Fauchelevant Ornelos

Sitaatti/rivin konsepti/mitävaan

Male human arcanist 3
LN medium humanoid (human)
Player NiTessine (1724-11)
Xp 9
Faction Sovereign Court
Prestige/Fame min/max

Init +3
Senses Perception +1

AC , touch , flat-footed ; (+ armor, + Dex)
hp 22 (3d6+6)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4
Special Defenses

Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (4/day, max 6), consume spells

Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 3rd, concentration +7)
1st (5/day) — spells
Cantrips/Orisons (at will) — spells

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Fast Learner, Noble Scion (Magic)
Skills Diplomacy +9 [3], Knowledge (arcana) +9 [3], Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7 [1], Knowledge (engineering) +7 [1], Knowledge (geography) +7 [1], Knowledge (history) +7 [1], Knowledge (local) +7 [1], Knowledge (nature) +7 [1], Knowledge (nobility) +9 [1], Knowledge (planes) +7 [1], Knowledge (religion) +7 [1], Linguistics +9 [3], Spellcraft +9 [3]
Traits Arcane Temper, Influence (Diplomacy)
Languages Aklo, Ancient Osirian, Ancient Thassilonian, Draconic, Infernal, Taldan, Tian
SQ arcanist exploits (bloodline development [arcane; arcane bond], potent magic), bonded object

On person
In backpack
Encumbrance x lb. without backpack, x lb. with backpack (x lb. light/x lb. medium/x lb. heavy)


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