Minor covenant (the Esteemed Order of Techmancers)

Humanists are a charitable covenant who wish to aid the common people. They have much in common with the Rebuilders and the Reformers. The majority of the Humanists come from Ordo Hospetaler and Ordo Voluptas. They wish to improve the general quality of life through simple services. The Humanists maintain that the Order is rich enough to provide basic hygiene and healthcare for free. They wish to make some secrets common knowledge, such as the simplest Techmantic medicine. The Humanists even speak of educating the people.

The covenant is opposed by several factions due to ideological and financial reasons. As a result, the Humanists mostly organize and run charities on their own. Several of their members, embittered by the conservatives, joined the Eserhaus Heresy. This has earned them scrutiny from Ordo Rimore.

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