Unstrapped 2: kehitysversio 001

Nyx Gianokos

Male Therodean Rogue (Unchained) 5 / Red Mantis Assassin 5
Alignment Medium Humanoid (Human)
Player xJx
Init +4
Senses Perception +11

AC 19 touch 15 flatfooted 14 (5 armor +4 dex +1 dodge)
hp 64 (10d8 +20 con +5 favored)
Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +5
Special Defenses Evasion, Danger Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge

Speed 30ft
Melee MWK Therodean Knife +14 d6+6, 18-20/x2 piercing or slashing, deadly
Full Melee 2x MWK Therodean Knife +12/+12 d6+6/d6+6, 18-20 x2 piercing or slashing, deadly
Ranged dagger +11 d6, 19-20 x2 piercing or slashing, range increment 20'
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +5d6, Debilitating Strike

Spells Known (CL 5th, Concentration +7)
1st Level (5/day) Expeditious Retreat, Magic Weapon, True Strike, Vanish
2nd Level (3/day) Cat's Grace, Invisibility

Str 10, Dex 18 , Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Double Slice, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Therodean Knife), Greater Weapon Focus (Therodean Knife), Leadership, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Therodean Knife), Weapon Specialization (Therodean Knife)
Skills ACP 0, Appraise +11 (1), Acrobatics +15 (8), Bluff +13 (8), Climb +4 (1), Diplomacy +13 (8), Disable Device +15 (8), Disguise +13 (8), Handle Animal +6 (4), Heal +5 (1), Intimidate +13 (8), Knowledge (local) +13 (8), Knowledge (nobility) +10 (4), Linguistics +13 (8), Perception +14 (8), Perform (dance) +9 (4), Profession (businessman) +5 (1), Ride +5 (1), Sense Motive +12 (8), Sleight of Hand +15 (8), Stealth +15 (8), Swim +4 (1)
Traits Anakhros, A Quiet Year in a Monastery, Noble's Training, Reborn in Blood
Languages Ancient Therodean, Aurelian, Daenii, Jesabic, Infernal, Jordenian, Luciferian, Saebic, Sign Language, Therodean
SQ Finesse Training, Sneak Attack +5d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Rogue Talents (Combat Trick, Weapon Training), Danger Sense +1, Debilitating Strike, Uncanny Dodge, Rogue's Edge (Disguise), Knife Fighting 2, Knife Dance, White Shroud, Summon Something, Resurrection Sense

On person Feather Step Slippers (1 lb), Traveler's Outfit (5 lbs), Mithral Shirt (10 lbs), 2x MWK Therodean Knife (4 lbs), Therodean Knives (4 lbs)
In backpack Adventurer's Kit (22 lbs), Noble's Outfit (10 lbs), Hot Weather Outfit (2 lbs), Exotic Perfume, MWK Thieves Tools (1 lb), Disguise Kit, Silvery Masque
Encumbrance x lbs without backpack, y lbs with backpack (38 lbs light, 76 lbs medium, 115 lbs heavy)

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