Female "Human" Vigilante 17
LN/CG Medium Humanoid (kitsune, shapeshifter)
Player Atteisti

Init +6
Senses Perception +20, darkvision 60ft, low-light vision

AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed -; (+9 armor, +5 Dex, +3 deflection)
hp 138 (17d8+con)
Fort +13, Ref +21, Will +16;
Speed 30 ft
Ring of Freedom of movement

Melee +1 rapier +17/+12 (1d6+8)
While vigilante +1 short sword +20/+15/+10 (1d6+10)
TWF +1 short sword +18 (1d6+10), +3 humanbane dagger +20 (1d4+12), +1 short sword +13 (1d6+10), +3 humanbane dagger +15 (1d4+12), +1 short sword +8 (1d6+10)
While vigilante mwk cestus +17 (1d4+9) or 2 mwk cestuses +15 (1d4+9)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +20/+15/+10 (1d8+1)
Ranged +3 humanbane returning dagger +22 (1d4+12)
Special Attacks: Hidden Strike 9d8/9d4, sword of subtlety: +4 atk/dmg when sneak attacks. Cunning Feint: feint as a move action or ignoring first attack. Feinted opponent loses dex until Millie's next turn (DC: 10+bab+wis mod or 10+sense motive)

Str 12, Dex 22, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +12; CMB +13/+18; CMD 33
Feats Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Realistic Likeness, Skill Focus (Bluff), Outflank, Skill Focus (Stealth), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Leadership, Iron Will
Skills (FC +17) (ACP -1) Acrobatics +20 (9), Bluff +37 (17), Diplomacy +32 (17), Escape Artist +19 (10), Disable Device +21 (10), Disguise +22 (5), Intimidate +28 (17) (+8 renown), Knowledge (local) +23 (17), Linquistics +4 (1), Perception +20 (17), Perform (Act) +22 (4), Sense Motive +22 (headband), Sleight of Hand +26 (headband), Stealth +46 (17)
Traits Child of Infamy, Fast Talker
Languages Common, Sylvan, Infernal, Gnome, Draconic, Read Lips, Celestial
Class SQ Dual Identity, Seamless Guise, Stalker Vigilante, Unshakeable (DC to demoralize: 40), Startling Appearance, Frightening Appearance (DC 23), Stunning Appearance (DC 23)
Vigilante Social Talents Social Grace (Perform (Act) + Diplomacy + disguise + sense motive +4), Seemless Shapechanger, Mockingbird, Renown, Great Renown, Incredible Renown, Safe House, Quick Change, Immediate Change
Vigilante Talents: Lethal Grace, Armor Skin (no ACP on acrobatics, escape artist, stealth), Shadow's Sight, Hide In Plain Sight, Cunning Feint, Stalker Sense, Mighty Ambush (DC 24), Sure Footed
Race SQ Agile (+2 acrobatics), Duplicitious (+2 bluff, disguise), change shape

With social person +1 rapier, area map, backpack, area map (Länskruunu), courtier's outfit w/ jewels, sleeves of many garments, 38gp, belt of dex+con +4, ring of feather fall, ring of freedom of movement, mwk sap, ring of protection +3, headband of int +4 (sleight of hand+sense motive, celestial+read lips), circlet of persuasion, bracers of the glib entertainer, rod of splendor, +3 returning human bane dagger, Lucky Horseshoe
With vigilante 2 +1 mithral daggers, 2 cold iron daggers, 2 alchemical silver daggers, cloak of resistance +3, fake footprint shoes, grappling hook w/ silk rope, skeleton key, mwk longbow w/ 20 arrows, 2 acids, 2 alchemist fires, mwk thieves tools, mwk cestuses, 5 sunrods, +3 glamered mithral improved shadow breastplate, robe of climbing, boots of teleportation

Mitenkä tää hahmo toimii? - Millie käyttää jatkuvasti hyödykseen Hide in Plain Sightia. Stealth-actionin voi tehdä liikkeen yhteydessä, joten hänen taktiikkansa on liikkua vihollisen luokse stealthissa ja iskeä häntä joko sword of subtletlyllä (+4 osumiseen ja vahinkoon) tai humanbane daggerillä. Jos vihollinen ei huomaa häntä, vahinkoon tulee 9d8 lisävahinkoa. Tämän jälkeen tapahtuu seuraavat class featured:

Startling Appearance (Ex): At 5th level, a vigilante learns to use the element of surprise to his advantage, startling foes that are unaware of his presence. Whenever a vigilante with this ability attempts an attack against a foe that is completely unaware of the vigilante’s presence (usually due to Stealth or invisibility), the foe is treated as flat-footed for the rest of the vigilante’s turn (uncanny dodge or a similar ability prevents this effect unless the vigilante is at least 4 levels higher than the foe with uncanny dodge). The foe also takes a –4 penalty on attacks made against the vigilante until the start of the vigilante’s next turn.

Frightening Appearance (Ex): At 11th level, whenever a vigilante with this ability makes an attack against a foe that is unaware of the vigilante’s presence (see startling appearance above), the vigilante can, as a free action, attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize the target of his attack and any enemies within 10 feet who can see the attack. (Millien intimidate Länskruunussa on +36). This check is attempted before the attack roll against the foe is made and resolved. The vigilante rolls only one Intimidate check and applies the result to all the targets. If the check succeeds against the target of the vigilante’s attack, that foe is also frightened for 1 round, in addition to being shaken as normal, unless the foe succeeds at a Will save (DC 23).

Once a creature has been the target of this ability (either as the target of the attack or as a nearby creature, regardless of whether or not it was successful), it is immune to that vigilante’s frightening appearance for 24 hours. This effect is in addition to the bonuses gained from the startling appearance ability. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Stunning Appearance (Ex): At 17th level, a vigilante can leave his foes unable to respond when he appears. Whenever a vigilante with this ability makes a successful attack against a foe that is unaware of the vigilante’s presence (see startling appearance), the foe must make a successful Will save (DC 23) or be stunned until the end of the vigilante’s next turn. If the creature has more HD than the vigilante’s class level, it receives a +4 circumstance bonus on this save. This ability is in addition to the effects of startling appearance and frightening appearance. Once a creature has been the target of this ability (regardless of whether or not the saving throw is successful), it is immune to that vigilante’s stunning appearance for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Milliellä on myös Mighty Ambush vigilante talent: Once per round, when the vigilante succeeds at a hidden strike, he can instantly drop the damaged enemy unconscious for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates this effect (DC24 ). Whether or not a creature’s saving throw is successful, it can’t be affected by that vigilante’s mighty ambush again for 24 hours

Millie tietää itse olevansa hyvin heikko lähitaistelussa, joten hän käyttää hyödyksi varjoja ja pysyttelee vihollisista kaukana jos tietää heidän olevan liian haastavia. Hit and run -taktiikat toimivat. Millie voi liikkua stealthin aikana täyttä vauhtia. Millie ei voi olla flatfooted. Häntä varten tarvitsee Intimidatesta 40, jotta hän voi olla shaken (onnistuu Nemanjalta hyvin helposti).

Milliellä on jalassaan Boots of Teleportation. Hän käyttää niitä jos taistelua ei selkeästi voi voittaa ja hakeutuu liittolaistensa luokse, joko hopeiselle kilvelle tai kaupungin politiikoille.

Millie on hylännyt Varjon manttelin ja pitänyt kaupungillä yllä hänen kammottavaa mainettaan. Hänen uusi alter-egonsa on ollut Hopeinen Ritari, joka on ilmestynyt ektoplasmisen olennon kanssa aina kun kaupungilla on tehty hyvää. Kuultuaan kaupungin infernaalisesta hyökkäyksestä, hän kaivaa Varjon vaatteet esille ja aloittaa esiintymiset kaupungilla.

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