Halyon Krigorovich - Planeshifters' Bane

Male Angelkin Aasimar Paladin 10 (Hospitaler)
Lawful Good Medium Humanoid (Human) & Outsider (Native)
Favored Class Bonus +1 (+1/6) to the morale bonus on saving throws provided by the paladin's auras.
Init +1
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +0, Sense Motive +15
Speed 20 ft. (Land), 15 ft. (Poor Fly)
AC 24(29), touch 12(17), flat-footed 23(28); (+11 armor, +1 Dex, +1 deflection, +1 natural (+5 Cha))
HP 94 (10d10+3*10)
Fort +15 (base +7, Con +3, Cha +5)
Ref +9 (base +3, Dex +1, Cha +5)
Will +12 (base +7, Wis +0, Cha +5)
Special Defenses

  • Immunity: (Fear, Charm, All Diseases (Incl. Mummy Rot))
  • Deathless Spirit: (Resistance 5 (Negative Energy),You do not lose hit points when you gain a negative level, +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school)
  • Angelic Blood: (+2 bonus on saving throws against effects with the evil descriptor and on Constitution checks to stabilize when you are reduced to negative hit points (but not dead). Furthermore, each time you take bleed or blood drain damage, each undead creature or creature with the evil subtype that is currently adjacent to you also takes 1 point of damage.)

Adamantine Greatsword +3 (19-20/x2, S) (Locked With Gauntlet, Unless otherwise noted!)
+17/+12, 2d6+9
+22/+17, 2d6+18, SE (vs. Evil)
+22/+17, 2d6+27 / 2d6+18, SE (vs. Evil Dragon, Outsider or Undead)
+17/+9, 2d6+18, PA+FF
+22/+14, 2d6+27, PA+FF, SE (vs. Evil)
+22/+14, 2d6+36 / 2d6+27, PA+FF, SE (vs. Evil Dragon, Outsider or Undead)
Gladius (19-20/x2, S or P)
+14/+9, 1d6*+4
+19/+14, 1d6*+13, SE (vs. Evil)
+19/+14, 1d6*+22 / 1d6*+13, SE (vs. Evil Dragon, Outsider or Undead)
+14/+6, 1d6*+10 PA+FF
+19/+11, 1d6*+19, PA+FF, SE (vs. Evil)
+19/+11, 1d6*+28 / 1d6*+19, PA+FF, SE (vs. Evil Dragon, Outsider or Undead)
Longbow (x3, 100ft.)
+11/+6, 1d8*
+16/+11, 1d8*+9, SE (vs. Evil)
+16/+11, 1d8*+18 / 1d8*+9, SE (vs. Evil Dragon, Outsider or Undead)
Vital Strike
Greatsword +2d6
Gladius +1d6
Longbow +1d8

3rd (1/day):
2nd (2/day):
1st (4/day):

Flying Maneuver DCs
Flying ManeuverFly DC
Move less than half speed and remain flying10
Turn greater than 45° by spending 5 feet of movement15
Turn 180° by spending 10 feet of movement20
Fly up at a greater than 45° angle20
Wind Effects on Flying
Wind ForceWind SpeedChecked SizeBlown Away SizeFly Penalty
Light0-10 mph
Moderate11-20 mph
Strong21-30 mphTiny-2
Severe31-50 mphSmallTiny-4
Windstorm51-74 mphMediumSmall-8
Hurricane75-174 mphLargeMedium-12
Tornado175+ mphHugeLarge-16

Str 18+, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20+
Base Atk +10/+5; CMB +13; CMD 24(29); With GAUNTLET: Disarm 34(39)

  • Angelic Blood1
  • Power Attack3
  • Furious Focus5
  • Vital Strike7
  • Skill Focus (Fly)9, Angel Wings11, Greater Mercy13, Ultimate Mercy15, Improved Vital Strike17, Greater Vital Strike19

Skills (ACP -3)

  • Fly +10 (10)
  • Kno. (Planes) +19 (9)
  • Linguistics +4 (1)
  • Sense Motive +15 (10)
  • Swim +4 (1)

Traits Planar SavantFaith, Teacher's Pet (Planes)Carrion Crown
Languages Abyssal, Common, Skald, Varisian
SQ Scion of Humanity, Truespeaker, Angelkin (+2 Str & Cha), Deathless Spirit, Darkvision 60 ft., Variant Ability (Wings of Light; Natural Fly Speed 20 ft. (Poor)), Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil, Lay on Hands, Divine Grace, Aura of Courage (+5), Divine Health, Mercy (Shaken, Diseased, Cursed), Channel Positive Energy (As a Cleric-3), Divine Bond, Aura of Resolve (+5)

  • Smite Evil 2/Day
  • Lay on Hands 5d6, 10/Day
  • Channel Positive Energy 4d6, 8/Day
  • Divine Bond (Weapon) +2, 2/Day

On person Adamantine Greatsword +3 (8), Mithral Full Plate +2 (25), Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Feather Fall, Belt of Physical Might (Str&Con +2) (1), Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (1), Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Muleback Cords (0.25), Locked Gauntlet, Gladius (3), Longbow (3), Cold Iron Arrows x 20 (3), Tabard (1), Traveler's Outfit (5), Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath x 2 (2)
In backpack Paladin's Kit (30), Pearl of Power1st, Oil of Bless Weapon x 2,
In Wrist-Sheath(s) Alchemist's Fire x 2 (2)
Wealth 31gp
Encumbrance 52.25 lb. without backpack, 82.25 lb. with backpack (306 or less lb. light/613 or less lb. medium/920 or less lb. heavy; Lift: 1840 lb.; Drag/Push: 4600 lb.)


To-be-purchased: Next WbL +16k

  • Bracers of the Merciful Knight 15600gp
  • "Se Ioun Stone jolla saa Weapon Familiarityn (Bastard Sword)" 1500gp (Transformative Weapon -> Large Bastard Sword: -2 atk, 2d8, 19-20)

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