Vitaliy Onegin

Middle aged Male Human lich Enchanter 10 / Diabolist 10
NE Medium undead (augmented humanoid)
Player Eldrik

Init +14
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +41*
Aura Fear (60ft, DC 25)

AC 38 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15; (+6 Dex +5 natural +4 shield +4 armor +5 nate +4 deflection)
hp 185 ([6,6,6,3,1,3,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,3,3,4,4,2,6,3] + 20*5 cha + 10 FCB)
Fort +16, Ref +16, Will +23; +4 channel resistance
DR 15/bludgeoning and magic
Immunities Cold, electricity, undead traits

Speed 30 ft.
Ranged +16
Special Attacks Paralyzing Touch +9 1d8+10 (DC 25)
Special defences Contingency (???)

Str 8, Dex 23, Con -, Int 34, Wis 22, Cha 20
BAB +10; CMB +9; CMD 25

Default spells prepared (CL 20, concentration +32/+34)
Cantrips (4) — Detect magic, Mage hand, Message, Prestidigitation
1st (7+1/day) — Mage armor, Feather fall, Silent image, Ant haul, Magic missile, Vanish, Shield, Charm person
2nd (7+1/day) — Glitterdust, False life, Mirror image, See invisibility, Splinter spell resistance, Scorching ray, Mortal terror
3rd (7+1/day) — 2x Haste, 2x Dispel magic, 2x Invisibility sphere, Tongues, Suggestion
4th (7+1/day) — Dimensional anchor, Detect scrying, Hellfire, Greater invisibility, Persistent mortal terror, Overwhelming grief, Unholy ward, Confusion
5th (6+1/day) — Daywalker, Cone of cold, Feeblemind, Wall of Force, Passwall, Quickened dominate person
6th (6+1/day) — Getaway, Disintegrate, Greater dispel magic, Persistent Overwhelming grief, Quickened mortal terror, True seeing, Greater heroism
7th (6+1/day) — Mass fly, Limited wish, Quickened haste, Greater teleport, Persistent hold monster, Persistent quickened dominate person, Greater arcane sight
8th (6+1/day) — Rift of ruin, Persistent baleful polymorph, Quickened hellfire, Mind blank, Quickened dimension door, Quickened persistent unholy dominate person, Demand
9th (5+1/day) — Etherealness, Gate, Dominate monster, Time stop, 2x Overwhelming presence

Blessed book 378/1000
1st — anticipate peril, heightened awareness, ventriloquism, discern next of kin, magic aura
2nd — splinter spell resistance, obscure object
3rd — magic circle against good, communal resist energy, displacement
4th — arcane eye, named bullet, Illusory Wall
5th — Feeblemind, Hold monster, Passwall, daywalker, mage's private sanctum, fabricate, overland flight, planar adaptation, prying eyes, trace teleport
6th — Antimagic field, Greater Heroism, Disintegrate, Getaway, Greater claim identity, Contingency, telepathy, flesh to stone
7th — Mass fly, Limited wish, Mage's magnificent mansion, Plane shift, Summon monster VII, Greater teleport, Mass hold person, Forcecage, simulacrum, retrocognition
8th — dimensional lock, mind blank, greater planar binding, moment of prescience, maze, demand, discern location, form of the dragon III, polymorph any object
9th — communal mind blank, mage's disjunction, imprisonment, freedom, greater create demiplane, gate, dominate monster, overwhelming presence, mass icy prison, etherealness, time stop, refuge
My Spellbook 89+
1st — Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Infernal Healing, Mage Armor, Silent Image, Sleep, Protection from Good, Blood Money, Vanish, Erase, Secluded grimoire
2nd — Cat's Grace, Glitterdust, Mirror image, Protection from arrows, Resist energy, See invisibility, Levitate
3rd — Aqueous Orb, Suggestion, Haste, Deflect blame, Gaseous form, Heroism, Invisibility sphere
4th — Confusion, Animate dead, Overwhelming grief, Dimensional anchor, Dimension door
5th — Dominate person, lesser planar binding, Teleport
6th – Planar binding
Richter's Spellbook 99/100
1st — alarm, charm person, expeditious retreat, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, mount, shield, sleep, ant haul, endure elements, unseen servant, Crafter's fortune, Detect secret doors
2nd — bull’s strength, flaming sphere, hideous laughter, invisibility, knock, make whole, Darkvision, Arcane lock, Eagle's splendor, share memory, share language, Locate object
3rd — Magic circle against evil, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4th — Remove curse, Greater invisibility, Detect Scrying, Scrying, Locate creature
5th — Permanency, Break enchantment, Wall of force
The Heart of All Flame 74/100
5th — Cone of cold
4th – fire shield, ice storm, stoneskin, wall of fire, phantom chariot
3rd – dispel magic, flame arrow, fireball, fly
2nd – bull’s strength, burning gaze, flaming sphere, protection from arrows, pyrotechnics, scorching ray, web
1st – burning hands, dancing lantern, expeditious retreat, mage armor, magic missile, sleep
0th – standard plus spark
"Just for studying" 71/100
6th – Hellfire ray, Circle of death, Furious fire barrage, Decapitate
5th – Wracking ray, Summon infernal host, Greater appearance of life, Dominate person
4th – Unholy ward, Greater infernal healing, Apparent treachery
3rd – Appearance of life, Hellfire (4th)
2nd – Compulsive liar, Corrupt item, Mortal terror
1st – Grasping corpse, Infernal healing, Protection from good
Lordi Heironymous Thatchin loitsukirja
8th—greater shout, stormbolts, secret vault
7th—delayed blast fireball, greater teleport, limited wish, greater age resistance, vision
6th—chain lightning, greater dispel magic, true seeing, contingency, repulsion
5th—cone of cold, lightning arc, teleport, wall of force, sending, truespeak, life bubble
4th—ball lightning, dimension door, shout, wall of fire, dragon’s breath
3rd—dispel magic, fireball, haste, lightning bolt, daylight
2nd—invisibility, mirror image, shatter, scorching ray, web, darkvision
1st—mage armor, magic missile, shield
I, Having Roamed Beyond the Wall of Death
9th – teleportation circle, energy drain, wail of the banshee, wish
8th – prismatic wall, incendiary cloud, rift of ruin, create greater undead, horrid wilting, orb of the void, symbol of death
7th – caustic eruption, greater teleport, forcecage, mage’s sword, control undead, finger of death, plague storm, waves of exhaustion, greater age resistance
6th – greater dispel magic, acid fog, true seeing, circle of death, create undead, symbol of fear, undeath to death, age resistance
5th – acid spray, cloudkilll, wall of stone, Feeblemind, suffocation, symbol of pain, Baleful Polymorph, permanency
4th – black tentacles, dimension door, detect scrying, animate dead, bestow curse, enervation, fear, greater false life
3rd – stinking cloud, healing thief, ray of exhaustion, fly, haste
2nd – resist energy, acid arrow, web, blindness/deafness, ghoul touch, scare, spectral hand, Illusion magic mouth, mirror image
1st – alarm, endure elements, protection from good, shield, mage armor, mount, comprehend languages, identify ray of enfeeblement, ray of sickening, restore corpse, sculpt corpse expeditious retreat

Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell focus (enchantment), Devil's Pact, Greater Spell Focus(enchantment), Mage's Pact, Craft Wondrous Item, Vile leadership, *(Alertness), Arcane discovery (Opposition research - evocation), Improved initiative, Augment summoning, Persistent spell, Quicken spell, Contract Master, Unholy spell, Spell perfection(DP)

  • Appraise +18 (3)
  • Bluff +32/+39† (20)
  • Craft (Alchemy) +18 (3)
  • Diplomacy +32/+39† (20)
  • Disguise +28 (20)
  • Escape artist +16 (7)
  • Fly +10 (+24) (1)
  • Heal +7 (1)
  • Intimidate +32 (20)
  • Knowledge (Arcana) +36 (20)
  • Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +20 (5)
  • Knowledge (Engineering) +16 (1)
  • Knowledge (Geography) +16 (1)
  • Knowledge (History) +30 (15)
  • Knowledge (Local) +31 (16)
  • Knowledge (Nature) +16 (1)
  • Knowledge (Nobility) +35 (20)
  • Knowledge (Planes) +36 (20)
  • Knowledge (Religion) +35 (20)
  • Linquistics +20 (5)
  • Perception +41* (20)
  • Perform (keyboard) +28 (20)
  • Profession (Merchant) +13 (4)
  • Sense Motive +41* (20)
  • Spellcraft +35 (20)
  • Stealth +37 (20)
  • Survival +9 (3)
  • Use magic device +23 (15)

Traits †Student of Philosophy, Noituus, Lempiloitsu (DP)
Languages Common, dwarven, draconic, infernal, aklo, necril, abyssal, celestial, nordspeak, boggard, ignan, undercommon, terran, necril

SQ Arcane bond (Familiar), Arcane school (Enchantment), Opposing school (necromancy), Enchanting Smile, Dazing Touch, Aura of despair, Twice-Damned, Imp companion, Infernal charisma +4, Channerl hellfire, Infernal bargain,Heresy +4, Hellish soul?, Infernal transport, Hellfire ray 2/day, Master conjurer

Equipment Handy haversack, Spellbook, Spell component pouch, 4 daggers, clothing, Iron Circlet+2wis, Silver Symbol of Asmodeus, Light Crossbow + 10 bolts, Familiar satchel, scroll case, bandolier, ioun torch, traveler's any-tool, Ring of sustenance, Spellguard bracers, CLW potion, clamor box, Ring of mind shielding, Wand of infernal healing, Cloak of resistance +5, Headband of mental prowess int&cha +6 (ignan, terran, elven, disguise, intimidate perform keyboard), Belt of incredible dexterity +6, wand of vampiric touch (26 charges), Wand of infernal healing (50), Greater piercing rod, lesser talismans (freedom, life's breath), wand on enervation (11), Glove of storing, +1 dueling silver brass knuckles
Stuff Wizard's kit, 2 waterproof bags, 2 pieces of chalk, 20 sheets of paper, String, Steel-framed Mirror, Soap, Earplugs, 5 Sacks, 2 empty bottles, 2x antitoxin, 2x antiplague, matkustustarvikkeet, Timanttipölyä 5500gp, Gold dust 50gp, The Heart of All Flame, Richter's spellbook, Forbidden spellbook, Pearl of power 2(Rin), Silver mirror 1000gp, Lesser extend, silent, elemental (acid) rods, Hieno käärökotelo, PS forks (hell, material), 3x 1500gp diamonds, 2x 5k diamonds, 1000gp ruby dust, MMMM, 9 silver needles, Ivory statuette of me, 2 pearls of power I, 1000gp eye ointment
Scrolls Hideous laughter, sleep, silent image x2, infernal healing x7, invisibility, glitterdust x2, mount, see invisibility, levitate, haste, mirror image, identify x2, fly, magic circle against evil, dispel magic, gaseous form, resist energy (cl7), arcane lock x2, darkvision, heroism, fly, dimension door, mage armor, teleport (CL16), mount (CL16), greater teleport (cl 18), Wish, trace teleport
Wealth Gone

Hometown: Ghastenhall
Age: 47+ years
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 155 lbs


Imp companion
LE Tiny outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful)

Init +11
Senses Perception +21, Darkvision 60 ft, See in darkness, detect good, detect magic

AC 41, touch 22, flat-footed 33; (+8 Dex, +2 Size + 13 natural armor +2 natural enhancement +2 def +4 armor)
hp 133 (16d10+32); fast healing 2
Fort +7, Ref +20, Will +16; +4 vs enchantment
DR 5/good or silver Immune fire, poison Resist Cold, acid 10
Special Defenses Improved Evasion

Speed 20 ft, fly 50 ft (perfect)
Melee Sting +26/+21 (1d4+3 plus poison)
Special Attacks Poison - Fort DC 21, 1/round for 5 minutes?, 1d2 dex, cure 1 save

Str 16, Dex 26, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14
BAB +16; CMB +17; CMD 37

Spell-like abilities (CL 6, concentration +8)
Constant — detect good, detect magic
At will — invisibility (self only), detect evil, deathwatch, mage hand
1/day — suggestion, silent image, ventriloquism
1/week — commune (CL12)
Feats Weapon finesse, Toughness, Skill focus (stealth), Cosmopolitan, Skill focus(umd), Iron will, Improved initiative, +1
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +9, Disguise +11 (+21 change shape), Fly +24, Perception +23, Stealth +36, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (planes) +10, Sense motive +10, Spellcraft +10, Use magic device +24
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Common, Abyssal

SQ Alertness for master, Share spells, Empathic link, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack, Change shape (raven), Telepathy 50ft

Gear Wand of fireball (1), Wand of ball lightning (13), Scrolls invisibility, fly), First aid gloves (5), Belt of con/dex +2, Cloak +2, Headband of wisdom +2, Amulet of natural armor +2, Ring of protection +2, Master's perfect golden bell

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