Pathfinder Society 2 -hahmot

Lamashan (a.k.a October)

Undikset on iha hirveit, ja demonit tosi noloi. Nää ristiretkeläiset on tosi mageit, kun ne niinku tappelee niit vastaa. Ja suojelee puolituisii, ja kaikkee.

Sorcerer 7 (leveloitu vain Vaultissa) (Champion Dedication)
Deity Sarenrae
Player <JJape> (<66474>)
Faction Radiant Oath
Networking Spells(3)
XP 16
Fame/Prestige XX

1 #1-08/#1-10 (location)
2 Valais Assurance(#1-12); LoH
3 Narsen`s Web(#1-18); +1 vs Perception vs. disguised

Ancestry Human (Versatile heritage)Background Barkeep
Speed 20 ft, Perception +4 (T)
Alignment Chaotic Good
Languages Common, Hallit

Str 16(+3), Dex 12(+1), Con 12(+1)
Int 10(+0), Wis 10(+0), Cha 18(+4)

AC 20; (+5armor, +4prof; +1 Dex) .
with raised shield 22
HP 22[8 (human)+ 12(sorcerer)+2(CON)
Fort +5 (T), Ref +5 (T), Will +6 (E)
Special Defenses Shield Block (Hardness: 5 ; hp: 20);

Spells DC 18; Bloodline:Undead(temp hp or extra damage)
1st (4/day): Heal, Magic Weapon, Harm(bloodline), Bless
Cantrips At will: Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Daze, Light, Chill Touch(bloodline)
Focus Spells (1 point): Undeaths blessing

Melee Shield Spikes +7 1d6+3, P,(T)
Melee Silver Warhammer +7 1d8+3, B,(T)
Melee C.I. Longsword +7 1d8+3, S,(T)
Special Attacks

Skills Athletics +7 (T), Acrobatics +5 (T), Diplomacy +8 (T), Intimidation +8 (T), Lore:Alchocol +4 (T), Lore:Herbalism +4 (T), Medicine +4 (T), Perform +8 (T), Religion +4 (T)

Ancestry Abilities General Training
Class Feats
General Feats Weapon Proficiency:Martial, Shield Block
Skill Feats Hobnobbler, Intimidating Glare
Class Features Anathema(Sarenrae), Heavy Armor Proficiency

Bulk 3(half plate)+2x1shield+1(krääsä)+2(adventurer pack)=8
Weapons Half Plate, Steel Shield with Spikes, Silver Warhammer, C.I. Longsword, Dagger, Rope, Sling, 10xbullets, Healer`s Tools
Stowed Adventurer Pack, Steel Shield with Spikes, Bandolier
Wealth 169,46 gp (lvl4 alussa)
At the Lodge

General Holy water, lesser bomb*, lesser antidote, lesser antiplague, minor healing potion
Spells(scrolls): Burning hands, charm, fear, harm, heal, mage armor, magic fang, magic missile, magic weapon, soothe

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