Unstrapped 2: kehitysversio 001

Old Male Human Paladin (Sacred Shield) 11
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +1


AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 28:(+11 armor, +5 shield, +2 natural)
hp 105 (11d10+11)
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +14
Immune charm, fear, disease; Resist cold 3


Spd 20 ft.
Melee Gauntlet (from Armor) +16/+11/+6 (1d3+5/20/x2) and
:Kimberly +18/+13/+8 (2d6+10/20/x2) and
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Evil (At will)
Paladin (Sacred Shield) Spells Known (CL 8, 16 melee touch, 11 ranged touch):
3 (2/day) Prayer, Magic Circle against Evil (DC 17)
2 (2/day) Shield Other (DC 16), Weapon of Awe (DC 16)
1 (3/day) Divine Favor (DC 15), Grace (DC 15), Hero's Defiance (DC 15)


Str 18/20, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16/18
Base Atk +11; CMB +16 (+20 Bull Rushing); CMD 26 (28 vs. Bull Rush)
Feats Covering Defense, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack -3/+6, Pushing Assault, Shield Focus
Traits Natural-Born Leader, Shield Bearer (Ulfen) (1/day)
Skills Acrobatics -3, Climb -1, Diplomacy +18, Escape Artist -6, Fly -6, Handle Animal +8, Heal +15, Knowledge (History) +1, Knowledge (Local) +1, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Perform (Wind Instruments) +5, Ride -2, Sense Motive +5, Stealth -6, Swim -1
Languages Common
SQ Aura of Courage (10' radius) (Su), Aura of Good (Ex), Aura of Resolve (10' radius) (Su), Divine Bond +3 (11 minutes) (Su), Divine Grace (Su), Holy Shield (10 ft) (Su), Improved Bastion of Good (20 ft) (4/day) (Su), Lay on Hands (5d6) (9/day) (Su), Mercy: Cursed (Su), Mercy: Frightened (Su), Mercy: Shaken (Su)
Combat Gear +2 Bashing, Shield Spikes Shield, Heavy Steel, +2 Full Plate; Other Gear 2x Obsidian Ring, Amulet of Natural Armor +2, Backpack, Masterwork (empty), Bedroll, Belt of Giant Strength, +2, Boots of the Winterlands, Cloak of Resistance, +2, Flint and steel, Headband of Alluring Charisma, +2, Horn of Blasting, Lantern, hooded, Mug/Tankard, clay, Oil (1-pint flask) (10), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Shaving kit, Wand of Bless Weapon (CL 3), Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, Wand of Effortless Armor (CL 5), Wand of Endure Elements, Wand of Protection from Evil (CL 3), Wand of Resist Energy (CL 7), Wand of Restoration, Lesser


Aura of Courage (10' radius) (Su) You are immune to Fear. Allies within 10 feet save at +4 vs Fear.
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Aura of Resolve (10' radius) (Su) You are immune to charm spells, your allies gain a +4 bonus to saves vs. charm.
Covering Defense Total Defense: grant a cover bonus to AC of your shield's shield bonus until your next turn.
Damage Resistance, Cold (3) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Evil at will (as the spell).
Divine Bond +3 (11 minutes) (Su) Add bonus or properties to shield.
Divine Grace (Su) You gain your Charisma Bonus as a bonus to all saving throws.
Greater Bull Rush +2 to Bull Rush, opponent's movement provokes AoO from your allies.
Holy Shield (10 ft) (Su) Allies in range gain shield bonus to AC equal to the sacred shield's own.
Immune to Charm You are immune to charm effects.
Immune to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Improved Bastion of Good (20 ft) (4/day) (Su) One foe does ½ dam to allies in aura, full to self, +4 deflect to AC.
Improved Bull Rush Bull Rush at +2 to push back. No attack of opportunity.
Improved Shield Bash You still get your shield bonus while using Shield Bash.
Lay on Hands (5d6) (9/day) (Su) You can heal 5d6 damage, 9/day
Mercy: Cursed (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes curses, as per the remove curse spell at a caster level of your Paladin level.
Mercy: Frightened (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the frightened condition.
Mercy: Shaken (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the shaken condition.
Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Pushing Assault If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, push the target 5' back instead of dealing power attack damage.
Shield Focus +1 Shield AC

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Gregorin Undmoor on nuoruudessaan tehnyt osansa Norrlandin valloittamiseksi kylmyydeltä, pedoilta ja pahuudelta. Hänen juurensa ovat Lustiassa ja siksi sivistys ja järjestelmällinen sodankäynti ovat osa Gregorin olemusta ja persoonaa. Gregorin on sittemmin eläköitynyt, perustanut perheen ja johtaa pientä kyläyhteisöä. Kuitenkin kuultuaan Tranckenruckin kohtalosta hän tuntee happaman maun suussaan ja haluaa vielä kerran kostaa demoneille, joiden takia hän on kerran menettänyt niin paljon. Hän jättää maansa vanhimman pojansa hallinnoitavaksi ja ratsastaa kohti Denenstadtia. Denenstadtissa hän etsii kyvykästä joukkiota tai järjestynyttä vastarintaa marssiakseen pysäyttämään demonit. Laerlorn 2011-09-11 1:33

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