Alfonse Valens

Male Human Psychic 7 / Harrower 4
CG Medium Humanoid
Player Eldrik

Init +6
Senses Perception +16, Darkvision 60ft

AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17; (+4 armor +1 Dex, +1 deflect +2 natural)
hp 60 (11d6 +11con +3fcb)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +12; +1 vs enchantments
Speed 30 ft

Spells (CL11, concentration +19)
Knacks – Arcane mark, Detect magic, Detect poison, Mage hand, Mending, Message, Open/close, Prestidigitation, Telekinetic projectile
1st (8/day) – Air bubbleE, Burst of adrenaline, Feather step, Heightened awarenessT, Magic missile, Remove fear, Telempathic projection, Vanish
2nd (8/day) – Acute senses, Investigative Mind, Mental blockT, False lifeT, Mirror image, See invisibility, Silence
3rd (7/day) – Aura sight, Communal resist energy, Dispel magic, Haste, Mantle of calm
4th (7/day) – FoM, Dimension door, Mind thrust IVE, Telekinetic charge
5th (5/day) - Wall of Force, Modify memory
* – Detect thoughts

Str 8, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Harrowed, Merciful spell, Spell focus (divination), Improved initiative, Logical spell, Spell penetration, Spell specialization mt4
Skills Bluff +15 (11), Diplomacy +15 (10), Escape artist +2, Knowledge (arcana) +20 (10), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10 (1), Knowledge (geography) +12 (3), Knowledge (history) +11 (3), Knowledge (local) +16 (7), Knowledge (nature) +11 (2), Knowledge (nobility) +11 (2), Knowledge (planes) +16 (7), Knowledge (religion) +20 (10), Perception +16 (10), Perform (act) +9 (5), Sense motive +16 (10), Spellcraft +20 (10), Use magic device +15 (10)
Traits Harrow chosen, Westcrown firebrand
Languages Common, Varisian, Halfling, Celestial, Infernal, Gnome, Shadowtongue
SQ Psychic discipline (Tranquility), Mental placidity 2/day, Phrenic pool 5, Overpowering mind, Detect thoughts, Relentless casting, Calming presence 2/day, Blessing of the Harrow, Harrow casting, Towers of Intelligence, Strength and Charisma, Will of The dead
Race traits Skilled, bonus feat

On person Outfit, Harrow carrying case (Harrow mat, Family harrow deck), Belt pouch (Ink, inkpen, journal, ear plugs), Cold iron dagger, Cloak of resistance +3, Headband of vast intelligence +2 (UMD, shadowtongue), Ring of protection +1, +1 shadow studded leather, goggles of night, Lesser extend rod
At home Grooming kit

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