Matilda of Ordo Machinus, 22


Matilda is an energetic young lass of Lunarusian descent. She is Katrine’s twin sister, though she doesn’t advertise the fact. Her Conduit manifests itself as a disturbing movement around her collarbone, as if a nest of angry snakes was trying to burst from her robes.


All reports praise Matilda’s talent with machinery and mekanima. Her tutors and mentors expect great things of her. The posting in Gharda is her first assignment outside Arx Machinus. Youthful and naïve, she sees the world as a playground filled with opportunities. In Gharda she is responsible for the various pumps, including the vital water supply.

Local rumor claim she is having an affair with Xenon.


Matilda is skilled in mechanical arts and is specialized in pumps, liquids and water refineries.

Covenant / Matilda Of Ordo Machinus

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