

Vuoren nielussa on tie Riimuahjoon!


Desnus 24. Vuosi 4709 AR Sankarit ovat saapuneet Rimeskull-vuorelle ja löytäneet avaimet Riimuahjoon. Ikävä kyllä vuoren herra, eli Arkrhyst-lohikääme odottaa sankarten tippuvan pesänsä pohjalle, koleaksi välipalaksi!

Miten lohikäärme voitetaan ja aukeavatko Riimuahjon ovet lopulta sankareille?


Scribbler's Rhyme

If magic bright is your desire
To old Runeforge you must retire!
For only there does wizard’s art
Receive its due and proper start.

On eastern shores of steaming mirror,
At end of day when dusk is nearer
Where seven faces silent wait
Encircled guards at Runeforge’s gate.

Each stone the grace of seven lords,
One part of key each ruler hoards;
If offered spells and proper prayer,
Take seven keys and climb the stair.

On frozen mountain Xin awaits,
His regal voice the yawning gates
Keys turn twice in Sihedron –
Occulted Runeforge waits within.

And now you’ve come and joined the forge.
Upon rare lore your mind can gorge –
And when you slough the mortal way
In Runeforge long your work shall stay.



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page last modified on 2013-12-22 22:41