork/sunshine/ksaf/Emerald Media newsfeed <06/29/70 12:30:54> // // LinguaCell-D audio-to-text transcript enabled //

Ms. Lillian Chun
Dr. Kittiman Zheng, who is heading up Mitsuhama’s response to the current crisis, would like to read from a prepared statement. We will not be taking questions at this point. A follow up conference will be held later tonight.
Mr. Kittiman Zheng
First and foremost, I would like to extend the heartfelt sympathies of everyone here at Mitsuhama to the victims of today’s tragedy and their families. Second, I’d like to reaffirm Mitsuhama’s commitment to this community and pledge our full support to the Hong Kong civil authorities for the duration of the crisis. [ … signal loss … ] -- [] Last night’s disaster is the result of a coordinated escape attempt by 10 patients from an isolated ward in the Queen Elizabeth hospital. Each of these patients suffers from an AIPS-related disorder known as Augmented Virtual Sensory Perception, or AVSP. As some of you some may have gathered from the press, AVSP induces physiological changes in affected individuals that results in as-yet-unexplained psychokinetic and technokinetic abilities. Unfortunately it also leads to acute schizophrenic episodes, paranoid behavior, and destructive outbursts [ … signal loss … ] they must be returned to medical care. We have determined that exposure to wifi -intense environments and AR/VR stimuli exacerbates AVSP conditions. [<<] Their isolation was intended not only for their protection, but for that of others. It is crucial the public understand that these individuals are dangerous, volatile, and highly delusional. At large in Hong Kong, in their current state, there is no reasoning with them. My advice to anyone facing an immediate virtuakinetic threat is to stay calm, try to escape, and immediately contact the police and MCT emergency hotlines. [ … signal loss … ] collectively they are very dangerous. The millions of nuyen in damages and widespread chaos we’ve witnessed in the last few hours is dramatic evidence of the devastation their abilities can lead to if left unchecked. We haven’t seen the like since ’64, and had the escapees combined their powers, I fear we might have indeed faced another Crash. MCT will continue to plumb the origins of this disorder in order to develop countermeasures and ultimately a treatment or cure. We are convinced that a permanent cure is possible. [ … signal loss … ] \\[ … ] This is why MCT has been conducting research into this terrible disorder with the utmost discretion. We’ve attempted to avoid panic among the public until the condition was understood and humane treatments developed. We acknowledge that despite our best security cautions, we underestimated the danger these individuals present. [ … signal loss … ]\\[ … ] Believe their intuitive powers over technology make them a far greater threat to the man on the street than any malicious hacker reliant on standard technology. Obviously, the Crash-related origin of the disorder and its potential connection to the Crash worm give us pause. We cannot rule out the possibility that there may be a direct relation between the two, making each “technomancer”—as the media has taken to calling these individuals—a potential ticking time bomb [ … signal loss … ]\\[ … ] We publicly urge our megacorporate colleagues and civil authorities around the world to consider measures to isolate, control, and snip this emerging menace in the bud. In fact, MCT will be calling an emergency meeting of the Corporate Court to address this very issue before the Hong Kong crisis becomes the fi rst of many such events. I am sorry to cut this conference short, but I must return to our emergency relief center. I’ve just been informed that two of the fugitives have been located and will be detained soon. We will continue to keep the press and public updated via MCT affi liate newsfeeds. Thank you very much for your time.

// end fork //

// Begin network data transfer //
// Fork/sunshine/ksaf/Emerald Media newsfeed :: 07/29/70 <15:37:45> //
// LinguaCell-D audio-to-text transcript enabled //

Ivy Wong
We are live in front of the Tsim Sha Tsui China Ferry Terminal. As you can see behind me, the entire terminal building is on fi re, huge clouds of smoke belching from the shattered glass front of the central building’s atrium. Just minutes ago an enormous explosion shook the grounds and destroyed the backside of the terminal. With me is Mr. Andy Leung of the China Ferry Terminal Authority. Mr Leung, how exactly did this terrible accident happen?
Andy Leung
:Seconds before the explosion we experienced random system glitches and noticed the sub-nodes disconnecting from the main hub. We attempted to reconnect, but found them all encrypted.
I. Wong
Normally, system glitches do not cause an explosion of the building, Mr. Leung. What exactly happened here?
A. Leung
I was monitoring the automated refueling of one our bigger ferries, which had just docked. I can only imagine that the glitches caused a severe malfunction in the fuel feed and the fuel ignited. We thought we had the system back on-line when suddenly all the lights in the building fl ickered and it went dark. A second later, the shockwave of the explosion from the quay hit the building and destroyed most of the back wall. Th e entire quay was engulfed in fire.
I. Wong
Kenneth, zoom in on … what is that? Th ere are still people coming out of the building, barely escaping the flames… no! Oh my God, they are on fire—somebody help them! Oh my God. It’s unbelievable. Please, someone help! Mr Leung, what are you … where are you going … Kenny, zoom in on him, he’s trying to help them!
I. Wong
Wait, I’m just hearing from our news center that the reported system crashes are not isolated incidents, it’s happening all over Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok. Th ere have been several explosions around Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Kenneth Wa
Ivy, I think we should get out, the building looks about to collapse. Let’s get back to the van.
I. Wong
One minute, Ken, this is too serious to just pack up and leave. News center just told me that the Eastern Tiger authorities say the grid is being deliberately attacked. They suspect the 9x9 terr—no, wait, new reports are coming in from downtown. (subvocalized: What? Mental patients? How? Okay, okay … I understand. Let’s wrap this Ken and get the hell out of here.)
I. Wong
Ladies and Gentlemen, the pictures you see behind me are ominously familiar: devastated buildings, terrible accidents, a rising death toll. Once more the Hong Kong Matrix seems to be under wide-scale attack. At the moment, we don’t know the origin of the attack, but it is localized. Authorities urge everyone to remain indoors and away from potentially dangerous electronic devices. Stay tuned for more updates! I am Ivy Wong for Emerald News!

// end newsfeed fork //

Page last modified on 2017-11-30 18:05