


Male Human
Experience 10/20
Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Wanted (Minor), Outsider (Minor)
Edges: Luck, Scavenger

Strenght: d6 1ps
Smarts: d6 1ps
Agility: d8 2ps
Spirit: d4
Vigor: d6 1ps

Edges: Luck, Scavenger
Charisma: -2
Pace: 6” (+1d6” running)
Toughness: 2 (base) +3 (half Vigor) +2/+4 vs. bullets (armor) = 7 / 9 vs. bullets
Parry: 2 + 4 (Half Fighting) = 6


[@ Equipment: Cost: Weight: Notes: In person:

In backpack:

cigarette papers


Load limit: d6*5 =30 pounds



Tabula Rasa

Requirements: Novice The adventurer seems to be blessed by fate, karma, the gods, or whatever external forces he believes in (or believe in him!) He draws one extra Benny at the beginning of each game session, allowing him to succeed at important tasks more often than most, and survive incredible dangers.

Requirements: Novice, Luck Once per session the hero may “suddenly remember” that he has a much-needed piece of equipment on his person. The item must be capable of being stored in the hero’s pocket or bag(assuming he has one), and the Game Master has the final word on what can be found.

treasure. If a Minor Hindrance, he argues bitterly over any loot acquired during play.If a Major Hindrance, he fights over anything he considers unfair, and may even kill for his “fair share.”

authorities. This assumes the setting actually has laws and police officers to enforce them.

hero’s Charisma suffers a –2 modifier among all but his own people.\\

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page last modified on 2013-04-21 14:29