


Female Advanced Kikimora
Chaotic Neutral Medium Fey God

Init +10 +57
Senses Low-light Vision, Perception +15 +87

AC +22, touch 17, flat-footed 15; (+6 dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural) 78 ; 45 ; 56
hp 68 487
Fort +6 +46, Ref +12 +58, Will +11 +39
Special Defenses DR:5/Cold Iron30/Baba Yaga`s Broom ; SR:17 666

Speed 30 ft
Melee 2xclaws +10 +43 1d4+3 5d6+87

Spell-like abilities (CL 8 30 ; concentration +15 42 )
At will Forced Quiet, Invisibility(self only), mending, prestidigation Extended Greater Invisibility, Greater Teleport, Charm Animal, Speak with Hut
3/day Break, Charm Animal, Deep Slumber, Pain Strike Mass Dominate Monster, Imprisonment, Weird, Time Stop
1/day +Major Image, Make Whole, Summon Swarm Wish

Str +17 42, Dex +22 56, Con +19 49, Int +16 53, Wis +20 48, Cha +25 47
Base Atk +4 +48; CMB +7 +64; CMD 24 97
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon Finesse All
Skills Acroabatics +12, Appraise +8, Bluff +18, Diplomacy +18, Escape Artist +17, Knowledge:Nature +10, Linguistics +5, Perception +15, Sense Motive +12, Sleight of Hand +17, Spellcraft 10, Stealth +17 ALL: +80
Languages Aklo, Taldan, Giant, Russian, Skald, Sylvan Truespeech
SQ Hidey-hole

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page last modified on 2016-11-22 17:11