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Covenant / Rebuilders

Minor covenant (the Esteemed Order of Techmancers)

Rebuilders are a small, idealistic covenant mostly composed of Ordo Machinus. As the name implies, they seek to rebuild the world. The Rebuilders want to share some rudimentary secrets with common people. They dream of rebuilding the ruined infrastructure of old. For them, Techmancers are the custodians of sacred knowledge who must use it for the good of all.

Idealism is not an easy path. The Rebuilders' agenda is naturally opposed by the Church. Inside the Order there are several factions hostile to their goals. The Keyholders are among them, although not completely. Their problem lies with the Rebuilders' plan to educate ordinary people, the rebuilding the world is a noble goal in itself. It is simply that it should be supervised and controlled by Techmancers from beginning to end.

Page last modified on 2012-11-06 13:23

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