No Rest for the Hipster

Those sunglasses are from the 70 and belonged to my grandmother. The bakelite plastics really can't take the sun anymore, so they are breaking down all the time. Louis Voutton inspires my clothing style. I prefer orange and green hues

A Jeep game about self image.

Basic concept

People take turns.

On your turn you may say something to the posse. It must be about your clothes, and how hard your life is because you are such an avant-garde. Another player must respond with inner monologue on how his character despises your character, but still secretly is envious of the cloth or accessories presented the character spoke.

I a player has told an inner monologue, his next comment must include a story of him an another person present. The comment must contain superficial relationship developement.

No real emotions allowed outside inner monologues.

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