Party buffs:
Life Bubble
Bear's Endurance
Communal Stoneskin
Communal Resist Energy (fire)
Communal Resist Energy (cold) (optional)
Greater Heroism (extented)
Particulate Form
Self buffs:
Contingency -> Placebo Effect if hit by cursed, dazed, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, staggered, or stunned.
False Life
Overland Flight
Greater Arcane Sight
Mirror Image

Age: 78
Height: 6' 5" (195.6cm)
Weight: 165lb (74.8kg)

Female Samsaran0 Psychic 16 of Desna
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (samsaran)
Player Feuran

Init +8 (+1 dex, +4 improved initiative, +2 reactionary, +1 ioun stone)
Senses Perception +2, Low-light vision

AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 20; (+4 armor, +1 dex, +2 nat, +1 def, +3 wis)
HP 144 (level x (con3+fav1+1) + 6+4+4+4+4+4+1+5+2+5+4+4+4+3+6+4)
Fort +11 (con +3, class +5, resistance +3)
Ref +9 (dex +1, class +5, resistance +3
Will +16 (wis +3, class +10, resistance +3)
Special Defenses

  • Lifebound
    • +2 vs. death effects, negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points.
  • Pure Body
    • Immune to Disease and Poison

Speed 30ft, with armor 30ft
Melee one-handed Dagger (cold-iron) +10 (1d4+2), 19-20/x2

Spells known
1st: 8/day: Expeditious Retreat (*), Mind Thrust I (**), Command, Murderous Command, Liberating Command, Magic Missile, Vanish
2nd: 8/day: Bear's Endurance (*), Id Insinuation I (**), Mind Thrust II (**), Invisibility, Placebo Effect, Mirror Image, Augury, False Life
3th: 8/day: Haste (*), Id Insinuation II(**), Mind Thrust III (**), Dispel Magic, Resist Energy Communal, Displacement, Fly
4th: 8/day: Freedom of Movement (*), Id Insinuation III(**), Confusion, Dimension Door, Mind Thrust IV, Conjuration Foil
5th: 7/day: Echolocation (*), Teleport, Id Insinuation IV, Life Bubble, Communal Stoneskin, Overland Flight
6th: 7/day: Transformation (*), Ethereal Jaunt (*), Greater Heroism, Greater Dispel Magic, Contingency, Decapitate (see notes below)
7th: 6/day: Particulate Form, Greater Arcane Sight
8th: 4/day: Iron Body (*), Maze
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Detect Poison, Grave Words, Light, Message, Open/Close, Mage Hand, Mending *from discipline

Str 14 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 26 (4th,8th) Wis 16 (12th) Cha 12
Base Atk 7/2; CMB 9; CMD 23

Skills ACP (0), skill points per level (7+Fly+UMD+Diplomacy)

SkillTotal bonusRanksMisc. mod.
Sense Motive613

Traits Reactive, Artifact Hunter (GS), Spellpiercer (+2 concentrations checks), Magical Lineage (Haste)
Languages Common, Samsaran, Draconic (int), Giant (int), Celestial (int), Auran (int), Abyssal (int), Ignan (int), Aquan (int), Terran (int), Orc (linguistics)
RSQ Samsaran Magic1 Shards of the Past2

  • Detect Thoughts, 1/day spell-like or expend any spell slot to cast as new level
  • Telepathic Bond, 1/day spell-like or expend 4th or higher spell slot
  • Pure Body, immune to poison and disease
  • Phrenic Pool = 1/2 psychic level + Wisdom modifier
    • Phrenic Amplifications
      • Overpowering Mind, 2 points to increase spell DC by 1, or 4 for 2, or 6 for 3
      • Intense Focus, 1 point to increase concentration by 2, or 2 for 4
      • Relentless Casting, 1 point to roll twice to overcome spell resistance
      • Synaptic Shock
      • Space-rending Spell
  • Psychic Discipline, Self-Perfection
    • AC Bonus, Wisdom to AC etc. when no armor/shield
    • Physical Push, Wis/day add wisdom to any str, dex or con check. If succeed add 1 point to Phrenic Pool
    • Bodily Purge pool = 3 + 1 per two levels after 5th, standard action to use
      • x points heal for x*d8s
      • 2 points lesser restoration
      • 3 points neutralize poison
      • 3 points remove disease
      • 3 points restoration
      • 4 points restoration (to remove permanent negative levels)

On person Dagger (cold-iron), Winter Wolf Runetooth (summons Winter Wolf), Extend Metamagic Rod (normal)
In backpack Kit, psychic's, x4 Silk rope (50ft.), Heavy wooden shield (darkwood), Lamellar (leather) (Darkleaf cloth)
Wealth 15 000g - 14 761g = 239g
Potions/Oils: Daylight
Scrolls: x7 Air Bubble, x4 Identify, x2 Fly, x4 See Invisibility
Wands: x45 Infernal Healing, x32 Remove Fear
Ioun Stones: Cracked Dusty Rose Prism
Encumbrance x lb. without backpack, x lb. with backpack (x lb. light/x lb. medium/x lb. heavy)

Wondrous Items

  • Head
  • Headband Headband of Vast Intelligence (+6, Fly, UMD, Diplomacy)
  • Face/Eyes
  • Neck Amulet of Natural Armor +2
  • Shoulders Cloak of Resistance +3
  • Chest
  • Body
  • Armor
  • Belt Belt, Earth Elemental
  • Wrist Bracers of Armor +4
  • Hand First Aid Gloves
  • Ring Ring of Protection +1
  • Ring
  • Feet Boots of the Winterlands


  • 0 +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, –2 Constitution: Samsarans are insightful and strong-minded, but their bodies tend to be frail.
  • 1 Samsaran Magic: Samsarans with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize. The caster level for these effects is equal to the samsaran's level.
  • 2 Shards of the Past: A samsaran's past lives grant her bonuses on two particular skills. A samsaran chooses two skills—she gains a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and they are treated as class skills regardless of what class she actually takes. (Acrobatics and UMD)
  • Psychic Spell Casting
    • Psychic spells are purely mental actions, and they can be cast even while the caster is pinned or paralyzed.
    • Somatic component -> emotion component
    • verbal component -> thought component
    • Any non-harmless effect with the emotion or fear descriptor that affects you will shut you down for good as you become unable to cast spells with an emotion component.
    • Psychic magic has no somatic components, so armor doesn’t inhibit your spells in any way
    • Any psychic spell that requires a concentration check is cast and the check made at a -10 penalty. This can be negated by taking a move action prior to casting the spell

Background Nebula on kotoisin Ustalavista Caliphasen kaupungista, jossa on asunut koko tämän elämän ikänsä. Paikallinen pieni samsaran-yhteisö hankki elantonsa yksinomaan kalastuksen ja lauttaliikenteen avulla. Nebulan oli tarkoitus jatkaa tätä perinnettä, mutta nuorena veitikkana hän havaitsi erikoisen kykynsä tutkia ja vaikuttaa toisten mieliin. Kyvyn kehittymisen myötä myös hänen hyvämieliset kujeet ja kepposet kasvoivat laajuudessaan.

Psyykikon kyvyt eivät kuitenkaan tulleet yksin. Nebula alkoi näkemään unia edellisistä elämistään, useammin ja vahvempana kuin kukaan paikallinen samsaran. Pirstaleiset ja monitulkintaiset unet ajoivat hänet selvittämään menneisyyttään. Ehkä ymmärtämällä oman historiansa hän saisi rauhan ja pääsisi vihdoin elämänsä päätyttyä siirtymään Suureen Tuonpuoleiseen. Nebulan tutkimusmatka on nyt johtanut hänet Trunaun kylään kahdesta syystä. Ensiksi, hän aistii, että tällä kylällä on ollut jonkinlaista merkitystä hänen edellisessä tai edellisissä elämissään. Toiseksi, Nebula on kiinnostunut oppimaan myrskyjättien puolijumalasta Bergelmiristä – Muistojen äidistä. Hän uskoo alueen ympäröivän populaation pystyvän kertovan lisää tästä, halusivat he tai eivät.

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