High Concept Alitajunnan ohjaama keijujen lähettiläs
Trouble Henkilökohtainen selvittämätön salaisuus
Template Emissary of Power
Other Aspects Menestys, aina paras; Päämäärättömyys, avoin uusille asioille; Jokin ohjaa minua; Teen sen mikä tuntuu oikealta; Kirja, mikä kirja?


Great (+4) Conviction
Good (+3) Discipline, Resources
Fair (+2) Empathy, Endurance, Rapport,
Average (+1) Alertness, Fists, Investigation, Lore

Stunts and Abilities

Marked by Power (-1)
Guide My Hand (-1)
Inhuman Toughness (-2)
Catch (cold iron) (+2)
Footwork (-1) You're fast on your feet and have been in enough fistfights to know how to make yourself a hard target. You may use Fists to dodge attacks instead of Athletics, in all the circumstances where Athletics might apply.

Power Level Feet in the Water
Total Refresh Adjustment 6
Adjusted Refresh 2
Player Mikko


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ManseFiles / Veda Alexander Hendrix

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