
This large feline creature is a sight to behold. She emanates a strange golden white mist all around her, golden eyes glowing as miniature stars embedded in a majestic and incredibly life-like statue. Her fur glistens with the shades of gold and white, while obsidian black stripes dance around the color gamut. She is clad in a barding glimmering with small silvery hexagonal plates attached into golden cloth. This tiger is obviously of unnatural origin, but it has a sense of calm, peace and benevolence about it, though you get a feeling that should you anger it, it might lead to your demise.

Neutral Female Large Magical BeastCelestial Servant* (Big Cat - Tiger) (Celestial Template)

Hit Points: 51,0 (6d8+24)
Speed: 40ft.
Armor Class: 25, touch 12, flat-footed 22 (+6 Armor, +3 Dexterity, +7 Natural, -1 size (+4 w/Barkskin))
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
Defensive Abilities: Celestial Resistances (Acid 10, Cold 10, Electricity 10); DR 5/evil; SR 12 (Druid's Character Level+5; lowered as a standard action on druid's turn), No penalties to attack rolls or AC when squeezing.

BAB/CMB/CMD: +4/+11/24 (28 vs. trip)
Attack (melee): Bite +10 (1d8+6, x2 + grab), 2 Claws +10 (1d6+6, x2 + grab); Grab +11
Attack (melee): Bite +8 (1d8+10, x2 + grab), 2 Claws +8 (1d6+10, x2 + grab); Grab +9; Power Attack
Attack (pounce): Bite +12 (1d8+6, x2 + grab), 2 Claws +12 (1d6+6, x2 + grab); Grab +13
Attack (pounce): Bite +10 (1d8+10, x2 + grab), 2 Claws +10 (1d6+10, x2 + grab); Grab +11; Power Attack
Special Attacks: Grab, Pounce, Rake (1d6+6 or 1d6+10 w/PA); Smite Evil 1/Day (+0 Attack, +6 Damage)

HP: 63
AC: 29, t. 16, ff. 26 (+4 w/barkskin)
CMB/CMD: +13/28 (32 vs. trip)
Claws & Rake: +12 (1d6+8) or +10 (1d6+12) w/PA
Bite: +12 (1d8+8) or +10 (1d8+12) w/PA
Grab: +13 or +11 w/PA
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +6

Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
Feats: Narrow Frame, Power Attack, Valiant Steed
Skills 6/ACP 0: Acrobatics +7/+11 to Jump (1), Escape Artist +4 (1), Perception +6 (1), Stealth +3 (1), Survival +6 (1), Swim +10 (1)
Tricks(6+2): Combat Training(Attack1, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, and Heel) + Attack2, Flank, Fetch
Languages: Beast Speech

Equipment: +1 Kikko Barding (large)UE

Special Qualities and abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Spell Resistance (5 + Druid's HD -1), Celestial Resistances (Acid 10, Cold 10, Electricity 10), Smite Evil 1/Day, Low-Light Vision, Scent, Link, Rake (only usable if already grappling a target), Share Spells, Spiritual Guidance(Sp) (Guidance), Beast Speech, Grab, Pounce

Master: Akorian

Totem Guide (Companion Archetype)

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