Horatio of Ordo Machinus, 34


Originally of Aresian descent, Horatio is a rising star within Ordo Machinus. He is a man of indeterminable years, with a flaking skin showing metal beneath. Horatio’s neck is laced with metal and has a disturbing telescopic quality, being able to lengthen at will. All shadows seem darker in his vicinity.


Horatio is an exceptional golemist and engineer on the way to an Elder. As a part of his ascension, he is taking a tour through different chapterhouses with Machinus operations. Horatio has arrived to Gharda to inspect the automated mining processes. He spends most of his time with the golems and has no personal retinue, other than an ancient clockwork servant Angelus.

According to Rimore files, Horatio is career-focused and very talented. There have been some concern over his attachments. Becoming a Techmancer should cut off all ties to kin and blood. Despite this, Horatio kept contact with his family on Aresia. It seems they were killed in the closing year of the war and their loss have made him very distraught.

When interviewed by the investigators, Horatio had an emotional breakdown. He recovered the following day, becoming suspiciously carefree and cheerful. In the process Horatio admitted having belonged to the Kingmakers and shared a blackmail file he had collected as insurance.


Horatio is an excellent golemcrafter with skill in the other associated arts. Becoming an Elder is as much a question of connections as it is of skill. Thus he has likely friends in the high places within Ordo Machinus.

He is accompanied by Angelus, an ancient clockwork servant.

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