Turmeltuneen Taival / Säännöt

Alle kootaan kampanjaan ja hahmonluontiin liittyviä sääntöjä. Lisäksi tänne kasataan houseruleja ja kampanjan tarjoamia feateja ja arkkityyppejä.

Käytössä olevat kirjat

Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Advanced Player’s Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic ja Advanced Class Guide. Ultimate Equipment monelta osin sallittu, joskin tietyt tiennäyttäjien suosimat esineet kirjasta tulevat pysymään Talingarden ulkopuolella. Näistä lisää ehkä myöhemmin.

Occult Adventures on jäänyt pelinjohtajalle täysin tuntemattomaksi. Jos haluat pelata jotain hahmoluokkaa tästä kirjasta, tule juttelemaan kanssani.

3rd party kamasta voidaan neuvotella, samoin myös splattikirjojen materiaalista.


Pelaajat sitoutuvat pitämään hahmonsa ajan tasalla mekanismissa. Tällöin mie voin pelinjohtajana katsoa etukäteen hahmon sense motivet yms, ja tutustua teidän class abiliteihin niin ettei tule sääntövääntöä kesken pelin. Lisäksi haluaisin, että joku pelaajista (tai kaikki!) päivittävät mekanismiin pelikertaraportteja, joko kuvaamalla omin sanoin session tapahtumat tai kertomalla hahmon näkökulmasta (preferoisin tätä). Vastapalveluksena mie huolehdin teidän lootin ylläpidosta.

Pelinjohtaja ilmoittaa levelöinnistä, eli expaa ei lasketa. Yritän pitää level-upit pelikertojen välissä, mutta vinkkaan etukäteen jos kesken session levelöidään jotta voitte valmistautua etukäteen.

Myös tässä kampanjassa käytetään hyväksi havaittua Power Attack / Deadly Aim / Combat Expertise sääntöä. Jos hahmosi täyttävät näiden featien vaatimukset, voi hän käyttää sitä ilmaiseksi.. Tämä sääntö ylettyy myös vihollisiin: Jos vihollisella on esimerkiksi Power Attack valmiiksi, vaihdan tilalle jotain tapauskohtaisesti sopivaa. Lisäksi Piranha Strike on käytettävissä vapaasti, mikäli sen vaatimukset on kunnossa.

Two-weapon fighting -feat skaalaa levelin mukaan. Eli enää ei tarvitse käyttää featteja Improved ja Greater two-weapon fighting feateihin, vaan kun sinulla on perusfeat, saat toisen off-hand hyökkäyksen kun babisi on +6 ja dex 17 ja kolmannen off hand hyökkäyksen kun babisi on +11 ja dexasi 19.

Voitte unohtaa orjallisen tavaroiden painon laskemisen. Tehdään tämä maalaisjärjellä strenan ja panssarin mukaan. Itse vihaan Pathfinderin painosääntöjä, ja en aio vaatia teitä noudattamaan niitä. Mennään ns. kunniakoodilla, eli jos sinulla on tunne että tavaraa on vähän reilusti, niin laske olevasi medium encumberancessa. Panssari ei paina mitään, jos sinulla on proficiency siihen.

Quick Draw -featilla voi laittaa aseen tuppiin swift-actionilla, joka provoaa aoo:n.

Suurin osa improved maneuver feateista niputetaan kahteen ryhmään, jotka ovat seuraavat: Powerful Maneuvers (vaatii bab +1 ja str 13) ja Deft Maneuvers (vaatii bab +1 ja int 13). Powerful maneuvereihin kuuluvat bull rush, drag, overrun ja sunder, ja deft maneuverihin kuuluvat trip, disarm, dirty trick, reposition ja steal. Ottamalla featin saa +2 kaikkiin kyseisen featin maneuverihin, joiden tekeminen ei anna viholliselle aoo:ta. Jos haluaa kuitenkin erikoistua tiettyyn maneuveriin, on otettava erikseen esimerkiksi Greater Overrun, joka toimii samalla tavalla kuin nykyäänkin.

Grapple pysyy vieläkin omana maneuverina. Pathfinderin halimissäännöt ovat kuitenkin niin monimutkaiset ja raskaat, niin voitaisiin tehdä semmoinen kunniasopimus että työ ette tee grappleoptimoituja hahmoja ja mie en aio heittää tarkoituksella teille niitä vastaan.

Aina kun saa ability score increasen (tasoilla 4, 8, 12, 16, 20) saa valita yhden vapaavalintaisen skillin class skilliksi. Tällä on tarkoitus antaa mahdollisuus hahmon oppia uusia asioita tien päällä vaikka pysyisi samassa classissa.

Fighter voi valita weapon focus ym. feattiin aseryhmän yhden aseen sijasta. Täten ei tarvitse mennä naimisiin yhden aseen kanssa, vaan voi olettaa että taistelija on oppinut käyttämään esimerkiksi useampaa vasararyhmän asetta.

Ansoja ei löydä ilman trapfindingia, jos ansan perception dc on 20 tai yli. Tällä on tarkoitus antaa roguelle ja muille class abilityn omistajille ansahommille oikeasti mahdollisuus. Maagisia ansoja ei löydä ilman trapfindingia.

Hukkumissäännöt: ei. Keksitään tapauskohtaisesti ratkaisu.

Abilityheitoissa bonukset ja minukset tuplataan. Esimerkiksi +4 strenan omaavan taistelijan pyydättäessä heittämään strenght-check hän lisää +8 d20 heittoon, ja -3 strenamodin omaava velho saa -6 d20-heittoonsa.

Rajoituksia, banneja yms.

Point-blank master -feat ei ole tässä kampanjassa valittavissa oleva feat. Te olette tiimi, suojelkaa sitä takariviä. Samoin jousiampujafeateista Clustered Shots -featia voi käyttää vain kolme kertaa päivässä.

Ihmisen alternative racial traitit Heart of the Fields ja Heart of the Wilderness eivät anna puolta class leveliä checkkeihinsä, vaan +2 niinkuin muutkin samankaltaiset traitit.

Toivoisin, että jos pelaaja päättää tehdä noidan, niin sleep hex pysyisi poissa. Voidaan yhdessä kehitellä jotain uusia hexoja, mutta tämän haluaisin pysyvän muissa peleissä.

Create Water on nyt ykköstason loitsu. Tällä korostetaan maaseutuelämän vaikeutta, eli vaikka paikalla sattuisi olemaankin Mitran pappi, jolla on loitsijatasoja, niin maaginen veden saaminen ei ole ratkaisu kaikkeen.


Pisteiden saaminen

Jokainen hahmo aloittaa yhdellä pisteellä. Lisäpisteen saa sitten kun pelinjohtajan kanssa on lyöty hahmon taustatarina lukkoon. Aina levelin saatua saa yhden pisteen. Maksimissaan pisteitä voi olla kolme. Pisteet eivät uusiudu missään vaiheessa, vaan aina käytetyt pisteet häviävät kokonaan. Pelinjohtaja voi palkita tietyistä teoista ja suorituksista palkkioiksi ylimääräisiä pisteitä. Vaikka Advanced Players Guidessa sanotaan, että pelinjohtaja voi antaa pisteitä esimerkiksi pizzan ostamisesta koko porukalle, mie annan pisteitä vain peliin liittyvistä asioista. Lahjonnalla ei saa siis mitään mekaanista hyötyä. Voi toki kokeilla!

Pisteiden käyttäminen

Pisteiden käyttämistä voi tehdä milloin vain eikä ne vaadi mitään tietty actionia. Voit käyttää vain yhden pahispisteen taisteluvuorossa. Kun pahispiste on käytetty, se toimii seuraavilla tavoilla:

- Toimi vuorosi ulkopuolella: Voit käyttää pahispisteen toimiaksesi vuorosi ulkopuolella. Tällöin toimintasi on kuin ready-action. Voit käyttää vain move- tai standard-actionin tällä tavalla. Bonus: Jos käytit pisteen ennen heittoa, saat +8 onnibonuksen yhteen d20-heittoon. Jos käytit pisteen heitettyäsi, bonus on +4. Voit käyttää pahispisteen antaaksesi tämän bonuksen toiselle henkilölle, niin kauan kun olette samassa tilassa ja hahmosi pystyy järkeenkäyvällä tavalla vaikuttamaan heiton lopputulokseen (esim. häiritsemällä vihollista, huutamalla kannustuksen sanoja tai muilla tavoilla auttaakseen heitossa). Pahispisteet käytettynä tällä tavoilla ovat puolet alkuperäisistä bonuksista (+4 ennen heittoa, +2 heiton jälkeen)

- Ylimääräinen toiminta: Voit käyttää pahispisteen vuorollasi saadaksesi ylimääräisen standard- tai move-actionin.

- Inspiraatio: Jos tunnet olevasi jumissa seikkailussa, voit käyttää pahispisteen ja pyytää pelinjohtajalta vinkin. Jos pelinjohtaja kokee ettei uutta tietoa ole saatavilla, pistettä ei käytetä.

- Muistele: Voit käyttää pisteen palauttaaksesi loitsun jonka olet jo loitsunut tai saadaksesi uuden käyttökerran jollekin erikoiskyvylle jolla on rajoitetut käyttökerrat. Tätä tulee käyttää vain loitsuihin ja kykyihin, jotka latautuvat päivittäin.

- Heitä uudelleen: Voit käyttää pahispisteen heittääksesi minkä tahansa d20-heiton, ennen kuin tulokset on selvillä. Sinun täytyy käyttää toista heittoasi, vaikka se olisi huonompi. Voit pyytää pelinjohtajaa sallimaan pahispisteen käytön lähes minkä tahansa normaalisti mahdottoman asian onnistumiseen. Näiden käyttäminen ei kuitenkaan takaa onnistumista ja pelinjohtaja tulee katsomaan tapauskohtaisesti onnistumisen tai epäonnistumisen.

- Huijaa kuolemaa: Hahmo voi käyttää kaksi pistettä huijatakseen kuolemaa. Pelinjohtaja päättää kuinka tämä tapahtuu, mutta yleisesti ottaen hahmo jää eloon, negatiivisilla hitpointeilla mutta stabiiliksi. Kuoleman huijaaminen on ainoa keino käyttää kaksi pistettä vuorossa. Hahmo pystyy käyttämään pisteitä estääkseen eläinkumppaninsa, familiarin, eidolonin tai ratsunsa kuoleman, muttei toisen hahmon tai npc:n kuolemaa.


Those who serve Asmodeus come from nearly every class, but some find themselves drawn to a special calling, drawn to serve the infernal lord directly, or hoping for the reward of even greater power. Many of these characters are drawn to the following archetypes, each of which is tied directly to Asmodeus.

Hand of Tyranny (Monk Archetype)
Those who find themselves heeding the call of selfperfection sometimes turn to Asmodeus to help the overcome their failings. Unfortunately, his dark gifts often twist the thoughts and goals of the wielder, turning them into an instrument of tyranny.

Unholy Command (Su): At 1st level, whenever a hand of tyranny makes an unarmed strike, he can decide to add an unholy command to the attack. If the attack hits, the target must make Will save, with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the hand of tyranny’s character level + the hand of tyranny’s Wisdom modifier. If the saving throw fails, the target must obey the order, as if a command spell was cast upon the target. The hand of tyranny can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his level. Using this ability is a free action. At 8th level, this order instead works like the spell suggestion. This ability replaces stunning fist.

Pain Touch (Su): At 7th level, a hand of tyranny can touch a living creature, causing it to become wracked with pain. Using this ability is a standard action that requires a melee touch attack. If successful the target is nauseated for 1 round and then sickened for a number of rounds equal to the hand of tyranny’s level. A successful Fortitude save, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the hand of tyranny’s level + the hand of tyranny’s Wisdom modifier, reduces this effect to sickened for one round. Using this ability consumes 2 points from the hand of tyranny’s ki pool. This ability replaces wholeness of body.

Tongue of Lies (Ex): At 17th level, a hand of tyranny receives a +10 competence bonus on any Bluff skill check made to lie. Any lie he tells cannot be detected via detect lies, zone of truth, or similar spells. This ability replaces tongue of the sun and moon.

Lord of Darkness (Antipaladin Archetype)

Antipaladins are known as the hand of evil, but those among their dark ranks who swear fealty to Asmodeus take on an even darker purpose, to bring the people under his unholy yoke. These lords of darkness are feared across the realms, where even the barest whisper of their name inspires dread.

Aura of Obedience (Su): At 3rd level, a lord of darkness radiates an aura that cows the weak into following his commands. He receives a +4 morale bonus on Intimidate checks made against living creatures within 10 feet. In addition, if he demoralizes a living creature within 10 feet, and exceeds the DC by 10 or more, he may issue one command to the target, as per the spell. The target can resist this effect with successful Will save, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the lord of darkness’ level + the lord of darkness’ Charisma modifier. A creature cannot be commanded in this way more than once per day. This ability replaces aura of cowardice.

Cruelty (Su): At 3rd level, a lord of darkness gains the cruelty class feature of the antipaladin. This functions just like that class feature with the following exception. At 3rd level, he can select the following cruelty in place of the sickened cruelty.

Commanded: The target must obey one order from the lord of darkness, as per the command spell.

At 9th level, he can select the following cruelty in place of the nauseated cruelty.

Charmed: The target is charmed by the lord of darkness, as per the charm monster spell. This effect lasts 1 round per three levels of the lord of darkness. The lord of darkness must have the commanded cruelty before selecting this cruelty.

Domination (Su): At 11th level, a lord of darkness can expend two uses of his smite good to make one living humanoid creature within 30 feet into his thrall, as dominate person. The target receives a Will save to negate this effect, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the lord of darkness’ level + the lord of darkness’ Charisma modifier. If the creature fails its save, it obeys whatever commands the lord of darkness makes. The duration of this effect is permanent, but the target receives a new saving throw each day to end the effect. A lord of darkness cannot have more than one thrall in this way at a time. If he ever dominates another creature, the previous thrall is immediately freed from this effect. This ability replaces aura of vengeance.

Torture Master (Inquisitor Archetype)

Inquisitors are ruthless when it comes to rooting out traitors and the unfaithful, usually employing means that others find distasteful at best, but the torture master takes pleasure from his work. Learning their arts from blasphemous texts devoted to Asmodeus, these inquisitors specialize in causing pain, and using that pain to further the ends of their infernal lord. For them rooting out traitors is not just a duty, it is a sacred privilege and causing pain is the tool that they use to accomplish their goals.

Torture (Ex): At 3rd level, a torture master can spend one minute to cause a helpless target an extreme amount of pain and anguish. The torture master must have adequate tools on hand to use this ability, such as knives, fire, whips, and other grisly torture implements. At the end of this minute, the target takes 1 point of damage per level of the torture master and must make a Will save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the torture master’s level + the torture master’s Wisdom modifier. The DC of this saving throw increases by +1 for each consecutive use of this ability. If the target fails his saving throw, he must truthfully answer any one question asked by the torture master that can be answered with a few words or less. If the save is successful, the target can refuse to answer the question or even give a false answer. This ability replaces solo tactics.

Lingering Pain (Ex): At 3rd level, whenever a torture master uses his torture ability on a target, that target gains a condition that lasts for a number of minutes equal to the torture master’s level. The torture master must select one of the following conditions at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter. Whenever he tortures a creature, he can select the condition he wants to apply to the target.

Fatigued: The target is fatigued. Shaken: The target gains the shaken condition. Sickened: The target gains the sickened condition.

At 9th level, he adds the following conditions to the list of those that can be selected.

Exhausted: The target is exhausted. The torture master must have selected the fatigued condition before selecting this condition. Frightened: The target is frightened. The torture master must have selected the shaken condition before selecting this condition. Nauseated: The target is nauseated. The torture master must have selected the fatigued condition before selecting this condition. Staggered: The target is staggered.

This ability replaces any teamwork feat ability and all additional teamwork feats thetorture master might gain.

Torture Touch (Su): At 14th level, a torture master gains the ability to use the torture ability in the middle of combat. Using this ability in this way is a standard action that requires a melee touch attack. If the attack hits, the target is treated as if he had been tortured for one minute, takes the normal amount of damage and must make a Will save to avoid answering a question as normal. This also allows the torture master to apply one of his conditions from lingering pain to the target, but the effects only last for 1 round per level of the torture master (instead of the usual 1 minute per level). The torture master can use this ability once per day at 14th level, plus one additional time per day for every two levels beyond 14th. This ability replaces exploit weakness.

Unholy Barrister (Cleric Archetype)

Wretched are the clerics that worship Asmodeus, but there are some among them that truly find a calling in the service of the unholy lord. These clerics, known as unholy barristers, are among the devil’s most powerful servants in the lands of the living, tirelessly working to enslave all who dare to oppose him.

Deity: The cleric must worship Asmodeus.

Domains: The cleric must have the Evil or Law domain.

Demanding Channel (Su): At 1st level, the unholy barrister gains the ability to channel energy like a cleric of his level. This functions just like channel negative energy, allowing the unholy barrister to deal damage to all living creatures within 30 feet. The unholy barrister cannot use this ability, however, to heal undead creatures. Instead, the unholy barrister can spend two uses of his channel negative energy class feature to heal all evil living creatures within a 30 foot burst. To receive this bonus, the creatures must each spend an immediate action, swearing loyalty to Asmodeus. In addition to the damage healed, creatures that swear loyalty gain the Devil’s Pact feat for a number of minutes equal to the cleric’s level, but can only use that feat once during that time. If the creature already possesses that feat, they can use it one additional time per day, as long as they use it during the duration of the demanding channel. Regardless of when the power is used, the creature’s soul is bound to Asmodeus for the entire duration and if that creature dies during that time, it cannot be brought back to life by any means aside from a miracle or wish. Even if it is brought back to life, it gains three permanent negative levels (just as if it had the Devil’s Pact feat). This ability otherwise copies and replaces channel energy.

Soulbound Contract (Su): At 8th level, the unholy barrister can barter some of his power off to those who would serve Asmodeus. Using this ability is a standard action and it can only be used on a willing creature who is adjacent to the cleric. The creature must knowingly, and willingly, pledge his soul to Asmodeus to receive the benefits of this ability. The unholy barrister can grant the target a number of his spells, as if using imbue with spell ability, but without having to give up a 4th level spell slot. In addition, the cleric can transfer one use of his demanding channel to the target, regardless of the target’s total number of Hit Dice. Spells transferred and uses of demanding channel are lost by the cleric until used by the target and regained normally. As long as the target has any spells or uses of demanding channel remaining, it is surrounded by an aura of foul energy. It is treated as an evil creature for all spells and effects and if it dies while still possessing any spells or uses of demanding channel, its soul is bound by Asmodeus and it cannot be raised or resurrected by any mortal means. The unholy barrister cannot have more than one use of this ability active at a time and cannot use it again until the first target is slain or it uses up all of the granted spells and uses of demanding channel. The unholy barrister can use this ability once per day at 8th level, plus one additional time per day at 14th level. This ability replaces the 8th level ability gained by the Evil or Law domains. If the unholy barrister has both domains, he chooses with one to exchange for this ability


The wicked have a variety of tools at their disposal to bring pain and misery to those around them. These feats are just some of the options they gain from their service to Asmodeus.

Contract Master
You are skilled at negotiating with outsiders for their services.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast lesser planar ally, lesser planar binding, or a greater version of these spells.
Benefit: Whenever you negotiate payment with an outsider to secure its services through planar ally, planar binding, or a similar spell, the cost of the payment is halved. In addition, receive a +4 bonus on any checks associated with such bargains or to compel service (such as with planar binding). This bonus also applies when testing the trap of a planar binding against the outsider’s spell resistance. Finally, whenever you use a spell to gain or compel service from an outsider, you can attempt a Dipolmacy skill check opposed by the outsider’s Sense Motive. If you succeed in this check, the contract you form with the outsider is worded in such a way to prevent the outsider from taking intentional actions that are harmful to you and your cause (subject to the GMs interpretation).

Deceiver’s Pact
You have dedicated your impressive skills to the service of Asmodeus.
Prerequisites: Devil’s Pact, sneak attack +3d6, evil alignment, you must sign a pact with Asmodeus or one of his agents.
Benefits: In addition to its normal use, you can spend one use of the Devil’s Pact whenever you make an attack against a foe that you flank, or that is flat-footed. If the attack hits, it deals damage as normal and the target is also staggered for one round. If the target is an outsider with the good subtype, it is instead staggered for 1d4+1 rounds. Creature’s that are staggered by this feat take a –4 penalty on Perception and Sense Motive skill checks. In addition, you can use the Devil’s Pack one additional time per day.

Devil’s Pact
You have signed a pact with Asmodeus, pledging your soul in exchange for unholy power.
Prerequisites: Evil alignment, you must sign a pact with Asmodeus or one of his agents.
Benefit: Three times per day, you can call upon the power of the Devil’s Pact to grant you a +2 profane bonus to any one d20 roll. You must declare that you are using this ability before the roll is made.
Special: If you die, you cannot be brought back to life by any means aside from a wish or miracle spell. Even if such a spell is employed, you return to life with three permanent negative levels.

Ignore Pain
You are familiar with pain, and have become adept at ignoring when needed.
Prerequsite: Toughness
Benefit: Whenever you have the sickened condition, you only take a –1 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Whenever you have the nauseated condition, you can take a move action and a standard action, but take a –4 penalty on any check associated with an action that requires a standard to complete (such as attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, some skill checks, caster level checks, and so on). When nauseated, you cannot take full-round actions.

Mage’s Pact
You have sworn to use your arcane might to further the goals of Asmodeus.
Prerequisites: Devil’s Pact, ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells, evil alignment, you must sign a pact with Asmodeus or one of his agents.
Benefits: In addition to its normal use, you can call upon the power of the Devil’s Pact feat to increase the DC of an arcane spell by +2. You must declare that you are using this ability before the spell is cast and any saving throw is made. If the target of the spell is an outsider with the good subtype, the spell automatically bypasses any spell resistance the target might have. In addition, you can use the Devil’s Pact one additional time per day.

Priest’s Pact
You have devoted your divine talents to serve the will of Asmodeus.
Prerequisites: Devil’s Pact, ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, evil alignment, you must sign a pact with Asmodeus or one of his agents.
Benefits: You can call on the power of the Devil’s Pact to enhance your divine spells, increasing your caster level by 2. You must declare you are using this ability before the spell is cast. If the target of the spell also worships Asmodeus, it gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the spell’s level for 1 minute. If the spell targets more than one creature, only one of the targets receives these temporary hit points (chosen by you). In addition, you can use the Devil’s Pact one additional time per day.

Sacrificial Channel
You can consume the soul of a dying creature to heal the unholy.
Prerequisites: Channel negative energy 2d6, evil alignment.
Benefits: Whenever you make a coup de grace against a living creature, you can spend one use of your channel negative energy class feature as a swift action. If the creature dies and has at least as many Hit Dice as the number of dice you roll for channel negative energy, the channel heals all evil creatures (living and undead) within a 30- foot burst instead of its normal effect. If the creature does not have enough Hit Dice, the channel energy attempt iswasted.

Unholy Spell (Metamagic)
You can enhance your spells with the power of Asmodeus, making them more deadly to those who oppose his infernal will.
Benefits: An unholy spell has a different function depending on the target. Good creature’s take a –2 penalty on any saving throws made against an unholy spell, while evil creatures gain a +2 bonus on such saving throws. In addition, if the spell deals damage, half the damage is considered unholy damage, which bypasses any resistances the target might possess. If the saving throw reduces the damage, if halves the unholy damage and the normal damage. An unholy spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.

Warrior’s Pact
You have pledged your martial skill to the service of Asmodeus.
Prerequisites: Devil’s Pact, base attack bonus +5, evil alignment, you must sign a pact with Asmodeus or one of his agents.
Benefits: Whenever you use your Devil’s Pact on an attack roll, you also add 1d6 points of fire damage to the damage roll and the damage is treated as evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The bonus fire damage is increased to 3d6 fire damage on a critical hit, but only if the Devil’s Pact was used on the initial attack roll, not the roll to confirm the critical hit. Finally, you can use the Devil’s Pact one additional time per day.

Page last modified on 2019-06-08 19:53