
Covenant / Crusaders

Minor covenant (the Esteemed Order of Techmancers)

Crusaders are a militant covenant with a clear goal – the totaL cleansing of the Eserhaus Heresy. The covenant is very new, having been founded only a few years ago. They want to lead the Order into an all-out war against the Followers of Eserhaus on every front. The Crusaders advocate internal purges, with loyalty tests as a first step. The next step is the punishment of all realms with a Follower presence. The final step is the hunt and execution of all heretics. Death is the only sufficient punishment for their crimes.

Most of the Crusaders come from Ordo Proelium and Ordo Rimore. Their membership is growing slowly but steadily. Some members have personal grievances against the heretics. Others are motivated by religious feelings, or a deep loyalty to the Order. Many of them have not shown any interest in politics before the heresy. They are traumatized by the split within the Order, and want to cauterize it with fire and steel.

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page last modified on 2012-11-06 10:40