
Knudepunkt 2011 Travel Info

Travel information for Knudepunkt 2011


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The event takes place 17.-20.2.2011 in Bymose Hegn, Denmark and A Week in Denmark will start either 12th or 13th.

Going to attend:

Last minute updates

Vivi B. got some info regarding the major parties:

"Jag kan avslöja att temat för lördagens middagsfest är Fantasy (vadå vagt??) och temat för festen som följer därefter är Swing."
"I can reveal that the theme for the dinner party on Saturday is Fantasy (whaddaya mean vague), and the theme for the following after-party is Swing."

Cheaper tickets

Following the direction shown of the past few years, Knudepunkt 2011's participation fee is a hefty 160 €. It will include three books. Even though the price is steep, I still think that this event is worth it.

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, the activist tickets are were available for Finns as well. Eloria's forum includes the reply sent by Troels:

From IMPORTANT: We have all the activists we need at the moment. However, you are welcome to contact us and be placed on a waiting list. --Massi 2010-12-07 14:25

Paying the tickets

Paying with not-Danish credit card costs 59,51 kr (8€) and ticket free in the Biletto-paying-system is 4,75 kr (0,54€). You have an opportunity to pay via Massi Hannula, a Finn living in Denmark, and only pay ticket fee 4,75 kr and paying fee of 2 kr.

If you want to pay via Massi, send e-mail to withsubject: Knudepunkt payment 2011 and include your correct e-mail information and full name in the message.

Then transfer participation fee + ticket fees: 163 € or 1206,75 kr to Massis Finnish bank account: 127150-698521 Nordea (Maija Hannula).

Alternative travel methods


It's both easy and cheap to fly from Helsinki to Copenhagen (Kastrup airport). Flights can be bought from multiple companies. Here are a few pointers:

I strongly advise against flights over Riga. It seems "everyone" has a story of luggage missing/delayed there this year. -- René 2010-12-07 13:16

Ferry and bus

Sverok Stockholm, Anna W., Elli Å. and Elge have all replied that there will be no bus organized by the Swedes from Stockholm to Copenhagen. Therefore, if people are interested in the option of combining a ferry with a bus trip, they will probably have to seek public transportation services.

Please keep this space posted on whatever you decide. It might also be sensible to use the Facebook event page to ferret out possible travelling companions.

Ferry and train

Taking a ferry to Stockholm, then a train trip via Malmö to Copenhagen. The Swedish railway companies are tricky to navigate and not that cheap. Usually not worth the hassle.

The Eloria-people (AdrenaLinn and Vivi B, the rest of you (who should be four if I'm not mistaken), put your names here as well if you're coming!) will most likely take the ferry from Turku to Stockholm 16.2 in the evening. After that we'll probably take the train to Copenhagen. Who would be interested in joining us from Sthlm to Copenhagen, by train or car? -- AdrenaLinn 22.12

There seems to be at least 5 ppl from Eloria taking this option. The details are discussed on Eloria's forum. If you are keen on joining them, contact AdrenaLinn directly for possible rendez-vous locations. --Pervilä 2011-01-24 16:12

Ferry and car

If one wants to save cash, it is possible to take the ferry to Stockholm and then drive to Denmark via Southern Sweden. Post details here if you're going to and want to hitch a lift / take on passengers.

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page last modified on 2011-02-07 22:50