Male Human Arcanist 10
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (Human)
Player Nostrix (<140263-2>)

Init +4 (+1 dex + 2 trait + 1 ioun stone)
Senses Perception +16 '''

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14; (+1 dex, +4 armor)
HP 82 (10d6 + 30 con + 10 fcb)
Fort +10 (con +3, class +3, resistance +4) - with Heroism +12
Refl +8 (dex +1, class +3, resistance +4) - with Heroism +10
Will +10 (wis -1, class +7, resistance +4) - with Heroism +12

Speed 30ft, with armor 30ft, overland flight
Melee Small Quarterstaff of entwined serpents +4 1d4 (19-20/x2)

Spells:(CL 10, 11 for evocation) Concenrtation: 18
5th (1, 3/day) Overland Flight, Icy Prison, Intensified Empowered Fireball (22d6+5)
4th (2, 6/day) Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Emergency Force Sphere, Summon Monster IV
3rd (3, 6/day) Displacement, Fly, Heroism, Haste, Intensified Fireball (15d6+5)
2nd (4, 6/day) See Invisibility, Darkvision, Mirror Image, False Life, Gliterdust, Create Pit, Resist Energy, Invisibility, Scorching Ray
1st (5, 6/day) Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Grease, Protection from Evil, Color Spray, Snowball, Enlarge Person, Unseen Servant, Crafter's Fortune, Obscuring Mist, Endure Elements, Heightened Awareness, Feather Fall
0th Detect magic, Read Magic, Light, Acid Splash, Message, Mending, Mag Hand, Prestidigitation

Str 8 , Dex 12, Con 16, Int 26, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 15

  • 1: Spell Focus (Evocation)
  • 1: Spell Specialization (Fireball) (human bonus)
  • 3: Extra Exploit
  • 5: Varisian Tattoo (Evocation)
  • 7: Improved Familiar
  • 9: Empower Spell

Exploits Arcane reservoir: 8

  • 1: Potent Spells
  • 3: Dimensional Slide
  • 5: School Understanding (Admixture)
  • 7: Familiar
  • 7x: Metamagic Knowledge (Intensified spell)
  • 9: Quick Study

Skills acp: 0; total skill ranks: 110 Normally +2 Heroism, +2 Awareness Knowledges

  • Acrobatics (0) +1
  • Appraisec (1) +12
  • Bluff (0) +0
  • Climb (0) -1
  • Craft (Ships)c (1) +15
  • Diplomacy (10) +10
  • Disable device (0) + 0
  • Disguise' (0) +0
  • Escape artist (0) +1
  • Flyc (10) +14
  • Handle animal (0) +0
  • Heal (0) -1
  • Intimidate (0) +0
  • Knowledge(arcana)c (7) +18
  • Knowledge(dungeoneering)c (7) +18
  • Knowledge(local)^c^ (7) +18
  • Knowledge(nature)c (7) +18
  • Knowledge(planes)c (7) +18
  • Knowledge(religion)c (7) +18
  • Knowledge(engineering)c (2) +13
  • Knowledge(history)c (5) +16
  • Knowledge(geography)c (2) +13
  • Knowledge(nobility)c (2) +13
  • Linguisticsc (4) +15
  • Perception (10) +16
  • Perform (0) +0
  • Profession Sailorc (0) -1
  • Ride (0)
  • Sense motive (1) +2
  • Sleight of hand (1) +9
  • Spellcraftc (10) +21
  • Stealth (1) +2
  • Survival (0) -1
  • Swim (0) -1
  • Use magic devicec (10) +14

Traits: Reactionary, Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Languages: Common, Osiriani, Ancient Osiriani, Thassilonian, Azlanti
RSQ Bonus Feat, Skilled

On person:
Mnemonic Vestment scrolls:
Ioun Stones:
Encumbrance lb. without backpack (//), lb. with backpack

Wondrous Items

  • Head Goz Mask
  • Headband Headband of Vast Intellect +4
  • Face/Eyes Eyes of the Eagle
  • Neck
  • Shoulders Cloak of Resistance +4
  • Chest
  • Body Mnemonic Vestment
  • Armor
  • Belt Belt of mighty constitution +2
  • Wrist
  • Hand First aid gloves
  • Ring
  • Ring
  • Feet


  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

Things to buy


Female Lyrakien Azata Familiar
Good Tiny Outsider


Fort Ref Will
Special Defenses Impr. Evasion

---- Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha)
Base Atk CMB CMD
SQ Link, Share Spells

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