Gamesystem in few words

Skills and abilities

Characters have skills and abilities both ranging from 1 to 6. The higher the better.

Basic tests

Players throw as many d12s as his characters skill (this is called dice pool or just pool) and tries to get results that are equal or lower than his ability.

For example: Jim's character has fighting 3 and strength 5. He throws 3 d12s and gets 3, 5 and 10. 3 and 5 are successes.

Basic tests are opposed tests, so both participants throw.

Before the throw you tell what you want to achieve and choose the right skill and ability for the test.


Sometimes your character might be in better position or outnumber someone or something else. These are called advantages. For every advantage you add d8 to your pool.

For example: Jim's character's opponent is drunk while they are boxing. Jim adds one d8 to his pool of 3 d12s.


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