Neutral Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) 6
Chaotic Neutral Small Humanoid (wayang)
Player Muser -12
Xp 16
Campaign Society
FCB 6 hp
Fame/Prestige 28/26
Init +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13;
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14; (+3 dex, +4 armor, +1 size)
hp 45 (6d8+Con+fcbx6)
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +7; +2 vs shadow subschool
Resist(w/Affinities) acid 3, cold 2, electricity 4, fire 2, +1 vapaavalintainen
Special Defenses dissolution's child, endure elements in hot environs
Speed 20 ft. in armor
Melee longspear +8 (1d6+4, 20/x3)
Ranged +1 adaptive bow +9 (1d6+4, 20/x3)+pbs
alchy wpn[acid]+xplo missile +1 bow +9 (1d6+4+1d6+3+3d6+3)+pbs
Special Attacks bomb +9 (3d6+3 8/day, dc 16), alchemical weapon (swift), explosive missile (add bomb to an arrow)
Spells(AL 6)
2nd (4/day) — Alchemical Allocation, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace
1st (5/day) — CLW, Endure Elements, Petulengro's Validation, Shield, Touch of the Sea, Targeted Admixture, True Strike
Str 16, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB 6; CMD 19
Feats Point-blank Shot, Throw AnythingB, AlertnessB, Precise Shot, Iron Will
Skills Appraise +7 [1], Craft (alchemy) +10 [4][can take 12](+16 to craft), Fly +7 [1] (+7 w/fly), Know. (arcana) +12 [6], Know. (religion) +9 [6] +2 to identfy undead & haunts, Know. (nature) +12 [6], Linguistics +13 [6], Perception +13 [6], Spellcraft +12 [6], Stealth +9 [0]
Traits Patient Calm, Storm Hunter, LibrarianB
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Azlant(1), Common, Goblin(2), Sylvan(3), Undercommon(4), Wayang, Elven(5), Tien(6), Infernal
SQ Alchemy, light & dark, lurker, shadow resistance, martial weapon proficiency(longbow), mutagen, throw anything, discoveries(2: tumor familiar[hedgehog], precise bombs, 4: explosive missile, 6: wings), dissolution’s child, swift alchemy, ray of sunlight, directed blast
On person backpack (0,5 lb.), mithral shirt (5 lb.), headband +2(religion, Infernal), holy water (1 lb.), +1 adaptive composite(+3 Str) longbow (1,5 lb.), CofR +1, 27x cold iron arrows (1,5 lb.), 9x silver-blanched arrows (0,5 lb.), 10x +1 merciful arrows, 3x +1 shock arrows
In backpack acid x8 (8 lb.), alchemy crafting kit (5 lb.), confluence of the five elements (35 p./100 p.), Death's Gentle Caress, formula book (11 p./100 p.), grappling hook (4 lb.), hemp rope (10 lb.), rations (2) (2 lb.), clw wand (46), waterskin (4 lb.)
Immaterial 2841 gp
Encumbrance 19,5 lb. without backpack, 51 lb. with backpack (66 lb. light/67-133 lb. medium/134–200 lb. heavy)
7/ Bullseye Shot, 4d6 bomb, 1(+int bonus) 3rd lvl slot, heroism
8/ discovery (concussive bomb), +1 Fort & Ref, 1 2nd & 1 3rd slot, acute senses, disable construct
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