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Murtunut Tähti / Jasper

Katuprofeetta Jasper Kandamerus

Jasper Kandamerus

Male Human Half-orc Cleric (Evangelist) of Pharasma 5
CN Medium humanoid (human)

Init +2 (+2 dex)
Senses Perception +4

AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; (+2 dex, +3 armor)
HP 42 (5d8 (8+8+2+5+6) +5 con +5 fc +5 toughness)
Fort +6 (con +1, class +4, resistance +1)
Refl +4 (dex +2, class +1, resistance +1)
Will +9 (wis +4, class +4, resistance +1)
Special Defences: Countersong, Orc ferocity

Speed 30ft, with armor 30ft
Melee +1 heavy flail +6 1d10+4 | PA +5 1d10+7
Ranged light crossbow +5 1d8 (19-20)

Spells usually prepared (CL 5, Concentration +9)
3rd 2+1/day (DC 17) Prayer, Dispel magic + Cure serious wounds
2nd 3+1/day (DC 16) Hold person, Status, False life, + Cure moderate wounds
1st 4+1/day (DC 15) Protection from evil, Shield of Faith, Remove fear, Murderous command + Cure light wounds
Orisons 4/day (DC 14) Stabilize, Mending, Create water, Purify food and drink

Str 14 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 11 Wis 18 Cha 13
Base Atk 3; CMB +5 CMD 17
Feats Extra Channel, Selective Channeling, Toughness, Lingering Performance
Domains Healing


  • Knowledge (geography) +2 (2)
  • Knowledge (history)c +5 (2)
  • Knowledge (religion)c +5 (2)
  • Linguisticsc 5 (2)
  • Perform (oratory)c +5 (1)
  • Survival +5 (1)

Traits Clerical heritage1, Birthmark2
Languages Common, Varisian, Thassilonian, Orc
SQ Channel positive energy 2d6 6/day (DC 13), Single-Minded, Public Speaker, Sermonic Performance 17 rounds/day

On person: +1 leather armor, +1 heavy flail, Onnenkolikko, Cloak of resistance +1
In backpack:
Potions/Oils: potions of cure light wounds (3), potion of cure moderate wounds
Scrolls: scroll of cure moderate wounds, scroll of neutralize poison
Miscs: Tyhjyyden himot ja Kadotuksen musta toitotus (mwk tool perform oratory)
Ioun Stones:
Encumbrance m lb. without backpack (x/2x/3x), M lb. with backpack (y/2y/3y)

Wondrous Items

  • Armor +1 Leather armor


  • To be revealed1
  • Looks kinda funky2

Page last modified on 2015-05-12 15:53

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