Mosuah Tallspire

Male Human Shaman (Witch Doctor) 1
Player Zathow (4197-11)
Xp 0
Faction The Exchange
Prestige/Fame 0/0

Init +1
Senses Perception +5

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15; (+5 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+2Con+1FC)
Fort +4 (+0 Base, +2 Con, +2 Familiar)
Ref +1 (+0 Base, +1 Dex)
Will +5 (+2 Base, +3 Wis)

Speed 30 ft.
Attack: Longspear +0, 1d8+0/x2
Ranged Attack: Javelin +1, 1d6+0/x2 (30ft.)

Str 10, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11


  • Diplomacy +6 (1)
  • Handle Animal (1)
  • Heal +7 (1)
  • Knowledge (Nature) +5 (1)
  • Knowledge (Planes) +5 (1)
  • Spellcraft +5 (1)

Languages Common, Polyglot, Sylvan

Feats: extra channel (+2 channel /day)
combat casting (+4 to concentration checks when casting defensively)
alertness (familiar bonus) (+2 to sense motive and perception)


Familiar (Rat, albino)
Channel positive 1d6 5/day

Spirit: Life (Channel 1+CHA /day, use shaman level as cleric level)

spirit spell:
detect undead (lvl 1)

Orisons: DC 13 (4/day): detect magic, light, create water, daze
Level 1: DC 14 (3/day): burning hands, cause fear, (detect undead)

On person: Scale Mail, Longspear, Javelins (5)

In Backpack: Pathfinder's Kit

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